Save the Goddess System

Chapter 977 League can lose, Li Feng must die!

Jack, Kelly and others are going to yell!

Well, frankly, they just want to swithenicide!

Yes, Li Feng did not take it, but he tried outside the three-point line and pulled it!

And I have learned Stephen's way to turn around to celebrate, and successfully demonstrates what is successful in advance.

This face is hit!

Jack and others want to ask Stephen, you have no pain in the face, you can't do it!

It's a pity ... Stephen is too prestigious in LD University, no one dares to say that he is not good.

"Yeah! Li Feng is good!"

"Li Feng Li Feng Li Feng!"

In the silence of the audience, Aisa Ya is excited, and the name of Li Feng is shouting.

At this moment, Vasea is the most loyal fans of Li Feng. She will do all the whole cheerleaders.

Stephen's face is more difficult to look, nothing is more uncomfortable than when you like a woman's face, if there is ... that is, after being defeated by other men, the woman who likes it is also to fuel the man. !

Double crit!

"Stirfin, nothing, only 2 to 0, don't put it on your heart!"

"Clear Stephen, don't put this thing in your heart, the last victory must belong to you!"

"Stephen, the next goal must be entered, take out your best!"

At this time, Jack and others have opened the tricks.

Looking at Stephen is a good fortune, how can they go, they all pay money.

League can lose, Li Feng must die!

Jack et al. Encourage Stephen to regain confidence: "Yes, you are right, I will not be in my heart, I want to renew the flag drum, because ... The game has just begun!"

Jack and other people's mouth smoked, the power of the spit in my heart couldn't help but broke out.

When the game has just begun, a total of 5 balls have already played a 2 to 0, and now the situation is already 100,000 fire. Please pay attention to you, big brother? !

Just what they can say, Stephen is too prestigious to be too tightened in LD University, but they would rather lose money and don't want to be sinstent.

So Jack and others can only say abnormally, "" You said that Stephen, the game just started, calm, stabilized! "

"Come on Stephen, we believe in you, you are the hope of LD University!"

Under the compliments of everyone who violated the heart, Stephen was re-got from the basketball and stood outside three points.

Li Feng rushed him hook his finger: "Do you remember what I said before?"

"What?" Stephen is thinking about what offensive this time, I was asked by Li Feng.

"The three don't touch the time in the evening, the next time, next ... it is to prove this sentence." Li Feng smiled.

Stephen was once again anger: "Sad! See how I have lost you!"

What kind of offensive mode is the easiest score? In addition to the dunk, it is a small person on the basket.

Stephen doesn't play three points, just use the most steady way, forcibly overridden Li Feng, then a small person is on the basket, first and stabilize the military heart!

Thinking of this, Stephen holds the basketball, first make a trial step, then left the left side, one step over Li Feng.

In the moment of Li Feng, there is a bit of the Stephen's mind.

No ... I said that I have just been the highlight of Laozi tonight. How can I get rid of Laozi?

Stephen is worried about the fraud, and the drum is also turned back and also looks back at Li Feng.

This look at Stephen is relieved. Li Feng is a stupid standing in the same place, which is obviously shaking by his realistic fake action!

Haha, this Huaxia kiss finally was faced by Laozi!

At the same time, while Stephen begins to speed up, flourish in the basket.

At this time, Jack and others can't help but start to cheer for Stephen: "Take him! Pretty!"

"This is your real strength. Stephen! Come on first, let this brother to see what is real technology!"

"Ah! Stephen, I love you!"

"Stephen Stephen Stephen!"

Some female students began playing a cheerleading role, crazy called whispers' name, and they kept using their eyes to provoke Aisa Ni Ya.

"Oh." Aisa Na is dismissed, these people are so happy that I have been too early? They have no knowledge of Li Feng!

In the refueling of those girls, Stephen's power is full. When he is coming to the free throw, Stephen began to start a three-step movement.

Step 2 steps ... Like the pace of the devil, Stephen in the third step is flying, rushing in the basket.

Just then, a excitement sounded from the distance!

"Hey, is this surprised? The real wonderful thing just started!"

Stephen thought that the excitement of those people came to him, and their hearts were both happy and some disdain.

Originally, Stephen is a small person to get a basket, with the simplest way to score, but Li Feng is so stupid, he doesn't take this opportunity to come to a horses, show the audience, isn't it Solid your own playing skills?

In this way, Stephen's body has opened the movement of the Tomahawk.

"Let the excitement come more violently!" Stephen is dark.

"Stephen! Be careful!"

"Stephen, he chased it!"

"Oh, Tian Yan, Stephen!"

For example, Stephen is expected, Jack and others have suddenly violently, but why do they make him careful, who is more chasing?

Stephen wants to do not want to think about it, the basket is in front of you, he wants to put this dead basketball!

Just when Stephen is about to make a dunk move, a wind is coming back from him, next moment ...


A loud noise, basketball is pressed on the rebound!

Stephen only felt that the hand was empty, the body was slightly imbained in the air, and it fell to the end.

Despite this, he still twisted his head in the first time and looked at it, and he saw a scene that made him feel unborn.

Li Feng's body is like the empty suspension. It is generally in half, and the right hand puts the basketball on the rebound.

After a second, Li Feng fell on the ground, and then he stretched out his thumbs, then the thumb slowly turned toward the ground.

Stephen only felt that a blood was boomed on the throat, and he almost spit out!

I special ... Laozi is nailing this brilliant hat by this Chinese people? How can this be!

Until at this time, Stephen understood what Jack and others exclaimed, but he understood too late ...

At this moment, Stephen rose a sense of despair - the basketball, he may really not be the opponent of Li Feng ...

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