Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 1002: Dream (table)

Nightmare space, underworld

The nightmare space originally controlled by darkness, because of the intervention of the underworld, the entire space is now controlled by Ai Lei alone.

Not only that, the humans and other creatures who originally entered the nightmare, if they enter this world, then the so-called spokesperson of the nightmare that I see now is Elei herself.

However, many people today have discovered that even if they really have a strange nightmare, they will find that they have been wandering and wandering in a room.

No matter how you go, there is no way to leave here.

"What's the matter, it's rare to enter a nightmare again, I just want to see the nightmare god, let me leave here."

Obviously, this is some kind of alternative human beings with bad intentions, in fact, these people are not a minority in this space.

It's just that Ai Lei didn't have time to pay attention to them today, because Ai Lei had to deal with a big guy who entered the nightmare space.

"Oh, is this the underworld?"

Gilgamesh looked around and was obviously completely different from the underworld he had seen.

Now it looks more like a real prison.

There are iron cages all around, and if they are normally opened, you can see black souls falling from the sky.

Only today, there is only one person standing in the middle of the prison.


After Tiamat watched everyone enter this space, the first thing he saw was behind Ai Lei, who hadn't woke up yet.

"Holy Grail, give it to me."

"Mother, the Holy Grail is no longer yours. You are not qualified to take the Holy Grail."

Jin Gu looked at Tiamat, who had been corroded by time, besides feeling heartache, there was also helplessness.


With Tiamat's sigh, the cold breath suddenly pounced on Ai Lei and the others not far away.


This is not the outside world, this is Ai Lei's underworld, here, Ai Lei can exert two hundred percent of her power.

A blue flame rose from the ground, directly blocking the ice of Tiamat.

"Is there no other strategy to start so soon?"

Gilgamesh made a rare spit, and then slammed the treasure he could take out directly at Tiamat.

"Naturally, there is no strategy. The best way is to directly attack the enemy in front of you."

Merlin had no other abilities, except for assistance, it was really useless.

"Go away!"

Jin Gu pushed away Merlin, who was going to paddle, and the lock of the sky was directly wrapped around Tiamat, intending to restrict Tiamat's movement by relying on his own treasure.

"It's useless!"

Although Tiamat is indeed a genuine god, there is still a powerful malicious inside to protect her, relying on the lock of the sky alone, there is no way to restrict the opponent's actions.

However, at least there is a certain effect, which can restrict the opponent's actions.

"Sure enough, against these enemies, it's best to use this!"

As Gilgamesh took out his lock of heaven, Tiamat's movement was finally restricted.


"I said it, it's useless!"


The strong wind blew the two away at once, and then a spear passed directly through Jin Gu's body at a speed that Jin Gu did not react at all, destroying Jin Gu's spiritual foundation at once.

"How can it be!"

Jin Gu fell directly to the ground and couldn't get up again.

"No way!"

Ai Lei watched Jin Gu fall, but she didn't expect her side to lose a combat power so quickly.


Guru Guru

Many rocks rose on the ground to form a huge skeleton, which directly hit Tiamat's head with a punch.

However, if you look closely, you can see a transparent barrier blocking Aire's attack.

"It's useless!"


In the next second, the huge spear was once again out of Tiamat's control and directly penetrated Gilgamesh's body.


Merlin hurried to Gilgamesh's side, looked at the opponent's injury, and knew that he had no means, unless the person woke up.

"Wang, you hold on, soon, you wait."

Merlin came behind Ai Lei. Since just now, Ai Lei has been standing in front of Wushou without any intention of stepping away.

"Hey, traveler, wake up, you are needed here, and your strength is needed."

"Wake up soon."

"It's useless, nightmare."

Tiamat looked at Merlin and said.

"He has entered a dream state."

Could it be that

Merlin remembered that when he had done to Tiamat, did the other party also do these things to Wushou once?


Merlin went directly into the worries-free dream, and found that the other party was really trapped in the dream space by Tiamat, so he didn't wake up.

~Sorrowless dreams~

"This is."

By the quiet lake, Wushou sits alone by the lake, holding a fishing rod in his hand, and sitting next to a young girl with long red hair.

"Is this, his dream?"

Not a nightmare, not a wandering dream, but relying on an old acquaintance to keep him in the dream.



Wuxian turned his head to look at Merlin behind him, and pointed his finger at him.

"Shh, she just fell asleep, don't wake her up."

After speaking, Wushou stretched out his hand to soothe the girl around him, feeling an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

"Traveler, you should know that these are dreams, right?"

"I know, but now I can only see this person in my dream."

Wuxian combed the other's hair and continued.

"What's the matter, I have only seen this person in a dream. I have only seen her in a previous life. Why am I so reluctant to let her go? Even if I know this is a dream, I don't want to leave her."

Wu worry looked at Merlin, then continued.

"Can you understand?"

"I can understand, so you should leave this dream and find the real her."

"She, it's not right, she is gone a long time ago, I have said, she is just the person in the memory of my previous life, she must be gone now."

"So I."

Merlin knew that, so she wanted to leave without any worries.

"Then you should know that many people outside are facing difficulties and need your help, and you should also have a lot of people, waiting for you to go back."

"I know, but."

Wushou looked at the girl next to her, and continued.

"As long as I say to leave, this person will cry and tell me, don't go, don't go, I can't abandon her."

"So, let me be here and continue to sink."

"Is that your answer?"

Merlin was a little disappointed that this man who was destined to save the world would be defeated by the dream.

"I'm really disappointed, traveler."

"Disappointment, maybe, but I am now, maybe it is the happiest time."


Merlin showed Wushou the current situation in the nightmare space.

"Look, Wang and Ai Lei need your help. Are you going to stand by here?"

Wushou looked at the two in the mirror, and finally closed his eyes in silence.

"Really disappointed."

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