Save the Goddess System

Chapter 966 Chapter Elder Conference

The Bright Parliament is a league composed of European intensive people. The top institution is the 18th elder meeting of 13 half-level power, and the office of the Elderly will be in the Guangming Parliament headquarters.

As the headquarters of the Guangming Parliament, the strong people in the Gotton Manor gathered, and there are two SSS-level strong people to guard, and the SS level strong is more than 100.

When Chupas fell to the door of the villa, there were two SS-level strong people to welcome them, respectful: "Gong Yingqiqin is the old!"

Chunas is only four of the four half-gods, and it is the third veteran, and the status in the minds of the Bright Parliament is naturally very lofty.

Although Chuascias did not seem to have a lot of color, he took out the spare clothes from the space storage equipment after coming to the DM, so others can't see him.

After standing in indifferent, Chunas made a whole collar, stepped into the gate of the Gate of the Gate, and he walked straight to the stairs.

On the way, the strong people who met in Chuasas had brought to him, and everyone's face revealed his worship and awe.

This is the status of strength!

After a long rotating staircase, Chunas came to a loft in the top floor of the castle.

One of the two SSS-level strong people in the headquarters station in Vincent William stood at the door, like the guards, such as the guards.

"Hello, Chuasian veteran, what can I help you?" Wensant is busy, gongs.

Chunas nodded and smiled: "Turn the door."

From Chunas' attitude toward Vincent William, the relationship between the two should be good. I have to know that Chunas can't laugh like others all the way.

"Yes, Chunas veteran!" Vincent Willia took out a simple key from his arms, then slowly opened the door and exposed this attic.

Without any furniture, there is no luxurious ornament, just a ground with complex pattern, and walls hanging on the thirteen mirror.

The complex texture on the ground spreads to the wall, connects with the thirteen mirror, spread to the ceiling, and finally gathered to a huge red gem inlaid in the middle of the ceiling.

Chu Nas Wusens William nodded, and then stepped into the attic, and turned back to the door, quickly walked to the ground in the middle of the attic.

Here is a huge six-way star pattern surrounded by complex grain, which is the huge red gem.

When Chunas stationed onto this Sixth Star pattern, he broke out in the void, a red sheet of condensation was condensed by the blood of the blood.

The method of filling in the void is maintained for three seconds, and the red fog is scattered, and it is absorbed by the red gem.

Then, the red gem glanced, exudes a dazzling red light, and a powerful energy fluctuation came out from it.

In the next moment, the energy in the red gem turned the surrounding pattern, just like the fire of the original stars, quickly from the roof to the wall, finally via the ripper to 13 mirrors.

"" "" "" "" ...

A burst of humming sounded, and the 13 glasses were lit one by one.

After a few seconds, one of the mirrors flashed, and there was a white old man in white robes.

Next, there is a nine mirror flashing one by one, and nine figures appear in the mirror.

"Chubas veteran, what is the matter, let you enable the mirror?"

In the leftmost mirror, the whole body was asked in the white old man covered by the white robe.

His name is Aaron Raceale, is the first veteran of the Guangming Parliament, and the strength is also the most powerful.

The mirror, that is, this thirteen mirror is the communication artifact developed by the Guangming Parliament in 200 years. As long as it carries the mirror's supporting item, it can hold a "video conference" now.

Of course, the premise of holding the "Video Conference" is that there is a half-level strong to come to this attic, play the fed-filmed, ...

When a member of the Bright Parliament is highly evaluated to the mirror, otherwise it will not use the word "God".

As a result, ordinary people can now hold a "video conference" at any time, so that the Eggs hurts for the bright parliamentary members.

However, the mirror has its own unique, that is, it is not limited, in some places where there is no signal, the mobile video cannot be used, but the mirror will not.

And the half-level strong people will choose to be closed, and the closed place is either underground, or there is no signal in the place where the human traces are random.

This is the only place that can make the bright parliament members comforted ...

"Aaron veteran, I have encountered a strong enemy with Rigs, Pelton, Pedon has been killed, Rigs seriously hurts, I can only kill it under the siege of a strong enemy."

Chunas is a sad color and slowly said.

"What is it?"

"Is it a Dark Parliament?"

"It is inevituary, except for the Dark Parliament, I can't think of which enemies can give such a big threat to Chunas, Rigs, and Pedon."

Chunas' words let the vitality in the mirror can't help but shock.

Chunas mouth, smile: "Not a dark parliament, but a few Chinese people."

When the game is suddenly quiet.

Then, the elders can't help but questioned: "Chuasian veteran, you determine that the other party is just a few Chinese people?"

"The East and the West has always been in the water, why do they want to be three?"

"Chunas veteran, is this? Is it still involved in some secret?"

There are also a few veterans that have always been an enemy attitude towards Huaxia: "Damn, it is a Chinese man? You are the foreigner, I propose that we will immediately assemble together, put these gallbars, the Western world, the Chinese strong, killing ! "

"Yes, the Western world is our site, how can we be a few Chinese people in this wild? Don't kill them, is our bright parliament?"

"Yes, no matter what our relationship between our and Pedon, this is going to unite together, revenge for Pedon!"

Hearing here, Chunas can't help but laugh, he wants this reaction!

However, before this, he said that they said that they helped the Philips Gulitt revenge.

It is understood that this is a person who is eligible to enter the Bright Parliament Elderly, but he is not added to some considerations, but Philip Gutt follows a vital relationship. Nice.

The next time, Chunas also told the battle, which focused on Li Feng could ignore things that others attacked.

Other Yuanshen have been shocked after listening to, and then they have donated suggestions and discuss how to deal with Li Feng.

At the same time, Li Feng and Tang Qiong have ended a new round of cultivation. After packing the scene, he pushed the door to the Chinese Medicine, returned to the apartment.

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