Save the Goddess System

Chapter 961 double promotion

Luo Tianzheng et al. Is from the heart of the ecstasy. This is to be Wake Philip Gutt is also awake, will be greatly confused.

I special ... You can be a half-level power, and you will be happy to be in this way, and if you are not shameful?

Half-level strong, how many half-level strong people around the world, which half-level strong, is not alive for more than 100 years, the wealth of the accumulation is not ordinary people can imagine, Less than 500 million "small money".

As long as they are willing, all major families around the world will be willing to take 1 billion pounds every year to become a family!

However, Luo Tianzheng is different, they are "poor" days, come out to find a replenishment, the big gold chain big gold table is the luxury in their eyes.

Later, Li Feng reminded them to know that these are all of the things, wearing these, which will be guessed after entering the water ...

Patek Philippe, Jiang Shi Don, Wan Guo, LV, Hermes, Gucci ... These are real luxury!

Since then, Luo Tianzheng et al., I want to be a rich man, now their dreams are achieved!

"Cough, calm down."

Li Feng did a cough, stopped Luo Tianzheng's touting, then smiled: "Let's allocate it ... trophy."

Say a living person is a trophy. This feeling is still quite weird. If the other party is a beautiful big girl, you can be a bad old man ...

Luo Tianzheng quickly came to Li Peak, put Philip Gulit on the ground, single knee: "But with the main debt!"

Wan Zidao and others also came to Li Peak, kneeling: "All the main command!"

There is no outsider at this time, Luo Tianzheng et al., There is no need to call Li Feng boss.

"Well." Li Feng nodded, and the voids were all waiting for Luo Tianzheng to get up. This said: "After this evil battle, I found that our Shenzong has lacking in high-end power, once the other party has two or more The half-god peak, we will fall into the crisis. "

Luo Tian is just a glimpse: "Zone, what two half-gods are strong?"

He didn't see the tunas, so some did not understand Li Feng's meaning.

Li Feng gave the Wan Zi Road, and Wanzao quickly introduced it to Luo Tian, ​​and he picked up how Li Feng was very big, and it was scared from the three people.

"Lying! Zong Longer!" Luo Tianzheng's mouth, finally sent a sincere feeling.

In the brilliant record of Li Feng, even if he is also shocked, it is impossible to think of the land, even if the Li Feng is converted into him, it is absolutely unable to do better, and it may not be able to take this record.

"That is a must! To say that our Shen Zong is the most cattle, designated is a host!"

"Taking the middle of the gods, the second half of the two half of the peak is not falling in the late god, which is not there in the history of the world!"

"Well, the record of the master is definitely no ancient people. As for it, there is no coming ... that is to see the performance of the primary future generation."

Wan Zidao et al. Caught the opportunity to take a rainbow fart to Li Feng.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, put his hand and said: "Okay, now it is not a horses, continue to return to the topic. What is the realm of this old kid?"

"His time is not long, and now should be between the late gods and the peak peak ..." Luo Tian said in consideration.

"Well ..." Li Feng touched the chin to think about it, and pointed to the side of Rigs: "This old boy is a strong man in the late god. If the old million will get the skills of the two people, Can you break through the peak of half? "

As soon as I heard this, Wanzao has become excited with Feng Dehai.

They have been in the late days of half a time, because the lack of furnace, the entry has been slow, now listening to Li Feng's meaning, they have the most hope that Philip and Rigs are doing the furnace, the peak is looking!

Although Huang Wei is envious, Li Feng's decision is not what they can intervene, so they can only stand on it.

Luo Tianzheng looked at the two people and learned Li Feng to touch the chin: "Probably maybe it should be ... can I?"

Li Feng: "..."

No ... which learned from Lao Luo, can you still have a good language?

"It should be, I have now touched the threshold of the peak of the gods. It doesn't have to absorb too much energy to break through." Wan Zi Road sinking.

"I have a little bit better than the old million, but the difference should not be too much." Feng Dehai sinking a little, said.

"Well, there will be, wait until the vectors exceed the peak of half of the gods, and then come again!" Li Feng played and made a decision.

As long as the two have broken through the peak of half of the god, Jiuhe has three half-god peaks.

After that, the three tasks were completed, rewarded, and Li Feng can also step into the late gods. In the middle of the god, he can kill the half-god in the middle of the god, and scare the power of the hemiscope. After entering the hemitution, you can completely follow half. God of God!

In other words, when he arrived at the other side, there was four half-gods!

Think about it!

Li Feng said that Wan Zi said that he could not wait until the beginning of running the nine privilege, absorbing the skills of Philip Gutt.

"Nine Mac and Power" is a generation of Tianjiao, and there is no need to make a sense of strongness. I saw that Wanzao took the right hand on the top of Philip Gulit, and the red energy visible in a naked eye movedly. The right hand sucksed in his body.

While absorbing, the nine stunned crazy runs, transforming these red energy into a pound of the throne, running in the Wanzi's singular biography, and finally enter Dantian.

Wanzao's breath naked eye is strong!

After five minutes, with a madness of Wanpi, his breath has skyrocket! Tiandi is discolored!

"Ha ha ha, I broke through, I am a strong peak!" Wan Zi said to laugh, excitement

"Congratulations to the three elders!"

"For the three elders!"

Huang Wei's middle-aged man is holding boxing, and he is happy!

Feng Dehai said, jumping, but Li Feng did not speak before, he didn't make it easy.

Li Feng, smile: "Lao Feng, you, don't let me down."

"Yes, Zongwen!" Feng Dehai hugged, and stepped to Philip Gulit, reached out.

Because Philip Gutt has been absorbed by Wanpi, Feng Dehai's realm is lower than the previous Wanzi, so the time of Feng Dehai absorbed.

After about 10 minutes, as Feng Dehai's long harsh, the body has skyrocketed, and the heavens and the earth discolored!

Feng Dehai also broke through the peak realm!

Li Feng finally had three half-peaks!

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