Save the Goddess System

Chapter 964 establishes a relationship?

"Well ... this is ... I maybe it may be no?" Li Feng thought for a long time, and finally gave a seemingly safe answer.

The reason why "seemingly safe" is because Li Feng feels safe, but is it really safe to see Tang Qiong's response, although Li Feng will read the heart, but he has no future ability.

"Hey! You are lying!" Tang Qiong face was red and said, the small voice said: "Do you deliberately give me so unfaster, how can I not intend to hin me?"

Li Feng: "..."

Not ... I now tell Tang Qiong. The clothes is actually bought to Wei Bingqing, will she still?

As an old driver, Li Feng is very clear that this time should be said, in order to not arouse Tang Qiong's dislikes, even let Tang Qiong have increased his good feelings.

"Oh ... this is this, because I have to look at you, so I will go in a clothing store in the road. As a result, I found it ... I found it in the clothing, it is a little less than it."


When I said that Li Feng aggravated the tone, I also paused her emotions, then he said: "I am worried that you are dangerous, so just take a set."

Anyway, the label on the clothing is torn off, and the paper bag in the clothes is also available. This brand is also sold in Y country. Tang Qioni will not know that these clothes are from Huaxia.

After all, many clothing brands are produced in China, and there is a label on the label. The label of MadeinhiAxia is normal.

"Really like this?" Tang Qiongxiu smashed the head to look at Li Feng.

She always feel that Li Feng is lie to her, but she has no evidence ... more important is ... Li Feng's words make her very useful, warm in the heart ~

"It's really true to be true!" Li Feng did not jump in his face, and he poked his fingers.

Li Feng did ignite, but he said that he is a good lie. In the case of Tang Qiong first, it is the case that Li Feng deliberately bought her. If Li Feng is truth, it will inevitably hurt Tang Qiong.

"It's not good, Tang Qiong may be single ..." Li Feng self (no) letter (shame) thought.

Tang Qiongxin has a low-spirited in Li Feng, and his head is going down: "Then you still say that there is not intentional implies me ..."

Originally this black dress is very distinguished, Tang Qiong's figure is excellent, and then with this shy appearance ... Look for Li Feng is a big way!

Obviously, Li Feng's words make Tang Qiong very much, now Li Feng will catch up again, and win the Tang Qiong goddess is just a time problem!

So ... the man is not a bad woman does not love this sentence or certainly.

"Hey ...?" Li Feng is a bit of a little, he is looking into the road Tang Qiong, but he did not expect to say that he returned to the initial topic. This is a special pit!

"But I am not the kind of woman." Tang Qiong kneaded the skirt, and the sound of fine mosquitoes said.

"What?" Li Feng did not understand, wearing it, now I don't have any casual women, what kind of mean?

Tang Qiong was hung and turned to say: "It is ... that is ... we have not established relationships, although I put it, you can't see it."

When it comes to the end, Tang Qiong's voice can't hear it. If Li Feng went to Tang Qiang, he will find that Tang Qiong's face is red into big apple.

Li Feng took a breath!

No establishment, so I can't see it, I can see it. Is this mean?

When I thought of this, Li Feng Xin thought it was hot: "That ... I think we have a long time, it is better to take this opportunity, let's establish the relationship?"

"Ah?" Tang Qiong came back, and his face was forced.

Not ... big brother, this lady is going to fall in love with you, can you not say so casual! It also tastes this opportunity to establish the relationship. Do you want to kneel your diamond ring? Directly take Miss to the Civil Affairs Bureau ...

"Tang Qiong, do my girlfriend, I am willing to protect you with my own half, love you!"

On the occasion of Tang Qiong's dark, Li Feng suddenly took a single knee, and took a red diamond ring from his arms to her.

"Ah!" Tang Qiong took his mouth and was surprised to get the extreme!

I just said that Li Feng said too much, and I don't have a diamond ring. As a result, Li Feng really kneeling a diamond ring, this is not a heart and soul?

Tang Qioni knows that Li Feng just used her mind, just in the "Red Queen" used to be in the auction, and Li Feng took it out.

Single knees plus red queen, such Tang Qiong can't say that he casually?

"My God! You ... I ... is not, I mean ... God, you first let me quiet." Tang Qiong excited some words.

If this is to meet the residents of Chinatown, it will be shocked to be shocked.

As a status of Chinatown, Tang Qiong, who is known as LD, is it a man who is not normal by a man, how can it be so excited?

Even Tang Qiong also felt that he was too excited, unlike his own style.

In fact, this is normal, Tang Qiong is cold in front of people, because no one can make her heart, since she can't let her feel, let her feel excited.

And Li Feng is a man who makes her heart, and a man with many women. When I returned to Huaxia, I saw Wei Bingqing, Song Yujun and other women, Tang Qiong was desperate.

It is not self-defeating, but Li Feng has so many beautiful girlfriends. How many opportunities can she rub the spark with Li Feng?

So the last time IAANA has proposed to buy Tiffany with the same paragraph, Tang Qion will listen to my heart and put into action.

So Li Feng directly plus the behavior of the diamond ring, let Tang Qiong have a lost feeling, excited to the explosion!

I don't know how long it took, Tang Qioni finally returned to calm. She deeply sucking, extending his hand to the front of Li Feng.

"Ah?" Li Feng is the first time to do this, so I don't know much about Tang Qiong.

"I put it on it! Net!" Tang Qiongjiao said.

"Hey." Li Feng quickly grabbed Tang Qiong 's little hand, carefully walked the diamond ring to Tang Qiong' s ring.

Also said that this diamond ring Tang Qiong is worried, this is not a self-cultivation?

After wearing a diamond ring, Tang Qiong took the left and right around him, and admired: "This diamond ring is really beautiful, say it back ... Do you really give you such a valuable diamond ring? You are not afraid I do you know that I will jealous after I know. "

"..." Li Feng felt that the problem was so difficult to answer, so he still ignored it directly: "In my eyes, you are more precious than this diamond ring."

Tang Qiong was trembled, and his eyes were blurred: "Li Feng, I love you."

When she finished, she closed her eyes ...

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