Save the Goddess System

Chapter 975 is like the road at four o'clock in the morning.

Looking at the Heavenly LD University student who took the money in the world, Aiha Nihe began to feel pitiful for these people.

She used her toes to know that Li Feng will win, even if Li Feng does not play basketball, the 1vs1 results of the two will not have a second possibility.

Just like superman playing with ordinary people, Superman can jump from the bottom of the stadium to the opposite side, put the ball into the basket, how to prevent ordinary people, use the body?

Oh, I am afraid that I will be buckled into the basket with basketball ...

However, Li Feng is still a compassion, but it is only 100,000 pounds with Stephen. If you come to 1,000 or even 10 million, Stephen can't regret it wants to commit suicide?

Where is Aisa Ni, Li Feng is not compassion, but Stephen, who is afraid to say that the greater amount will be scared, do not dare to bet with him ...

Just when Aishanya was dispersed, Stephen suddenly said: "Isa Ni Ya, do you know, I have been sending people to you in these two years, I am looking for it."

Because Li Feng's insertion, Stephen has not had a chance to say some heartwood with Aiha Na, now he wants to talk to Aisa Ni.

"Yes." Aisa Ya is a laugh: "Thank you for your concern, I am very good."

Stephen brows, he is very good, it is very good, and it is necessary to have a lot of money. It is better to have a talent, and it is better than this Chinese people excellent.

He said that it is so straightforward, and the reaction of Aiha Ya is so plain, it is very unhappy!

"It should, we are classmates, let alone ... I like you so much when I am high school." Stepheno said directly.

Anyway, he put his sister is this kind of routine, first show his meaning to each other, and then vote for it, the popular point is to pay money.

This trial is not tried, never failed, he believes that it will not appear in Aiasanya.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have a boyfriend, so in order to respect me and my boyfriend, please don't say this later." Aisha Na Yan did not have a psychological burden. Directly refused him.

If you encounter Li Feng, Stephen is actually a nice boyfriend, but after Li Feng, the eyes of Aiha Ya also increased too much.

Compared with Li Feng, Stephen is like a little fart that is not growing, and it is not attractive!

Stephen pupil is a shrinkage, the heart is a fire bears: "Aisa Na, you are not worried about Li Feng lost to me? This is 300,000 pounds, is he lost?"

Aiha Nay smiled: "I think the worried person is you, ready to make a banknote."

When she finished, she turned her head and she didn't look at Stephen.

"I special ..." Stephen's anger is almost burst.

"Stephen, don't be excited, the woman in love is zero, and the trust of Eya Ya Ya is also normal." Jack quickly walked through Stephen's shoulders, attached to his ear: "You have to do it now." After kicking Li Feng's shares, at the time, Aishanya will be awake. "

"Call." Stephen spit out a turbidity, nodded: "You are right, good!"

After that, he was ticking his fingers, then he walked down the basketball court to the backyard after a group of students.

"Let's also pass." Li Feng smiled and holding the log of Aiha Nay.

Aisa Na is nodded, let Li Feng laundry.

Soon, everyone came to the basketball court.

Because Stephen likes to play basketball from a young, his father is deliberately built an open basketball court in the backyard while purchasing this villa.

This once again proves a thing, that is, it is really good!

After coming to the basketball court, Stephen took off the jacket and looked at Li Feng. "Do you want to change your professional equipment? So you will lose to me, you blame you without wearing basketball equipment."

He is wearing a sportswear, while the shoes are not professional basketball shoes, but also with basketball AJ1, and is OFF-WHITE jointly, the current market is a pair of £ 1,500.

Wearing such a expensive shoes play basketball, really not something that ordinary people can make.

As for Li Feng ... wearing a suit, leather shoes, wearing this clothes, don't say playing basketball, playing a bowling is some inconvenient ...

Li Feng shrugged: "Nothing, wearing this dress is enough to defeat you."

Jack and other people first stunned first, then smiled and loud: "Hey, guys, have anyone else saying that you are very love?"

"Wearing a suit to participate in our party is enough, you still want to wear this with Stephen Bull? You are afraid, don't know what to play basketball?"

"Stephen, he has been looking for an excuse for yourself, don't be soft, hahaha."

Stephen is helpless: "Okay, this is what you said, the specific rules don't need me to say more? Let's come five balls, who will be full of five balls, who will win, how?"

"I have no opinion." Li Feng nodded.

"Refreshing!" Stephen rushed to Li Feng, throwing the ball to Li Feng: "You come first, don't say that I bully you."

Li Feng faces gesture when it is weird: "Are you sure?"

He has also wanted to let Stephen's three balls, that game can be a little suspense, if he is in the first ... The game can only be one side.

"Haha, are you afraid? Rest assured, I can let you go first." Stephen smiled at the sky and made a hand gesture.

Li Feng sighed, some said: "Have you heard of a sentence?"

"What?" Stephen is some indiscriminated.

"I thought about you, like the road at four in the morning." The voice falls, and Li Feng started the ball.

Stephen is fast, and the god is like a road at four in the morning, and the strong skill of Laozi is offense, but the defensive skill is not ...

Lying in the trough! How is he? !

Just when I was laughing in Stephen, Li Feng has changed from him!

Just like a lightning!

After you have been forced, Stephen is going to hurt the defense, but he just turned around, he saw that Li Feng jumped high on the free throw line, in half of the air, Li Feng's body is extremely comfortable ...


A loud sound, Li Feng put the ball into the basket!

The basketball stand is shaking up and down under this impact, and the people who have emitted ,

Violent sense of tricks!

"OMG! How did he do it?"

"He just held it flat with the basket. How do I have a mistake ?!"

"One meter of 'small son', actually flat basket dunks? I must be dreaming!"

"Strong, this Chinese people are really strong!"

After a long time, Jack and other talents came back to God, and they were amazed.

Before they thought Li Feng is bronze, now I found that Li Feng is a special king, Stephen is dangerous!

Stephen, as one of the protagonists, a shackle face turns into iron blue!

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