Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 1001: Malice in the killing house (li)

Although he followed Nagato Yuki to avoid the first attack of the killing house, Wushou wouldn't be naive to think that this time is over, the other party must have prepared more things to deal with him.

Although I don't know what will happen, Wu worry feels that he still needs to beware.

"Nagato-san, are you okay?"

Wushou followed the other party to the other party's apartment again. Seeing the other party's body load seemed to be heavy, after all Wuxian saw that the other party's body was smoking.

"I'm fine, but Asakura Ryoko's external device has disappeared. It seems that the existence is the source of malice."

Nagato-kun paused for a while, then Wushou seemed to feel that the other party was in contact with the other's superior.

"The above is still a decision. Observe temporarily. After all, we can't let any evolutionary possibility go."

Then, the aliens decided to observe themselves and the killing courtyard in a neutral way, which person might lead them to evolve.

"Well, Nagato-san, I'll go home first, see you tomorrow."

~The next day~

Wushou went back to school as usual, except that the surroundings were a little different.

The classmates who went to school around, looked very strange, looked carefree, just like something.

The same strange hatred.


However, why didn't the outbreak occur again when they first met? Hasn't it been eliminated by Haruhi Suzumiya?

Could it be. The appearance of the killing house caused everything to reappear.

Wu worry just returned to the classroom under strange gaze. He originally thought that there would be some bullying in the classroom, but it didn't seem to be any different.

Except, standing aside, smiling at his Asakura Ryoko.

Wushou ignored the other party and sat back in his seat, waiting for the person behind him to return.

Five minutes later, Haruhi Suzumiya returned to school as usual, but the other party seemed to have noticed something abnormal.

"No worries, did you do something stupid to offend the entire school?"

"I don't know, I don't know anything, but why don't you know?"

Some time ago, classmate Nagato said that Haruhi Suzumiya has the ability to change the world, and the evil intentions of the original killing house were also eliminated because of her.

So, as long as Haruhi Suzumiya cares about this again, the malice in Wushou's body may disappear again.

"How do I know that people all over the world are looking at you with strange eyes, as if your identity has been seen through by them, this is something I feel unforgivable."

Haruhi Suzumiya continued as if saying something strange.

"Your true body can only be seen through by me. No one else can. Don't let others care about you too much."


Then, Haruhi Suzumiya didn't say anything, after all, the class started.

However, Wushou did feel that just now, the whole class was staring at him all the time, because of the words of Haruhi Suzumiya just now, their eyes were shifted, and they were all watching the teacher above with no distraction.


Sitting in the front row, the Killing Yard, felt that mysterious power, and unexpectedly discovered that he had just put down his malice to the world again, and was suddenly eliminated.

It's like a person who is more privileged than himself has cleaned up his traces all at once.

"What's the matter, are there still such people in this world?"

The Killing Institute really didn't expect such a high-privileged person to exist, and he hadn't been able to detect it yet.

It seems that we need to calm down for a while and observe the world.

After all, there is only one clone, if it disappears, it will be very troublesome.

Wushou breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the killing courtyard finally leave him. It seemed that he was rescued by Haruhi Suzumiya.

After school, he also ignored other people's troubles. Wushou followed Kasuga back to the activity room. On the way, Kasuga walked away by himself and told Wushou to go to the activity room and wait for her.

~Old school building, Department of Literature~

As it was then, Nagato Yuxi sat quietly in the corner, looking at the novel in his hand, as if the other party was here from the beginning, waiting for them to come over.

"Do you feel the power of Haruhi Suzumiya."

It is rare for Nagato Yuki to put down the book in her hand and look at it without sorrow.

"Well, I probably felt that that incredible power suddenly changed the original malice of the world again."

"The information also changed at that moment. The newly added maliciousness was completely changed because of Haruhi Suzumiya's sentence, so we will contact Haruhi Suzumiya to understand the possibility of evolution."

"Then another exists."

Nagato Yuki paused for a while, then continued.

"The other existence has nothing to do with us. After all, according to our observations, the other existence is actually your enemy. For some reason, it fights with you and maliciousness will appear."

"Enemies that can produce a malicious existence in the world and must be handled carefully, so worry-free, and also have the possibility of evolution."

Therefore, I said that I was neutral only yesterday, and I did not intend to intervene too much.

"Well, at least I know your attitude so I will try my best to live, for your so-called expectations."

Ta Ta Ta

Listening to the rush of footsteps, Wu worry knew that Haruhi Suzumiya was approaching, and there should be someone following him behind him.


Haruhi Suzumiya directly opened the door and swaggered in, followed by a girl who looked like a senior girl.

"Hello everyone, I brought the fourth member of our club."

"Well. Although I don't know what Haruhi Suzumiya wants to do, but the other party is now his own patron saint, so even if he is not very happy, he should try his best to echo it, at least not to show such a lack of enthusiasm.

"Then, Haruhi-san, you brought this, uh, senior sister, did you bring her here? Did you just grab it?"

"No, this is the guy I found after a few classes and has been doing nothing."

It turns out that it was really caught, and it was not casual.

Wushou sighed, and could only endure the strange thoughts of the other party, and went on to say.

"Then, what did we bring this senior sister into our club? I don't even know what our club does."

"Hmph, there is still something to say."

Haruhi Suzumiya looked at the senpai on the side and said.

"Look at this guy is cute, and he has a better figure than us, right."


"So, it's good to be the mascot of the club!"

Well, the brain circuit is indeed completely different from ordinary people, and it is worthy of being a guy with the ability to change the world.

Wu worry has nothing to say except helplessly covering his forehead.

"So, can you tell me, do people agree to this matter?"

"Naturally, not yet."

Looking at the smiling face of Kasuga, Wushou had nothing to say except for the stomachache.

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