Save the Goddess System

Chapter 986 Space Transfer Gate

Bechi father and son are all !

When Hill Solomon got off, he was taken into the ground by Li Feng. This feeling seems to be after the online game in the online game, the younger brother has not been cleared, it is called by the player The arrow is dead.

Too many awkward!

Just this is not scientific, Mr. Hill Solomon can be the SSS +-level power, can it be what kind of strong people who should take him in the plane?

It is not poor to limit Frank Bain's imagination. It is really that he doesn't know what is the intensive of the SSS + level!

"Your reliance seems to be a little unreliable, too unbearable ..."

Li Feng said with a sway, and the face of his face.

On the front ground, the head of Hill Solomon, I saw him face the face, and the mouth had a bloody, and the hair was messy like being thundered. It was as miserable.

"Who is you, how can you be so strong ?!"

The expression of Hill Solomon is not enough to express his shock at this moment.

It is absolutely a half-level strong person. It is the level of half-gods. It is a half-life ... Hill Solomon has no judgment, because whether it is half-God or half-God, packing him It's all about a trick, it will never use it halfway!

Half-level strong, only have four in his group!

"I am from Chinese, Stephen should have told you." Li Feng shrugged, played with his face: "Do you ... Who is you? You don't seem to have no blood, not the Western madman, There is no strength of the blood group, it is not a wolf ... Hey, a very strange force. "

Li Feng's Western strong people currently have three types, mad soldiers, blood groups, wolf, and in front of which this bad old man is completely different from these three kinds of strong people. The breath of his body is very weird, just like a black fog. It's general, let him see it.

"Hey, I am just not what you said." Hill Solomon made a weird laugh, rubbing the blood of his mouth, and said: "It seems that you have to cross your hands with many Western strong people?"

"I am asking you, my patient is not very good, you are best to tell the truth." Li Feng is a little angry, you are the prisoner of Xiaoye, dare to laugh, I still have to ask Xiao Ye, how to drop, think Xiaoye did not dare to kill you?

Opposite, Bechi father and son see Li Feng's attention is in Hill Solomon, it is necessary to retreat quietly, trying to escape here.

Just just a do one, a huge dragon claw rushed to rushing.


The two were shocked by the dragon claws.

"You also give Xiaoye's old man, wait for the young master to cross this guy, then pack you!"

After Li Feng snorted, scattered the voice of the cloud.

Bechi father and son got soft, and then he couldn't afford to secretly escape.

"Hey, two idiots!" Hill Hallone can't hurt two people in his heart.

Even he didn't have a thoughts in front of the half-level strong, Bainch's father and son were just ordinary people, where did it sneak away? Li Feng did not slap them to make them a meat cake.

Just in his belly, Li Feng suddenly turned to him, Hill Solomon's finish hysterescent, then cold: "I am also a mad warrior, but the practice of cultivation is quite."

While talking, his hand fell into the soil in front, and he began to slide like a fish in the dirt.

If these soils are hollow, he will find that his fingertip releases the black gas, which makes a wonderful pattern under the dial of the finger.

When the pattern is completely drawn, its overall starts emitting black mightlight, flashing, moving people.

"What are you doing?" Li Feng took the bottom of the energy fluctuating, and when the question, I took out the Shenwu Sword.


The sword was burst, and the ground of Hill Solomon was taken out of a deep pit, revealing his hands and black patterns in front.

"This is ... Is the Factor?" Li Feng has never seen such a pattern, and it is more confused.

"It's not the law, this is a rune." Hill Solomon smiled, suddenly his mouth spit out a black rune in front of it.

Suddenly, black runes are high!

A horrible energy fluctuation broke out!

"Hey? I seem to feel space fluctuations?" Li Feng took a familiar energy fluctuation, and he had such energy fluctuations every time he uses space transfer.

So this rune is a kind of space transfer?

The base card in the hand is not used yet, so Li Feng is not eager to do it now, he wants to see what consequences of this rune will cause this rune, if Hill Solomon runs through this rune, he can make the time backward ......

Hill Solomon is coming to the whole God, but I found that Li Feng did not stop his meaning, and it was unexpected.

At this moment, the black rune once again violently violently turned a black light, and a slow-rotating vortex door appeared above the black rune!

"Space delivery door ?!" Li Feng was more surprised.

This bad old man is just a SSS +-level powerful, which can summon the space transfer door. Is this what is the thing that the space class can do?

Not scientific!

At this moment, there was a wave of fluctuations on the vortex portal, followed by a figure from inside.

This is a white old man wearing a black robe.

"I am going, this is really a space delivery door? Wait ... His clothes don't matter ?!"

Li Feng is more surprised!

Each time he uses space transfer or group space delivery, the clothes on the body will be shredded by space.

But in front of you, this man is clearly from the space transfer door, but the clothes on the body are intact, which makes him very uncomfortable!

Why do you have any effort to disappear, and their space is nothing, and Li Feng feels deeply malicious from the system!

When Li Feng, Li Feng said this doubts.

Who knows the system elves: "The system developers take into account the problem of how to create a sister chance when developing space delivery."

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... feelings this is the system developer in the trend of the evil thoughts, deliberately joined the bug?

Do you want to be so shameless!

"Hill, what is this?"

At this time, the one from the space delivery door, I asked with hoarse voice.

"Father, I have encountered an extremely powerful enemy. He is a half-level strong, please ask your father to help me to revenge!"

Hill Solomon is excited to point Li Feng.

"Well?" The old black robe turned to Li Feng and the cold channel: "Is you in the place of Hill?"

While talking, a horrible breath broke out on him!


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