Save the Goddess System

Chapter 983 is anxious to send money

"How are I here?"

After waking up, Stephen's face is.

In his memory, he still sat in his own modified polo, how suddenly came to Jack's Audi A4?

Do he drink a piece?

No ... He seems to have no drink! How is this in the trough?

"Hey ... Stephen, you must be joking with us?" Jack is also a face.

How is the god? How do you here, do you have anyone who ran my car?

"What happened, what happened ?!" Stephen sent a little excited, and he didn't care about Jack and reached his shoulders, so that he shakes: "Damn, hurry to tell me!"

The Audi A4 shakes, and the scared Jack will directly stop the brakes. After 180 °, the A4 is fixed, and it is almost hit the roadside guardrail.

"Stephen, are you crazy? I am driving!" Jack had to scare the urine, and directly burst.

In the trough, fortunately, he is unhappy, otherwise, his car is not hitting the guardrail. Although he bought a full risk, even if you can't take insurance, you don't have to spend money, no one is willing to The car out of the accident!

Stephen also knows that there is a danger of the movements, it is sorry, but soon he is angry: "Xiete, Jack, who you know, do you believe that you can't get a scholarship next year ?!"

His father is a member of the board of directors of the LD University, although there is no difference in the right, but decides whether an ordinary student can get scholarship or easily.

Jack listened to this horse: "Heysthen, don't be excited, I just excited ... The thing is like this ..."

When he took Stephen, he would give it to the clothes, and transferred to Li Feng vehicles and real estate license.

He is a good undergraduate scholarship, 3,000 pounds, although it is just a month of zero money, but in the case of overridden, if you lose this scholarship next year, it is undoubtedly a piece. Snow adds something.

Stephen: "??? What are you sure?"

I special ... I did so many things, why didn't I have an impression? !

"OK." Jack is more weird, obviously Stephen's own things, how he seems to be a little impression, he is excessive, so the spirit has problems?

Kelly, the back row, also nodded, doubts: "Stephen, have you forgotten?"

"I haven't forgotten ... is not, I mean is that I have no impression!" Stephen grabbed her hair with hand, and the stiffness is like to grasp the hair.

Jack and Kelly look at the eyes and saw the incredible look from the eyes.

After half of the half, Jack suddenly said: "Stephen, will you hypnify by Li Feng?"

Stephen suddenly looked up: "Hypnosis? Yes, definitely a hypnosis, he gave me a hypnotics, so I will not impress! Jack, turn around, I have to go back to the damn Chinese people!"

Jack's mouth and the face of the face: "Stephen, I understand your current mood, but the Chinese people are not generally not?"

"What do you mean ?!" Stephen grabbed Jack's collar, and asked: "You are a bile, is it afraid that the Chinese people are right ?!"

"Stirfen, calm!" Jack was smashed in the face of Hollee, and quickly opened the palm's palm, Shen Sheng: "He can play three hundred kilograms of golden men, let's go back to find him. What is next?! "

"If you don't let the villa's security personnel go home, we have some hope, but they have been dismissed home!"

"Do I even dismiss this villa security person?" Stephen's face.

"Yes." Jack helplessly sighed: "And Li Feng will hypnotize, you are not afraid that Li Feng makes more terrible things?"

Stephen's face is hysterested, and I spit out a touch of breath: "What you said is, this matter must be a long report."

Jack sneaked over white eyes, the gods, we don't have a yarn relationship with me, I don't want to mix and go in!

"Jack, trouble you send me home, I will let my father come from personally, solve this despicable Huaxia kid!" Stephen bite the teeth.

"no problem!"

This small requirement Jack naturally won't refuse. When you start driving the car to the Queen's Avenue.

Inside the Villa 10, Constantine Street, Aisa Naya glanced at the front yard of the villa, and the face is weird: "Li Feng, is we stayed here this evening?"

"Hey ... I am not used to using something used to have used it. If you want to live in this night, I can use an app in the bedroom again." Li Feng thought about it.

Aiha Nay's mouth, smile: "I don't mean this ... I am saying that Stephen will not be willing, if he is brought back, should he have a big problem?"

She is not worried about Li Feng's safety, I don't want to let Li Feng get trouble. Is there a cultivation of it in this time?

Li Feng's mouth hook, play taste: "What big problems can you have, if they are eager to send me money, although they are coming."

"Well ..." Aishany was angry, since Li Feng didn't worry, then she didn't say it: "I think they should wait for a long time to come, it is better to take this time. , First replace the rest of the bedroom? "

Li Feng faces the taste of Aisa Ya's nose: "You are a little cat."

"Who is a little cat, I didn't say anything else." Aisabanya is proud of the head, and the face is white.

Li Feng is hysteresis, some disappointed sighs: "That is, I misunderstood you, I will finish the sheets, you will take a break, I will continue to take someone outside Stephen."

"Don't, you have to stay with me." Aisa Ni was cold, and Li Feng went to go ...

After three hours, 12 o'clock in the night, a team behind three Audi A8, the firing of the Rolls-Royce drove to Constantine Street.

A few minutes later, the team came to the gate of the 10 villa and stopped steadily.

Then, several black people came out from the front of Audi A8, came to the villa door, and found the door to lock.

After the intercom, one of the black people took out a pistol with a silencer and shifted directly to the lock.

The fleet continued to advance, and murdered into the villa.

At the same time, Li Feng, just ended a cultivation, heard the movement, took the shot of Ali Ya, said: "Small cat, outside the guest, put the clothes as soon as possible, I will take you out."

Aishanya is slightly changed, and the hand is worn in the clothes.

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