Save the Goddess System

Chapter 963 is good!

This sheet is not the one bed, but Tang Qiong is found in the bedside table.

After she took carefully, she was sure that this bed will be wrapped in her body.

Said that Tang Qiong has a clean, but she is really no courage to wrap the bed linen on the hospital bed ...

Because the bed of the Chinese Medicine is Zhang Yimi two, the bed linen is naturally too big, even if Tang Qiong is trying to pull, still in some places can't cover it.

"One hour, Li Feng has not come back."

Tang Qiong is a bit awkward, worried about Li Feng, helplessness to his current situation ... Waiting for this hour, it is like a century.

If you are not wrapped in the bed, Tang Qiong has to go outside to explore!

Just when Tang Qiong was smashed, the door was suddenly coming.

Tang Qugu is slightly changed, and it is very busy to breathe. She is afraid of the people of the Guret family.

"Tang Qiong, are you still there?"

At this time, Li Feng's voice came.

Tang Qiong was trembled, and he said: "Is it, I am in the middle."

While talking, she will get together to welcome Li Feng, but she forgot her bed bills, and the movement is too urgent. I stepped on the sheets, and then the bed slipped ...


Tang Qiong shouted out, even busy, picking up the sheets, and starting the bed.

"Are you OK?"

I heard Tang Qiong's exclamation, Li Feng was worried, and I was busy using the perspective.

As a result, this should not be tight. Li Feng immediately was shocked by the paintings.

Cough. "

Li Feng quickly moved its eyes and terminated the perspective.

"No ... okay."

Tang Qiong wants to cry without tears, she can't say that she just stepped on the sheets? Well lost!

"Nothing is good." Li Feng nodded and then took out a set of ladies spare clothes from the system backpack: "The Gu Liite family has been fixed by me, you put on clothes first, then I bring You go back to the apartment. "

Room Li Feng put the clothes in the door, turned around: "The clothes are at the door, I am back to you, you can open the door."

Tang Qiono first stunned, then he said in a dark red: "Okay, then I opened the door."

After that, Tang Qiong was slowly walked to the door, first opened a sewing, looked at it, and determined that Li Feng really turned and saw his paper bag behind him.

Tang Qiong deeply took a breath, and the hand was launched and took the paper bag and retracted his body and slowly closed the door.

After finishing these, Tang Qiong took a few times behind the door.

She didn't understand what is called thief, and now she is deeply appreciated. I just opened the way, take a paper bag, close the door, almost exhausted her full strength.

After calming the emotions, Tang Qiong opened the paper bag and took out the clothes inside.

This is a lady's black dress, the size is the same as she usually wears, and so on, what is it in it?

Tang Qiong pupil, found a red underwear in the black dress, she looked up, and then became popular.

"My God ... this ... this is too unfair?"

Tang Qiong busted this set of red underwear back to the paper bag, and then touch his face ... hot scary!

Tiffany is already too much, this set of red underwear is more than the same as the same paragraph, and it is good to feel!

Wait ... This set of clothing is Li Feng, he wants to use this supreme?

For a time, Tang Qiong launched a rich association ...

Outside the door, Li Feng is still waiting patiently, but there is always a feeling of unattractive feelings in his heart, just what he just did wrong, what is it?

At this moment, Li Feng's brain sea flashed a bright light: "Lying in the trough, it is rough!"

Because of the embarrassing side effects of space transfer, Li Feng has habitually bought some clothes in advance, not just him, and Wei Shuangqing, Song Yujun.

For the convenience of use, Li Feng also stores it. For example, he places the first lattice, Wei Shuangqing placed in the second, and so on.

Because Tang Qiong's figure is much different from Wei Shuangqing, I just took out a paper bag directly in the second plaid. Now I think about it ... The clothes in the paper bag seem to be a very unfair to Wei Yingqing. ......

I rely, this is to take it out after Tang Qiong, will he deliberately take this opportunity?

This is a big mistake!

Just as Li Feng thought about it, there was a voice of Seso.

After a few minutes, I heard Tang Qiong said inside: "Ok ... Ok, you can come in."

Li Feng first stunned, then said the consciousness: "You can come out, there is no outsider here."

Tang Qiong: "..."

I rely on ... he said, this lady is unable to refute?

But if she is now changed, is it not very faceless?

When I think of this, Tang Qiong said nothing to say: "I am a woman, you are a man, don't you come in?"

Li Feng thought about it, I feel that Tang Qiong said it is a bit reason, nodded: "Okay, I will go in."

The voice is falling, and Li Feng turned into pushes into it.

When I saw Tang Qiong's instant, Li Feng was rising in the heart of a shaft to observe the impulse of Tang Qiong.

I don't want to think about it. He just wants to know that Tang Qiong has a "clothes" that he deliberately gives Wei Yingqing.


After tangled for a while, Li Feng finally made determined to use Tang Qiong 's eyes, then ... Li Feng got almost nosebleed.

Sure enough!

"What are you looking at?"

Tang Qiong always felt that Li Feng looked at his eyes a bit strange, as if it was completely written by her.

"I see you surprised."

Li Feng terminated the eye and laughed.

"Stunned?" Tang Jo first glance, then pretty face slightly: "What are you talking about!"

Li Feng: "???"

No ... What do you understand? How do you understand what you can't understand?

Wait ... Tang Qioni should I listen to that word?

"That ... I said ... You have been scared." Li Feng cougad and said weird.

"Ah?" Tang Qiongou slightly touched, then the face was ashamed down: "I know, I am very good, I have not been scared."

Li Feng nodded: "Well, that's good."

The topic is a little bit of feelings, and the two are silent.

I don't know how long it took, Tang Qiong took the finger and asked Xiao: "Li Feng, that ... is it you special to buy it?"

"Ah?" Li Feng first glanced, and said that the face was weird: "This ... um ... it seems to be almost ... isn't it?"

He did not expect that he had heard Luo Tianzheng's scan, and now let him use it.

"Hey! You are not honest!" Tang Qiong was red, and continued to squat his fingers: "So ... do you hint me, right?"

Li Feng: "..."

Now how should he answer Tang Qiong's god? Online, etc., very anxious!

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