Save the Goddess System

Chapter 984 Simple small requirements

"Look, the Chinese people's Panamela, he is still here!"

In the Rolls Royce in the temple, Stephen Bain, sitting on the co-pilot, saw the Panamella on the parking lot, surprised.

After the row, a successful person dressed in Frank Beichi herbal hip, sneered: "This Chinese people are big and courageous, and there is such a big thing dare to stay here, he really did not put our best The odd family is placed in the eyes! "

Then Frank Bech Looks to the right middle-aged man, slightly, Solomon, Mr. Solomon, should be the arms of the East, and ask Mr. Solomon to ask my Baqi family to go back! "

Hill Solomon nodded: "Reassured, since I came here, the Chinese people naturally pay a painful price, but ..."

"Mr. Solomon has any requirements, as long as we can do it, we must go all out!" Frank Bech said.

Hill Solomon is a strong person in hunting activities.

At that hunting event, there were many Y-shei Yiga's billionaires. After each person pays a million £ 1 million, you can enter the African great peer, and hunting with the help of this organization.

In other words, that is one million pounds are their own money life, although these rich are all armed, they are not special forces, even if there is a gun in hand, encounter special fierce animals such as lions, tigers, cheetah, one Improper, will be killed by animals.

It is just an accident everywhere, even which organization's careful prevention and control, there is still an emergency.

A majestic quietly touched these rich people, and fell to Frank Bech after the people of the security company did not respond.

It is possible to imagine how thrilled, once Frank Bech is being taken in the swallow, the neck will definitely be bitten directly!

Just as in this thousands of hair, Hil Solomo, which participated in this hunt, gave a referring to the .

A dark gas did not enter the brain of the lion, the next moment of the lion, rushed to Hill Solomon, as if it became the most devout believers of Hill Solomon!

At that time, those rich are shocked!

So after that, these riches will try their best to take the relationship between Hill Solomon, and Frank Bain is the most striking person.

I heard the son encountered a weird Chinese young man, Frank Bainch's first reaction was to ask Hill Solomon.

Fortunately, Hill Solomou has been living in LD this time, which can get to Bechi home in a short time, with them to Cantine Street.

"It's a very simple small requirement." Hill Solomon smiled slightly, taste: "I listen to Stephen said that the women of the Chinese man is very beautiful. When she will solve the Chinese people, I want to be with him. The woman is alone for a while. "

Stephen Bayi faces change: "Mr. Solomon, Aiha Ya is my ..."

I heard here, Hill Solomon's face has been swept away, and the temperature in the car also declined!

"Stephen!" Frank Bechi quickly interrupted him, then turned to smile: "Mr. Solomon, can cause your attention is her honor, I am happy with her, I wish you a wonderful night."

"Father!" Stephen Bech is anxious, is he made so much? Isn't it for Visa Nay? If you rushed to Li Feng, let Hill Solomon have succeeded, is it special not to drive away the wolf, and ushered in a tiger?

"Stephen!" Frank Bech also pulled up tone, and the cold voice said: "Women like clothes, there is no replacement, if the cost of life is gone, you can not!"

"Mr. Solomon, the dog is still young, if there is a charity, please don't go."

Frank Bech did not carry the son of Hill Solomon, that is, let Hill Solomon know, he is the capital of his own life!

This is undoubtedly a high hat. It is not buckled in his head without the consent of Hill Solomon, but it can also show that Hill Solomon is lofty in his heart!

Teaching the son, let his son know the seriousness of the matter, and take the horses of Hill Solomon, the means of Frank Hill can be seen.

"Well." Hill Solo got some points, like laughing, see Frank Bech, then relying on the seat to close his eyes.

Frank Bechi suddenly stunned Stephen, this said to the outside bodyguard: "Go directly to the living room, see that the Chinese people are still there."

"Yes, BOSS!"

After receiving the command, the bodyguards received the command, and took the gun and slowly approached the past.

In the car, Stephen Baychi mouth is a little questioned: "Father, I think Hami can fully get the Chinese people, you ask Mr. Solomon to show a little small question."

He is not understood, and Ham and others are experienced bodyguards, and they can't pack Li Feng, which can't pack it with a red hand.

Frank Bechi pupil is shrinking, and I spit out a turbidity after half-minded: "Stephen, you don't know how powerful the martial arts strong!"

Stephen Beichi is picking up, although still some questioning, but no more.

Just in the black bodyguards came to the door of the villa, when I was ready to check, I have packed the appropriate Li Feng, and the Aiha Ya joked hands out.


Black bodyguards have raised their guns to take Li Feng, and they have a highway: "Do not move! Lift your hands!"

In the Phagmust, Stephen is excited when Stephenon: "Ham, beautiful! Head with a gun, kill him!"

Frank Bechi is slightly changed, but it has not sounded. If Mother and others can get Li Feng, it will not use Hill Solomon to shoot.

Although he is still to bear the feelings of Hill Solomon, it is much more than Hill Solomon.

The rear row, the closed-eyed Hill Solomon's mouth hooked a smile.

"I hate it is to be taken to my head." Li Feng shook his head smiled and looked to the Eya Ya Ya Ya Yai who was eager to try: "Aiha Nay, give you a chance to show."


In the past few days with Li Feng, Aisa Nay has reached S +-level, just want to find people practicing.

After getting Li Feng, Vasea is like a cheetah, and the Hami, who holds a gun, only feels that in front of him, the guns have been taken by Vase Ya!

Inside the Phagm, Stephen Baini face!

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