Save the Goddess System

Chapter 987 Mysterious Black Robe

The moment of the black tall is released, and a huge shadow is revealed from him. At the same time, four black light balls appear around him, surrounded by him slowly.

This scene directly looked at Bayqi father and son!

"My day ... What is this?" Stephen Bain said shocked.

"Is he is God, this is really incredible!" Frank Bain is deep enough, and it is also shocked.

"See it, this is the real top power." Hill Solomon has thought of it, and there is a bottom gas, it looks very proud.

Frank Bech was excited to nod, then turned to Stephen: "Seeing it, there is a top-level strong above the half-level power, this Chinese people are dead!"

Hill Solomon: "..."

Black robe old: "..."

Li Feng: "..."

No ... feelings Frank Bayi thought the top-level strong is more powerful than half of the strong sense of power?

Some people will always expose their stupid side in unfortunately.

"Cough, Frank, my father is also a half-level strong, but it is medium-term." Hill Solomon didn't want to see him ugly, but they had to remind it.

"Hey ..." Frank Bain's old face is red, then a laughing: "It turned out so old, then I wished your father to enter the late stage!"

Hill Solomon: "???"

What is the king? You are so late, your family is late!

Will you talk, don't know how to shut your mouth!

"Hill, this is your friend?" The old black robe can't hear, frowning.

While talking, he pulled Hill Solomon from his right hand.

"Yes, he is I know in a hunting activity, people are still good." Hill Solomon shakes the soil on the body and replied.

"Is the hunting activity of you collecting the blood of chimpanzees?" The old man is picking up and ask again.

"Yes, my father." Hill Solle nodded and smiled: "Frank gives me a lot of financial support, it is a good friend."

Frank Baini is now a great color: "It is unwroughly as long as the chimpanzee, you need the blood of the chimpanzee."

In the last hunting activities, Hill Solomon's interest in the beast of the lion tiger, but inversely, it shows a great interest in chimpanzee.

At that time, Frank Bain had thought that Hill Solomon had a special hobby for chimpanzees, it was very belly ...

Hill Solomon's mouth smoked, I nodded didn't talk anymore. He has been blew by Frank, I am really afraid that he said, and was hit by Frank.

"I said ... You don't want to ignore me, is I am the protagonist is not?" Li Feng did not see it.

After the old black tall, I asked him a word, and then let him dry, how to drop, I feel that Xiaoye does not threaten you?

"Hey, don't have to remind me to pick you up." The old man is cold, but there is no need to work immediately, but asked: "Why are you, why do you shoot my son?"

"Why do you always ask me, know if I am, can we sit down and drink tea chat? Isn't it the same to do it?" Li Feng said something impatient.

"Your Chinese has an old saying, calling the unknown ghost, knowing the name of the enemy is also a respect for the enemy." The old man said gloomy.

In fact, this is some sets. His fundamental purpose is to figure out that there is no bigger force behind Li Feng, although Li Peng is a Chinese face, but now this world has been different from a hundred years ago, and the Guangming Parliament is also Not there is no Chinese people.

Li Feng is the people of the Bright Parliament, then the severity of this matter will increase the number of levels.

If Li Feng is just a strong person from the ancient oriental continent, things are very simple, directly killing him.

"Killing the enemy is the biggest respect for the enemy." Li Feng shook his head smile, asked: "I am very curious, what kind of person is you, according to I know, even if it is a half-level strong, it is difficult to master the martial arts of the space class. What is it do? "

The black turtle is picking up, smiling: "This is the secret of our family, I am sorry, I can't tell you."

"That is not to talk about it?" Li Feng two-handed, it appeared some disappointment.

"When you hurt my son, there is no possibility to talk about it." The old man sighed.

At this moment, a black arm suddenly appeared from the Aisabani's Ide, and he cracked the past!

The ghosts appeared in this wrist, and there is no energy fluctuating, and because of the relying on the relying on Aiha Nabita, Li Feng did not find it in the first time.


Aisha Ya only feels that the ankle is cold, and a burning is a sense of burning, so she can't help but call out!

In this case, Li Feng discovered this situation, and the black arm was broken down.

At the time of his sword, the body of Aiha Naya suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment was caught in the black robe!

It's like the black arm is the same as the old man's old man, extremely strange!

"Dry Mr. Solomon!" Frank Bayi couldn't help but admire!

"I am thinking about it! It's too forced!" Stephen Bain was equipped with the sound.

This kind of scene is only seen in the fantasy movie, it is really disturbing!

"It's a rare beauty!" The old man in the black looked at Eya Ya Ya, and the eye was now greedy.

"You let me go!" Aisa Nay used to shoot the arm of the black robe, but it didn't help, the hand of the black robe is like steel casting, the silk is not moving!

"Hey!" The old people of the black robe laughed and smiled. "What are you telling me now?"

Li Feng pupil is shrinkage: "You threaten me?"

"If you care about this woman, it is a threat." The old black robe smiled, said: "How much is a beautiful woman like jade, if you become a man, is it a violent ? I really don't want to do this. "

"Li Feng, don't worry about me, you will run!" Aishania worried that Li Feng made a impulse for himself, and quickly shouted.

"Aisa Nay, you can rest assured, I have no one can hurt you." Li Feng deeply sucking mouth, then secretly said: "Time will be inverted!"

The voice is falling, and an invisible wave is spreading around him, and this world is like a movie and prescribes a button!

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