Save the Goddess System

Chapter 989 is really special?

At this moment, the Wan Si Road, who is far from Chinatown, is gather in playing cards, playing or fighting landlords.


Wei Bin, which is filled with a turtle, and then throws four J, very powerful.

This night, he loses N, do you have so many turtles on your face? He has to be killed by these people?

This finally got a good brand, he would give all the shame tonight to these people!

So the license must have an momentum!


Almost at the moment he threw four J, the rolling thunder came from the distance.

Scared Wei Bin's hand, almost throwing the remaining cards!

"I rub, you can bomb, can you introduce Tianlei?" Wan Zi Road and others were also surprised, this is too coincident, throw a bomb sounding thunder.

Wei Bin came back to God, and smiled: "This is called saying that you are best to be active, otherwise I shouted Lei to kill you."

"" Wanzao raised his hand is a pallet knocking on Wei Bin's head: "It's also special way to say, you are not afraid to bring the sky?"

The main owner is not there, he is the most embarrassing donkey in this room, how can we endure Wei Bin arrogant in front of him?

At this time, Qiu Wei standing on the window is boring to see the scenery, pointed to the distance: "Lying in the trough, it is really a robbery, you will see it!"

As for Qiu Wei, why not participate ... The reason is also very simple, he has not learned how to fight the landlord ...

Wan Zidao, Feng Dehai took the card to the table and flew over.

Not how curiosity they are, they don't want to lose to Wei Bin, throw this, do this!

"! You two have been going again!" Wei Bin was not happy.

Only the two people in Wanzao did not take care of him: "Lying in the trough? It is really a robbery ?!"

"Such a big dark cloud, the height is still so low, never seen it!"

Huang Wei, watching the battle next to the table, Wang Yuanliang has also been interested, and I ran the past.

At first glance, the two were also shocked: "Lying in the trough, look at this electric flash thunder, it is really a robbery!"

"Which Taoist friend is robbed here, do you want to see the lively?"

The hands of the grief of Wei Bin is shaking!

Who is robbery? Where is the Taoist friends! Do you have a special novel!

In order to pay, you have to show this extent, is there anything? !

Under the grief, Wei Bin threw the card in his hand, quickly walked to the window: "I have to see what you said ... lying, is really a special robbery ?!"

From the place outside of 10 kilometers, floating a big black-compressed dark cloud, the electric light in the dark clouds, the roar is intensive!

Wei Bin and others can see this scene, on the one hand, this five-star hotel in which they stay is the highest building, and it is expected to be high.

On the other hand, it is because Wei Bin and others have stepped into the half-life, and the eyesight exceed too much people. Otherwise, even if the eyes are open, ordinary people can't see the sights outside of more than a dozen kilometers.

Just when Wei Bin and others were shocked because this black cloud was shocked, Li Feng, who was covered by this black cloud, was already tense to all the cold hair!

Lying in the trough, a lot of black lightning!

Black is black, you can also release the bright light of others, this is a scientific principle? !

More critical is!

Li Feng detected a huge crisis from these black lightning. If he was so hard, it must be injured!

Now he has two options, one is the use of void, the second is invincible.

Void flashes can only avoid 0.1 second, if these lightning continuously, it will be troublesome.

Invincible ...

Rely, it has paid the time before starting, and the group space is transferred to the group space. Then, open an invincible ... Is it too fast?

Very unhappy!

"You all have a big eyes, this is my father's trick, thunderry storm, the same level of strong people encountered this trick is only seriously injured and even fallen!"

Hill Solomon said excited.

"Thunder cloud storm ... good name!" Stephen's deep breath and praised.

"It's good to make a thunder cloud storm, Mr. Solomi, your father is really a general figure!" Frank Bech is envious.

At this moment, what Ronghua wealth is thrown behind him, he is willing to use all the best to exchange the same capacity as Brek Solomon!

Or ... I recognize him as a dry?

I still don't know that Frank Bain wants to say to Hill Solomon, whoever grabbed Dad: "It is necessary, my father is a strong in the world!"

"Haha, Hill, see no, this brother is hit by my Thunder cloud storm, I have revenge you, hahaha."

The black cloud has not been dissipated, and the thunder is still continuing. Blake Solomon has already can't help but laugh.

At first this, the Chinese people gave him a lot of pressure, and this was forced that he had to use the strongest record directly.

It seems that this Huaxia people can't even be able to do anything, some highly look at him!

"Father is mighty!" Hill Solomon congratulated loudly.

"Mr. Solomon is mighty!" Bechi father and son could not wait to send the gardering.

Brek Solomon is absolutely large, they must be firmly hit!

Brek Solomon waved his hand, and how it was a glimpse of his face, but he couldn't hide.

At this time, the thunder stopped, and the clouds were dispersed.

Brek Solomon's relaxed turned to the ground, want to see the results, but when he read the situation of Li Feng, the face is instantaneous: "He is dead, what is this going ?!"

In his sight, Li Feng is holding the sword, the left hand takes the smoke, and the face is relaxed to spit the smoke ring.

So ... under the thunderous cloud storm, Li Feng also has a leisurely smoke? I must have an illusion!

"Hey, you are good, take a little smoke and then suitable."

Li Feng played the smoky ash and said satisfied.

Solomon, son: "???"

Bechi father and son: "???"

No ... The huge thunderstorm storm makes you smoke? Can you make it? !

At this moment, Brek Solomon really felt that a bloody blood was blocked.

He is proud of the thunderous cloud storm, the strongest trick, not only can not hurt Li Feng, even Li Feng's hairstyle is not destroyed, but also taken by Li Feng to smoke?

Who is this thing is not angry? !

Baiqi's father and son now can't wait to smoke my two pieces.

Who is mighty, a strong man with a strong man in the world! Is Brek Solomon to come this funny? !

"I wanted to take this cigarette, I didn't expect this group of Lei Yun so long."

Li Feng disappointed sigh, throwing away the cigarette, praise: "So ... then change me to change."

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