Save the Goddess System

Chapter 978 I want to play basketball!

"Yeah! Li Feng is good!"

"Li Feng! Li Feng! Li Feng!"

Aiha Nay once again played the role of cheerleaders, and he didn't stop using your eyes to provoke those girls who were fueling for Stephen cheering before the limbs.

Those girls' face is turned black!

I said ... Do you use such revenge? Everyone is a woman, why is a woman who is difficult?

"Stephen ... don't be discouraged, steady."

Jack said with a cry.

Just now, he read clearly, Stephen came to the penalty line, Li Feng turned to pursue, and two steps came to Stephen's not far away, and then a longitudinal ...


Just like a rumor, I came to Stefan, hot pot big banquet!

This moment of outbreak is really like a monster!

In this way, Stephen is a 5 to 0, there is no suspense!

So Jack has foreseen that you have to borrow a tragic future ...

But despite this, Jack still wants the first speech to encourage Stephen, do he do this because of love? Is it because of trust? neither……

He is purely because it is afraid!

"To pair, steady, stabilize."

Others are also attached to the side.

Like Jack, although Stephen has caused them to lose money, they don't dare to laugh at Stephen at this time, let them have grieves for strength, and they will eat more, make up the loss ...

"I understand, thank you for your support, I will not give up!" Stephen is too touched!

What is a brother? It is not from you when you fail, and you will stay comfort you!

He decided, he would really lose, he wants to find a few hard work to work to Jack and others ...

Press the heart thoughts, Stephen looks to Li Feng, cold channel: "I admit that I have read you, you are the strongest player I have encountered, I will not fall lightly."

"Oh." Li Feng nodded and took basketball to three points.

Stephen: "..."

In a "oh", let Stephen have just resumed the fighting spirit instantly.

What happened to him completely ignored him?

"This time I have to break through the right side, are you ready?"

Li Feng stands behind the three-point line and said.

Stephen's pupil is shrunk, and I smiled. "I want to fight with me? Hey, childish!"

He didn't believe that Li Sum will tell the truth, but it is like a tactics that wants him to scatter, just like he will play this trick when he is playing with others.

Say from your right side, do you put more attention on your right side?

But the other party said that the breakthrough from the right side will break through the right, what do you do in the left?

At this time, the defenders will fall into the entanglement, the heart is dispersed, and it is easy to hold the flaw.

So this time the defensive person should do if they don't think about what the other party has said, only from the other's movements, this is easy to do for experienced Stephen, it is easy to do!

Therefore, Li Feng wants to distract his attention through this, it is destined to fall ...


Just like a light flashed from the side, Stephen only felt a flower in front of him, and there was no figure in the sight.

Touching the head, just see the figure of Li Feng.

"Good ... so fast!"

"What is this speed, the man is the first thing in the world?"

"Confidence point, put '?' Go!"

"I feel that he is faster than the world!"

Jack and others can't help but exclaim, it is not admiring, it is very incredible, Nima wears shoes to run such a speed, this is too incredible!

"What are you doing, I want to play basketball!" Stephen cried.

Said to defeat Li Feng in front of Aiha Ni Ya, saying that the good rebound is stable stabilized?

You can't prevent you, you can't do it, you will make me lose your basketball!

This makes Stephen think of a program of the rice, called "Special Basketball Dream", which is some of the top power of n a A A A a play basketball.

Various flying tips, all kinds of brutal buckles, all kinds of show ... The opposite schoolboy is defense all kinds of suspicion of life.

Now Li Feng is the top masters of the N a A, Tiffen is those primary school students ...

"You have like this, you still want to play basketball, you have to get a 5-1 0 you are willing to be?"

Li Feng turned around and ridiched.

Stephen's color change number, finally snort: "This game is better, but you don't want to be too early, I am not good today, I will change the peak period, I can absolutely ..."

I haven't waited for him, Li Feng picked up the basketball.

Stephen is slightly changed, and his eyes turned with the air basketball. Stephen's face change again when seeing half: "He is going to ..."

"My God, he should not want ..."

"From the basket below into the front of the basket? Damn, he must be crazy!"

"No, he is not crazy, he wants to do it ... dazzling skill!"

Just when everyone was exclaimed, basketball went through a beautiful arc, and he fell into the front of the basket!

The audience is quiet!

The bottom line is three points, and it is more than the distance from logoshot!

This is a red fruit's dazzling skill!

Everyone was blood in Li Fengxiu!

"Don't fight, don't you win? You win!"

While talking, Stephen's warden!

It can be used to deduct, defense, is a batch of horror, this is what?

Purely take him as a primary school bull!

Even the world-renowned "primary school students" here, can not have to play this Huaxia kid is also an unknown!

"Contact contraction."

Li Feng arch, then went to Aisa Ni Yachang, saying: "How much is it before, how do you remember it?"

"Well, I will remember it." Aisa Na Ya took out the mobile phone, opened the notepad said: "Stephen is 100,000 pounds, Jack 2000 pound, Tony is 500 pounds, Kelly ... Oh, Tianshi, Kelly you 100 . "

Aisa Na Ya is exaggerated to Kaili look at the meaning of Kelly, and the eyes are somewhat compassion.

If she has not remembered the wrong, Kelly family conditions are quite average, if there is no change in these two years, this 1000 pound is a small expenditure for Kelly ...

From Kaili's performance, Aisa Ya is already distinguished. Kelly didn't really take her as a friend, so she did not feel uncomfortable for Kelly.

Kelly is a black.

Rely, £ 1000 is her two months of living expenses, it is so bad, she is dying, and the Bi Poing of Aiha Ya is also sprinkled with her wound, but evil!

There is Aiha Nay, "Assistant", Li Feng almost did not encounter any obstacles, even if some people have no money, they are also guided by Li Feng, and I will borrow money with Stephen.

Everyone is an adult. If you say, you are like a splashled water, and you will have a lot of regrets.

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