Save the Goddess System

Chapter 995 Do you have any disease?

In the case of visually, this white beauty is one meter, of course, this is a height wearing high heels. If you go to the shoes, she also has a tall and six or five, standing there. Slim.

She wears a white dress very fairy, the long skirt is more than ten cents from the feet, don't talk about a small skirt, even if it is conserved compared with the one-step skirt wearing the office worker.

But the conservative does not mean the feelings, the opposite, because her body is extremely good, this troupe is slight, but it brings out her good body.

In the woman who knows Li Feng, Tiffany Aier, who is known in the world's first supermodel, is it the best? Gold ratio, the thin place to thin the fat place fat.

But this woman from the pink phantom will be better!

Li Feng also said that there is no better, after all, people wear clothes, he didn't think about the beauty of the woman, but the woman's body is good, because she can inspire the most of the body of the man's heart!

What makes Li Feng can't stand it, this beautiful face is also particularly pure and particularly beautiful, and the top beauty!

So the angel's face devil's body, it is suitable for this woman, but it can even say this sentence is to create it specially for this woman!

She just stood there quietly, and she could have erect endless charm, and people's souls have to fall into it.

This is really Li Feng praise, I haven't seen Luo Tianzheng and others. Are you a lot of mouth? Is there a hurry?

Just when Li Feng got the white beauty, the white beauty was also playing him. When she saw the light of the Eyes of Li Feng, her eyes flashed a contemptuous color.

However, she controls the skills of expression, the color of the contempt is only a flash, and the declaration is that the pure and no polite smile, then she quickly walked into the doctor: "Do you are Li Feng, Dr. Li?"

Li Feng took the color of stunning, smiling, told: "Yes, what is your disease?"

White woman: "???"

No ... What is me? What is the disease, I should ask me what is my name for the first time?

Luo Tianzheng and others were also hit by Li Feng's horses.

Does the owner's sister skill is not very powerful? How did this suddenly dropped N levels?

Where did they knew that Li Feng had seen the contempt of the white women's eyes, not Li Feng has more sensitive, but he has never pursued a guideline for people, how is someone else to him?

Can you look down on him? He wants to go to the pole.

White beauty lightly, smiled: "Dr. Li, my disease is very special, not too convenient to let others hear it."

During the speech, she has unexpectedly sweeping Luo Tianzheng and others.

Luo Tianzheng and others recovered the chin, and the head was twisted to the side, but they still couldn't help but sneak the white beauty.

When I saw this Li Feng, I couldn't help but have a little angry. I have never seen a beautiful woman. Can one can give you a long face? !

When Li Feng, Li Feng glared in Lao Luo and others.

Feeling Li Feng's murderous, Luo Tianzheng, etc.

Li Feng snorted, and he asked: "How many?"

"Well ... involved my privacy." White beauty pretty face red, the small voice said.

"Gynecology?" Li Fengbei picks up and enabled the eyes of medical gods.

The white beauty did not expect Li Feng to talk directly, and it was nervous to have some hands.

At this time, the souvenir's old man is not full: "Dr. Li, our lady saw the post on Huaxia Little Medicine, holding a trial, who is here, I hope you can fulfill a doctor's responsibility. "

Li Feng smiled: "Isn't I not fulfilling a doctor's responsibility now?"

Yan Tailor old brow micro-wrinkle: "Our Miss has said this involves her privacy, you can't talk about Miss's condition in the situation."

"Oh." Li Feng nodded and waved: "Then you will go, I can't see your lady."

Dovetail, old man: "???"

White beauty: "???"

No ... This hasn't started to see it, just can't see it. It's okay, let you be angry after a few words, and is not asking for the patient.

"Dr. Li, Piernson is our housekeeper, standing in my angle, if he will let Dr. Li feel unpleasant, please ask Dr. Li to forgive!"

White beauty puts up the color, and it is very polite.

She believes that with her charm, just say a few soft words, Li Feng will make concessions, this is certain.

"Miss ..." Pearson would say.

White beauty rushed to shook his head and smiled: "Pearson, now we have to ask Mr. Li, you still say two words."

Pearson's face, point: "Yes, Miss."

At this time, Li Feng smiled again: "You don't have this, I can't see your disease, because ... I didn't see you have sick."

At this time, Piersson stunned with white beauty.

Half the white skin is complicated, "Dr. Li, you haven't given me a diagnosis, how can I know that I have not sick?"

Although her tone is very calm, Luo Tianzheng and others have heard a bit of obsessment from her.

How is a little woman who loves to love, if they are Li Feng, I have a disease, I will bring it in the middle!

"Our Chinese medicine is expected to say, I only need to use 'hope' words, you can see your body is very healthy." Li Feng shrugged.

White beauty face slightly changed: "I think it still gives me more accurate."

"No." Li Feng shook his head smiled and said: "Lao Luo, send guests."

"Ah?" Luo Tian is just a glimpse, then he just said: "Good ."

In the speech, he walked to the beautiful woman in white beauty. He squeezed a smile that he thought that he said: "Beauty, our boss is very accurate. He said that you didn't sick, you will definitely don't sick, so you still go."

White beauty saw him, Chu Chu said: "But I really have a sick, I have went to a lot of hospitals to cure it here."

Luo Tianzheng only felt that his heart was hit, and now I have to persuade Li Feng, who knows that he is Li Feng's embarrassment.

Suddenly Luo Tian is just, he forcibly makes himself a cold: "Beauty, you still go, our boss speaks a spit, no idea."

"This ..." White beauty opened his mouth, and finally made a disappointed sigh, and then turned to go.

At this moment, Luo Tianzheng and others also heard the disappointment of the disappointment, more beautiful women, how can you see more?

Pearson saw Li Feng at a glance, and then turned his head.

When the two were about to come out of the door, the white beauty suddenly said, "I ..." I ... "I ..." I ... "

After that, she fell back!

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