Save the Goddess System

Chapter 976 Attacking Kaleidoscope?

The script is not right!

It should be that he breaks Li Feng or covers it when Li Feng shots, it is best to go to the basket, and then be shocked by him.

The result is that Li Feng came a flat basket and he was bloodered by Li Fengxiu!

I am special ... Are you a monster? Is it so high in the shoes? !

Yes, Jack and others only watched Li Feng's bounce power, but ignored Li Feng and the facts of the shoes.

One person wants to jump high, one side needs physical talent, and on the other hand, it is necessary to blessing the sports equipment. The same person wearing a leather shoes is not much higher than wearing basketball shoes.

Not only is not jumping, but it is still lacking in the ground, it is easy to injure.

But Li Feng has passed his skin shoes, but also a flat basket buck, monster, this is!

At this moment, Li Feng Song fell to the ground, turned to look at Stephen, mocked: "This is okay?"

The Stephen's mouth is smoked, and it said: "Your physical quality is indeed because of my expectations, but playing basketball is not only to see physical fitness, technology, reaction, skills, IQ ... determine the high level of basketball level More, and I am not weak, so ... "

"So you still do it." Li Feng two hands, and interrupted it directly.

"I am special ..." Stephen almost didn't come up with it!

No wonder Li Feng said that he did not have a visit, this performance is really worth these four words!

"Stephen, don't be irritated, control your emotions, then defeat him!"

"Yes, we all believe in you, you must defeat him!"

"Clear Stephen!"

"come on, come on, come on!"

Jack and others recovered from the shock, and they were cheering for Stephen.

It's not what trust in Stephen, but ... they put money on Stephen!

At first they thought Stephen's win, so there were many money, such as Jack, he spent 3,000 months, today in the supermarket to help Li Feng spent 2000, this time I have put it in 2000, but I don't actually don't have so much Jack. money……

If the last win is Li Feng, the Jack has to borrow money from all over the money ...

There are also many other students who have the same situation as Jack. Once Li Feng won, the consequences are unimaginable!

So Stephen is now the hope of the whole villa! Li Feng, Aishany Elegant ...

"Call." Stephen spit out a turbidity, and the right hand holds the fist with his own flesh: "Don't worry, I will win!"

"This is like a man's look!"

"Clear Stephen!"

"Bicking this Chinese people's shares!"

Jack and others were infected by Stephen's emotional infection, only in front of him.

at this time……

"Well, the momentum is very good. If you have no goal, you can torn the clothes next time, so the momentum will be more enough." Li Feng commends.

Jack and others feel that a pot of cool water is poured, and the momentum has just dropped to the bottom of the valley.

I special ... You can't talk, don't you be so embarrassed, how do you tear the trunk? !

"Okay, you are really good." Stephen felt the contempt from Li Feng, anger was completely ignited: "Come on, I will let you see what is the attitude of the LD University Basketball team!"

The voice is falling, Stephen turned to pick up the basketball, ran to three points, ready to use the actual action to let Li Feng closed.

"Attack the kaleidoscope?" Li Feng's mouth hook, muddy: "Don't attack the black hole, how to vote."

Stephen is hiked, extremely shameful: "I am too lazy to fight with you, I will use the actual action to teach you!"

"Yes?" Li Feng's mouth hook, ridicule: "Then you can try it."

"Well!" Stephen was acknowledged, and he got up and jumped before Li Feng did not react.

"Beautiful! That's it!"

"I should let this Chinese people see your three-point capacity, you have a man named LD Kudu!"

"This parabolboard is very beautiful, steady!"

Jack and others exclaimed and surprised the color of the words.

Stephen is known as the LD Corporation's ace guard, not only because he has all the best, but also because he has one hand and three points.

In this high-strength competition in the University League, you can get 40% of the three-point hit rates, and you can see how many of his three points!

The ball is still flying in the air, Stephen has turned around, the right hand refers to the day, start to celebrate in advance.

The ball is very good, "Tim" is also right, steady!

Stephen's self-confidence gives Jack and others to be inspired. Every time everyone has begun to celebrate in advance.

Confused Li Feng, he is like standing in the same place, there is no action, but his face is revealed, but what is predicted ...

Just when Stephen was busy with Pose, Jack and others were happy, the basketball that was about to fall into the box suddenly dried, and she was nearly raised.

Three don't touch!

"" "" "" "" ......

Basketball is falling on the ground, keeps jumping, landing, the scene is quiet!

Stephen, who is playing with Pose, is not right, and quickly looked back, then he was strange to see Jack and others from his mouth, asked: "Why don't you cheer?"

Stephen in the basket is known, I have just thrown a three-lasting?

"Stephen, the ball did not enter, it is a three-not touch." Jack wants to cry without tears.

Stephen: "??? What are you sure?"

Not ... how can it be three things, the ball feels very good ball tact!

Jack, Kelly and others nodded, they all saw, really three do not touch!

Stephen's face suddenly became popular!

I Nima ... The ball didn't enter, but he made a celebration in advance. This is a special thing in N, he may not last five? !

"This is what you said to the attack kaleidoscope?"

At this time, Li Feng learned Stephen's way to make a movement of dry jump, mockery.

"I ..." Stephen's face, cold, said: "This is just a mistake. Next, I will never happen again, I promise!"

Li Feng shook his head and smiled: "I believe in me, you can make three times this time will be the moment you tonight."

When he finished, he turned and picked up basketball, and stepped away from the three points.

Stephen's face is gloomy to Li Feng, make a defensive action: "I will never let you break through this time, absolutely not ..."

Didn't wait for him to finish, Li Feng, who is running, suddenly dried and jumped, basketball draws out a beautiful parabolic back to basket.

Stephen did not have a movement of the cap, just watched Li Feng turned around, with his fingers, and made a celebration in advance.

next moment……


Basketball falls in the hotel, the ball!

The audience is quiet!

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