Save the Goddess System

Chapter 997 is wrong

Not ... a group of people who have been awkward before, suddenly cooperated, but also I believe you? Even you are used!

The front and rear contrast is too big, and the water is in his head?

Li Feng is really turned into the god of Pearson.

"Suddenly some regrets did not use reading hearts." Li Feng shook his head smiles and secretly whisper.

After it was forced, Li Feng turned to look at Alice Kofi on the bed, found that she is still chain, if she is like a silk, there is a feeling of hanging at any time.

After using the eyes of the medical god, Li Feng found that there was a cold tour in the body of Alice. Under the influence of this cold, her five organs were suffering from varying degrees of injury.

"What is this strange disease?" Li Feng brows.

Through the eyes of medical gods, Li Feng can accurately know what is the disease, what method can be used to cure this disease, and it is because he can sit in the Chinese medicine hall.

But Alice Kofi made him ate, he didn't see what the disease didn't look at Alice, but he would not be treated.

"Not a disease ... Is it poisoned?" Li Feng's brain sea flashed a shine, and quickly asked the system: "System, can you check if Alice Kofi is poisoned? If poisoning does something solve?"

After two seconds, the system gave an answer: "The host, after the inspection, Alice Kofi has two kinds of detoxification methods."

"First, the host can force the toxins of the ice to the poison of the ice, but the poison of the ice is more stubborn, and the host may temporarily hurt the vitality because of forced poison."

I heard that Li Feng couldn't help but brow, what poisonous, so stubborn, even the strength of his half-gods should be temporarily hurt?

At this time, the system elves continued to say: "Second approach, the host can take 100,000 system points from the system mall to purchase a Triyang Dan, medicine to the disease."

Li Feng brows, smiled: "Then I am sure to choose the second, the system points are yours!"

He didn't hesitate to let the system screened the Tibetan Dan, took 100,000 system points to buy, then there was a pigeon egg size in the system backpack.

After Li Feng was in his hand, it was found that this Dan is a little hot, just like a melon who has grilled from the stove.

"Fortunately, the system has released the task, otherwise the Xiaoye will lose 100,000 points."

Li Feng shook his head smile, went to Alice Kofi, leaned over to serve Dan medicine into her mouth.

In the coma, Alice Kofi only felt that the throat was hot, just like a burning coal, rolling into the throat, then the coal block exploded, turned into a warmth of the whole body.

Then, a cold is spread out from her, but the indoor temperature is high, and the cold is very fast to condense into a fog, so that the inner mucus is foggy, it is like a humidifier in the room.

Soon, Alice Kofi is covered with dew, just mentioning the white dress on her body, really like a dress rushing a bath.

White clothes were originally breath, this wet, transparent effect is more obvious.

Seeing, Li Feng quickly turned his head ...

Fortunately, in Triyang Dan, I played a role, Alice's body is hot, and I will drunk my clothes soon ...

Yes, it is dried ...

A few minutes later, the poison of the ice was completely expelled, Alice Kofi wake up.

After seeing the strange ceiling, Alice Kofi couldn't help but send a excitement, and quickly got up to view its own situation.

Waiting until she finds that the cold in her body disappears, and the color of a surprise is on her face.

"You feel better?"

At this time, Li Feng asked.

Alice · Kofi converges the color of surprises, turning to Li Feng: "Is Dr. Li cured my strange disease, right?"

Li Feng shrugged: "Well."

"Scorpio, Dr. Li is really a good magical. I have found a lot of world-renowned doctors who have no choice." Alice Kofi grabbed his mouth, the color of surprise was again on her face Emerge.

Li Feng keeps a smile look, not talking.

His strength is no need to boast ...

"I have a question, I want to ask you, how do you rule my disease?" Alice Kofi asked very curious, just carefully observed, it will find that her eyes are somewhat nervous.

I didn't care about this Li Feng, I am very casual: "Take medicine."

Alice Kofi Face Micro-change: "Is it just taking medicine?"

Li Feng brows micro wrinkle: "Other?"

He always thinks that this girl's reaction is somewhat strange.

Alice Kofi "ah", even busy explains: "I mean ... You are not good at using acupuncture, push, there is ... Well, those famous doctors have used many drugs. I have no help to my illness, so I am very curious about what medicine, it is so mysterious, I can treat my disease. "

"The ancestral medicine." Li Feng smiled and did not explain too much.

"Ah, is it really a medicinal medicine, how do I think Dr. Li is lie to me?" Alice Kofi has a little colorful face, and it is more surprivable.

Li Feng browned microstruck: "Why do you have this idea?"

Originally, he thought it was not normal, now I found ... Alice Kofi is not normal, so this is the tradition of Kofi family?

For a time, Li Feng is a little less cold to this Kofi family who has never heard of it.

"Dr. Li, I said that you have a homeship, and the diagnosis and treatment costs charged are far below other hospitals."

"Dr. Li Ji Ji Ji, just don't want to collect me more, right?" Alice Kofi said with a smile.

"There is nothing." Li Feng is a bit helpless.

He is odd, who said that it is only to take medicine, how can this woman have this boring idea?

"Some, definitely." Alice Kofi said very certain: "Don't we do it, our family is a big rich, Dr. Li can tell the process of treating my process, we will definitely thank you. Your!"

Hearing here, Li Feng finally heard it, this woman is obviously another purpose!

"Do you want to know if I have to give you a poison?" Li Pekui took a picked up, and I was using the heart to Alice Kofi.

Alice Kofi is a flash: "What is the true gas, a treatment for Chinese medicine?"

"Yes." Li Feng's mouth hook, play taste: "But I really didn't use this trick, just give you a medicinal medicine. If you don't believe you, you can go out and ask your housekeeper, how long you have a coma. "

"What do you mean?" Alice Kofi brother wrinkled.

"The time consumed, the time spent," Li Feng said deeply.

Alice Kofi is a flash: "Okay, I will go out and ask Pearson."

The voice is falling, she turned out.

Looking at the back of her leave, there is a cold light in Li Feng's eyes.

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