
Piernson's eye is fast, and even busy with her hand.

Luo Tianzheng is shocked in the heart, and quickly look forward to the front view, but see the beautiful eyes of the white clothes close, breathing is almost.


Luo Tian is busy turning his head to look at Li Feng, and the tone is slightly anxious.

This person is scratching, it is obviously true, but Li Feng also said that she didn't have a disease, Luo Tianzheng did not dare to say anything, only anxious eyes reminded Li Feng.

Li Feng brows, can be sure, before this, the woman's breath is very stable, and there is no hidden illusion under the eyes of medical gods.

But at this moment, he will look at the eyes of medical gods, but found that this woman's breath is abnormal, obviously the illness into the cream, so what is this woman who got the disease?

Just then, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded: "Hey, host, you have new tasks, do you see it right away?"

"View!" Li Feng guess this task will be related to white beauty, and there is no hesitation.

"Task: Save the goddess Ioliki Kofi, if the goddess Ioliki Kofi did not get timely treatment, the 2 million system points were deducted to punish."

"Mission Reward: 500,000 experience value, 1 million system points, 10 conquer points."

Seeing this, Li Feng knows that he must treat this white beauty called Alice.

"Mr. Piersson, hold her into the mile." Li Feng stood up from the seat station, turned to the miles.

"Hey, I just said that our Miss did not sick, now I have to save our lady? Sorry, no need!"

Piersson snorted, he would leave Alice Kofi left here.

Is Li Feng, is it?

I special ... This housekeeper is very oh, in order to make the safety of the young master, the safety of the family, the leather leather, admire.

This Kofi family is created, please have such a 2 goods house?

Luo Tianzheng is also awkward, then it is the heart of your heart: "When you are in the trough, when is this, it is also to bring our boss. Is your lady's life is important?"

"Your old man is very bad, you should not have a hatred with your family, so I want to take this opportunity to live?"

"Old kid, my brother, I advise you, don't fight, save people!"

Luo Tianzheng is really angry, it is true for Piernson's steps. They don't want to watch such a delicate dripping.

Pearson's foot, turned to the smile: "But your boss just said that my lady is not sick, or you will let your boss give our lady to apologize?"

Luo Tianzheng and others can't believe their ears!

Some people dare to let Shen Zongzong apologize, do you have enough?

At the time of Lao Luo et al., Li Feng waved: "The apology is impossible to apologize, you will not apologize in this life, you quickly take your lady away, then choose a big cemetery, Lao Luo ,see a visitor out."

After that Li Feng returned, he took the newspaper on the table and looked up.

The atmosphere in the Chinese Medicine is suddenly solidified ...

Luo Tianzheng et al. S sense, Pearson's expression is somewhat embarrassing ...

Therefore, Li Feng is this is the idea to see the death, don't save it?

Lao Luo et al. Feels some tight, and it is a little worthless, how fresh life is, because of the people who don't know ... it is.

Hey, they really have a kind of impulse that I want to take a slap in the palm of the Dead.

Pilman laughed: "Do you have a doctor to save people as a doctor? Why can you watch our Miss death?"

Li Feng shrugged: "She will die in a while, unless you stay with her, but I think you will definitely take her to the hospital in the first time, although I can't do anything, but at least I I won't watch her death. "

"Of course, you have to be able to consume here, I can only watch her to die."

At this time, the Chinese Medicine Museum is still a silence.

After half, Pearson said coldly: "What do you mean say that the sick of our lady can only cure?"

"It is obvious, otherwise, your lady will not come to me." Li Feng nodded.

The disease of the white beauty is uniform, and even Li Feng is uncertain to use the nine turn to cure the opponent's disease, don't mention other doctors.

Of course, there is a system that Li Feng can solve the beauty of the white beauty.

"Is it? Then I have to see if you can cure our Miss!" Piernson cheered, holding Alice.

This round of Return to Li Feng stunned: "No ... What are you doing?"

Lao Luo and others were smiling and blocked. They were very hoped to treat white beauty, but Pierssson said that Pilsen is also skin, do not give him a lesson to taste it.

Pearson faces slightly, then said proudly: "Of course, let you save our lady, rest assured, as long as you can cure the monster disease, the price is you open."

"Sorry, I am not lacking, you hurry." Li Feng waved, and gave Luo Tianzhi with a eye, Luo Tianzheng knew what to do.

"Ok, you hurry, our boss is not bad." Luo Tianzheng sighed, and then launched Pearson to go.

Pearson became changing again, then he looked at Li Feng, holding Alice Kofi, Li Feng, deeply got a deep, extremely sincere: "Sorry, I should not fight with you, please save our home Miss, as long as you cure the strange disease of Miss, you can do anything. "

Don't say Luo Tianzheng and others, even Li Feng is in the spot!

No ... What God turns? Just still asked Li Feng to apologize again, it is, suddenly, I apologize to Li Feng, so unreal?

"Dr. Li, I was really a ghost, please save our lady, I gave you a down!"

Speaking, Pearson, asked Li Feng twin knee.

Li Feng's face is slightly changed, and I quickly rushed to the old Luo, and Lao Luo will quickly reach out to support Pirlon.

Piersson looked up, just greeted Li Feng's complex eyes.

"Put her in."

After that, Li Feng turned into the mile.

Seeing Pollson still standing in the same place, Luo Tian is reminding: "Still standing here, hurry, our boss is not a human disturbance."

"Oh oh." Pilsen nodded, and quickly hugged Alice into the mile.

"Let her go here." Li Feng referred to the small bed.

"Okay." Piersson was extremely obedient to put Alice in bed, and it was completely judged when he was aliith with Li Feng.

After finishing these, Piernson didn't talk to Li Feng, and turned to go outside.

"You are so relieved that she is here alone?" Li Feng looked at it.

Pearson's foot, turned to look at Li Feng: "I believe you!"

After that he left, he left here, and took the door to the door.

Li Feng is a face!

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