Save the Goddess System

Chapter 990 Iolizing the Leker Solomon

Just now, Solomon's words made Li Feng very bad. The battle has not ended yet, a few meanings, a few meanings? Deliberately in front of the young master? !

Sentence is not good, the support is forced, the young master really didn't have anyone!

It is in this idea that there is only one scene ...

Of course, black lightning can't take a little smoke, don't say something to smoke, even if you take a wooden stick, you have to be smashed.

Li Feng is the smoke in the fireplace, pretending to use black lightning points.

Of course, as long as Li Feng does not break it, Bainch's father and son even, the father and son did not guess this, the key reason is ... Li Feng's performance is too tasty!

Under the infinite thunder, you can do the clothes and do not dye, beautiful hairstyle is not chaotic ... You can also say it with a lightning bow.

At this moment, Brek Solomon's brain sea keels five words: "Too long lasting ... too long ... too long ..."

These five words bring him a crit!

It is not the reason why Li Feng resists the thunderstorm storm, but Hill, his mother has said that he said like this ...

Li Feng said this sentence, let Brek Solomon have a sense of being aware of his best secret!

"Ah! I want to shin you!" Black Solomon was in a violent state, and the breath of the body suddenly rose, from the middle of the gods to the late days! "

Although the use of secrets will make him weak for a while, once you encounter a strong enemy, it is very dangerous, but Brek Solomon has already paid so much!

"Is it finally serious?" Li Feng hooked a smile of playing taste, and opened two big cards.



"Boom" "Boom"

The breath on Li Feng has skyrocketed, directly came to the late days, and at the same time, a giant shadow appeared behind him.

At this moment, Wei Bin, who is watching "Tianjob", and others who are watching "Tianji" are also seen in the top floor of the hotel.

"Lying! Is it seeming to be the virtual god of our association?" Wan Zao pointed to the vain, and said.

"Self-confidence, put the 'seems to go." Wei Bin smiled coldly.

"" Wan Zidao raised his hand to Wei Bin, a chestnut, angry: "When are you still shaking here? It is very clear that the master has encountered a strong enemy. You still have this, Parallel! "

The voice is falling, and Wanzao is jumping out from the window.

Feng Dehai and others are not willing to fly out of the window.

Wei Bin touched his head and whispered: "Why do you say that this is a mighty domineering, I said it is a shake machine spirit, a group of double-standard dogs!"

It's self-calling, Wei Bin shouted: "Wait for me, I have to force the main owner!"

The voice falls, Wei Bin also flashed out of the window.


After the realm has skyrocketed, Li Feng has not repeated, and raising his hand is a sword.

A sharp sword was born from the void, and the leisure came to Brek Solomon.

"Hey, the spurs!"

Brek Solomon disads, nor does it take to take your own sword, and lift the stick, you will go to Li Peku.


A group of Wu Yun once again appeared in the top of Li Peak, countless lightning is brewing in the dark clouds, the momentum is more vastness than the last time, it is like the scene of the robbery in the novel.

At the same time, a sudden speed in the four black light balls surrounded by Blake Solomon, instantly greeted the void's sword!


A loud noise, the sword is broken! That black light ball flashed again and was also embarrassed.

As the same, the impact wave generated after the collision did not affect Blake Solomon, but in front of him.

Only the disappearance of Black Lightball is still shrinking the pupil of Brek Solomon, but also whisper: "Good powerful swordsman, can break through my ghost eyes!"

The eyes of the ghost, their strongest defense skills this family, as long as they release it, they can perform independent defense.

Unless the realm is high, it is difficult to break through the defense of the ghost!

Of course, these ghosts are also required for energy support. Once the energy is exhausted in their body, these ghosts will dissipate, or the attack intensity exceeds the ghosts. The limit can be dissipated.

And the eyes of the ghost, only blocked Li Feng two swords, this shows that Li Feng's sword is very powerful!

On the occasion of Brek Solomon's mind, the black cloud is once again smashing!


Countless lightning, directly drowned the following Li Feng!

Brek Solomon's tense hand is sweating: "He is sicking him, you must give me death!"

At this time, the number of drapes suddenly hit from him!

Three black light balls autonomous defensive, and they will meet these swords.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

The roar is constantly sounding, and the impact of the explosion caused by the shock wave!

When I watched back to Blake, I found out that the remaining three black light balls were dissipated, and the Li Feng caused all Li Feng looked at him in a hundred meter.

"Damn, how did he ran there?" Brek Solo facade is stunned!

Thunder cloud storm can automatically lock the enemy's trace, just like the first time he uses this trick, Li Feng uses it after the sky, and the clouds produced by the clouds are generally chased in the past.

However, this automatic lock can only be, when the thunder cloud storm is brewing, once the lightning begins to fell, there is no such ability.

This is naturally a weakness of the Thunder Cloud Storm, but the words come back, most people are still seriously injured when they were smashed by the black lightning, and this weakness is not weak.

However, Brek Solomon did not expect that he would hit a person who could ignore the thunderstorm attack!

At the time of the fear of Brek Solomon, he suddenly became dark as ink, which was not a little bright!

In the sky in the distance, Hill Solomon looked at the black light column in front of him, and his eyes were coming out!

They can't understand, and there will be a large black cylinder with a diameter of two hundred meters, up to thousands of meters. This is what God can do?

"This is dead, what is going on ?!" Brake Solomon is mad, a great crisis flies to his heart, and he will re-condense the eyes of the ghost.

It's just that the eyes of the ghost are re-condensed, and a black sword will draw a floating curve to him!


A sound knife is rings!

At the same time, the thunderstorm storm disappears, the next moment, the black cylinder is dissipated, revealing the scene inside.

I saw that Brek Solomon maintained a fear look in the same place, suddenly, a bloodline appeared on his neck, and then the head landed!

A generation of half-god mid-term strength ... fallen!

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