Save the Goddess System

Chapter 965 Guangming Parliament Headquarters

As an old driver, Tang Qiong is like this, he wants to know what to do next, then he is better to buy a tofu to kill himself.

The next thing is to make a chapter, water to the stream.

Although the environment is slightly simple, the Li Feng system is in the backpack, and it will be equipped with a set of furniture!

after an hour……

"Hey, congratulate the host, get all the love of the goddess Tang Qiong, get 200 conquest point rewards."

"Hey, congratulations, just serving the goddess Tang Qiong progress increased, the current prime schedule is 100% (thoroughly serving)."

The two system suggests that the sound is sound, and Li Feng feels more.

I want to be that Tang Qiong's attitude towards him is not hot, that is, in order to fight Tang family, Tang Qioni can't get along with him.

Can you now? The little bird is based on people, Bai Yi, this can be a goddess before the people!

This feel is fine!

"This ... What is this?"

At this moment, Tang Qioni suddenly found a "qi" in his body. This ventilation has a natural tour of her Qijing eight veins. It is very mysterious.

What makes her shocked, she feels that she has endless energy, she can't help but whisper!

However, Tang Qiong ladia was used, and finally, he still kept this impulse.

Li Feng's mouth hook, play taste: "Remember the unconventional means of the cultivation that I said before?"

Tang Qiong Yili Lan Xin, I understand Li Feng's meaning, smash it: "Do you say ...?"

"Yes, I can quickly improve the realm with me." Li Feng smiled: "Do not exaggerate, the cultivation speed with me, can exceed 99.99% of the martial arts in the world."

Tang Qiong listened to the beautiful circulation, and she walked: "Really, then how long does I reach your present realm?"

Li Feng: "..."

No ... I said that Tang Qiong goddess, you are too greedy, the young master is a half-level strong, how many half-level strong people are only?

But in any case, Li Feng was gave faced by Tang Qiong this time, and it was a flash!

Just said that the furnished speed of more than 99.99%, then I can't help Tang Qiong's refining to the half-king, what is this?

"That ... um ... Xiao Qiong, the cultivation is the same as eating, you have to step by step, you can't worry, you can't eat hot tofu, right?"

"So, today I will help you upgrade to the masters, that is, the A level, then let's take a step by step by step by step, how do you see?"

The powerful survival will make Li Feng temporarily skip this topic, and the hardships of the pain.

Tang Qiong was squatting, nodded: "Well, I listen to you."

The voice falls, the two started a new round of cultivation ...

At the same time, the impact wave caused by this war near the LD Trade Bureau began to ferment on the network.

After the battle broke out, there is a good thing to take out the mobile phone shooting, because the distance is too far, there is no professional equipment, so the good event just took the scene when the explosion occurred.

Just like micro-nuclear bombs, the construction of the three kilometers of the square is flat, and the number of casualties is difficult to count!

Such a scene can be accepted in the war area, but this is the Y country LD!

As the world's old empire, how many Y countries have not happened?

Once the relevant video was released, the horrible speed spread and was known to countless people.

The network is all discussions about this incident, and all kinds of guess are very up!

Until the Y Guo'an is held an emergency conference, it introduces the relevant situation. The world knows that this is an early KB attacker implemented by a famous KB organization.

At an hour before an hour, this attack was intercepted by Y Guo'an, and the local residents were discounted, and the staff left were all safety materials.

The death and injuries are naturally heavy, but at least no civilian casualties, and successfully kill a KB organization's lead, it is also unfortunate.

This time, netizens in most Y countries even in other countries have given a higher praise for Y Guo'an, without civilian casualties is the greatest results.

But there are also some netizens who are dissatisfied with this result. Since you have intercepted this information, why do the other party cause such a big loss to LD? How much do you directly kill the danger in the cradle?

It is said that the architecture within three kilometers of the square is how many pounds?

How many companies have caused losses?

Civilians are there without casualties, safety according to employees, how much is death? They are also families, they are also a son, daughter, husband, wife, father, mother.

So the dissatisfied Y country has begun to take the street, and the group indicates protest.

At this moment, LD Safety According to headquarters, it is in the office of the public opinion, which is in the office to meet a distinguished guest in the office - Philip Gulit.

"You have done all things I have done, I hope that these can be satisfied."

Novas said with a laugh.

I can convene a press conference in such a short time, and put the spicy big black pot, naturally because of the results of Philip Gutit.

Novas is also the support of the Gulit Foundation, and he has a lot of handles to master in the hands of the Gutitt family.

If he does not come back to black pot, he don't say that it is said to continue when safety is prescent, and even beat it.

The back of this black pot, he can not only sit in the seat of the long position, but also continue to get support from the Guite family, and a general person dare not imagine funds income.

"Well, you do it, I will let people hit the corresponding compensation to your account." Philip Gulit nodded, and said.

"This is what I should do, as long as you are satisfied, I am willing to do anything." Novas is like a woman in love to make a loved woman, and the meat is spit.

"Well, I must handle this thing, don't live up to my expectation." Philip Gutt nodded, and then got up and left here to leave the gaze in Novas.

If he is not the owner, he must minimize this impact, he will not come over to safety accordingly.

At the same time, Chunas, who was escaped, has come to DM's first holiday city.

Here is one of the origins of the Nordic myth, and it is also the place where the Bright Parliament Headquarters.

After coming here, Chunas finally penetrated, secretly marked: "The damn Chinese people actually forced me to escape, it is my life shame! This hatred me must report!"

After the language, Chunas came to the top of an castle. After confirming no one, he lowered the height and fell in front of the gate of the castle.

Here is the headquarters of the Guangming Parliament. He wants to come to this, and the serious injury of Rigs is notified to other veteran, and then gather a forealosteen, go to Li Feng to report the hatred!

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