Save the Goddess System

Chapter 979, One-quarter Mile Acceleration

When I finally ended, Li Feng looked at Aisa Na Ya smiled: "This feet is really right, and earn 300,000 pounds easily."

Although the Y country's unsociated payment is good, it is very good to transfer this piece of online transfer.

"Yes, we should thank Jack, Kelly invitation, otherwise, we can't come here." Aishanya smiled.

Jack, Kelly heard is that it is soakeited, but it is unable to refute.

Yes, why do they want to invite these two people to participate in this party? If they don't invite these two, they don't have to lose money!

Can only be said to be "selfishness"!


Stephen spit out a turbidity and calmly said: "Hey, 300,000 pounds, just a little money for me, just to give you."

Jack and others can't help but take a porn.

I special ... I have a little money for you. It is a big money for us, and ... 300,000 is only 100,000 is yours, the remaining 200,000 is our, can you not say It is like 300,000, you are alone!

"Oh." Li Feng nodded, taste: "Since this 300,000 is a little money for you, it is better to have a whole, I believe Jack will be grateful."

At this time, Jack et al., The color is now, and the eye is looking forward to the past.

Stephen's face is hysteresis: "This ... um ...... I just mean ..."

"You said 300,000 pounds, it is not a small money for you." Li Feng asked impatiently.

"Yeah, why isn't it, this is a small money for me!" Stephen's face said proudly.

"Is that Jack, is it your good classmate?" Li Feng asked.

"No." Stephen laughed.

Jack and others have become difficult to look!

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect, Stephen is actually this kind of person, I don't recognize the money!

Even Li Feng is picking up, and the face is surprised.

Although he knows Stephen doesn't want to help Jack and others, but can not think that Stephen will say so brittle ...

At the time of being shocked, Stephen suddenly laughed: "Because they are my good brothers, good sisters, classmates are not enough to describe my relationship with them."

I heard this, Jack and others are full of heart, quite a feeling of encountering a good voice!

At this moment, do Stephen helps them lose money or not, you can get Stephen's recognition is the biggest gain!

Li Feng is shocked, Stephen is really what I dare to say, "You said you, you can't finish it, harmful, we almost misunderstood you."

"It's better to show my friendship with Jack." Stephen shrugged and laughed.

"Well, but I think it is more credible to take money to talk." Li Feng also learned him to shrug.

There is a saying that it is better to say, even if it comes to spending, a figure is not willing to go out, just talk about it.

Stephen's face is slightly changed, and then a smile: "This is there is no problem, money, I have, when you please go to Las Vegas."

I heard this, Jack and others have sent rainbow fart: "Stephen, you are so good!"

"Stephen, you are the highest character of the character I have ever seen!"

"Stephen, believe me, you will be a friend of my life!"

"Stephen ..."

"Cough, everyone is quiet, I haven't finished." Stephen raised his hand to press down, and he said in Jack and others, he said: "But there is nothing to do, money is still Have a good job. "

Jack et al. Is fans at the time!

So you still don't want to help us lose money? Then do you say that the long string is a few hair? ! Cute!

"So I propose, let's more than a game, how?" Stephen flashed in the eyes and said.

Li Feng is also fascinated: "Not ... What do you think I will promise to race with you?"

"If you open a Panamel, it is the beauty of a suit, it can open this car's car skills, isn't it?" Stephen first buckled a high hat on Li Peak.

Li Feng's mouth and his face are weird: "This is really right, my car skills can't talk more, it is ..."

"Is there a bit of no one?" Yuan, Jack consciously helped Li Feng to pick up behind.

A stroke of Stephen's mouth and turned to Jack.

You are mixed with anyone, how can I help this Chinese people come?

Li Feng turned into Jack with thumbs up: "You are very realistic, I appreciate you."

Jack is hysterested, and the cold squad has turned his head.

He is aware of the consciousness, and it is better to do it with awareness!

"Hey, since you are so arrogant, then more than one, it is not more than one, it is more than one-quarter miles, who is the first to rush over the end, who wins, how?" Stephen said.

"I am very curious, what car do you want to compare with me?" Li Feng's mouth evoked the arc of a mocked, said: "I am top with Panamel, 100 kilometers to speed up 3.8 seconds, you have to speed up a hundred kilometers The super run within three seconds, is it bullied? "

A quarter-mile straight line acceleration is a purely relying on the performance of the racing performance. In the same situation of the racing racer, whoever will speed and we will win.

Although Panamela has a suite mob, it is still much inferior to those top super run, such as Bugatiwei Airlines, 100 kilometers to speed up only 2.5 seconds, B Pabanala is reduced by 1.3 seconds. .

Such a score doesn't have to say more in the advantages of the straight line acceleration?

Stephen's mouth hook, taste: "Not super run, is a modified POLO, the performance is general. Of course, if you don't dare to follow my POLO, Jack's money I will give them one by one. "

As soon as I heard this, Jack and others are secretly excited.

What is Stephen's POLO? Take a cost of money, you can buy two Panamela's monster modified cars!

Just say that it takes only 2.9 seconds hundred kilometers, just ask you to be afraid!

If Li Feng does not know the specific situation, he promised to play with Stephen, then he can eat a big loss!

"Calculate Stephen, Huaxia people are gallbladder, he will definitely not dare to compare with you."

"Stephen, don't do things, we are willing to gamble, you don't have to be organized by him."

"Ok, continue party, tired."

Jack and others consciously cooperated with Stephen played.

Perhaps it has played the effect of their play, Li Feng's mouth hit: "Just a modified polo, then I don't dare to compare with you, ratio, talk about bet."

At this time, Stephen is essay!

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