Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 1003: The first activity of the club (in)

And now, the girl named Mikaru Asahina who was brought by Haruhi Suzumiya was a creature that looked like a harmless little rabbit.

Seeing the other party just being brought here by Haruhi Suzumiya, there is no worries. In addition to feeling sorry for the other party's future, there is also a bit of chill when remembering that he and the other party are treated almost the same way.

"Then, Haruhi-san, can you tell me what exactly our club does and the name you didn't seem to tell me."

"Hmph, I have already figured out the name."

Seeing Haruhi Suzumiya with a smug smile, Wushou felt that the other party's name was definitely beyond his imagination.

"The name is the sos group."

Okay, this is the abbreviated name. As for the detailed name, I don't want to know or understand.


He covered his forehead without worry and headache, looked at the still smug Spring, and continued.

"Then Haruhi-san, what are we going to do in our club? The name is not enough, right? What is the purpose of the club?"

"Still need to say, of course it is to find a lot of friends and play with mysterious things."

"Cosmic people, people of the future, people with super powers, people from other worlds, I really want to find these people and play happily together."

As for the cosmic person, there is a real cosmic person next to you, the one sitting by the window.

As for people from another world, er, Wu worry feels that he is a so-called alien from another world. After all, he really does not belong to this world.

As for future people and superpowers, maybe there are people around them.

Wushou knows that Nagato Yuki approached her because of Haruhi Suzumiya's special nature, but Wushou was different from her, it was Haruhi Suzumiya who approached herself.

Well, then, that is to say, if the world really unfolds as Haruhi Suzumiya expects, does it mean that people with superpowers will also appear in the future?

Wushou looked at the harmless girl next to him, and felt that the other person might be one of the two.

"I'll know soon."

the next day

Wushou learned yesterday that the last girl named Asahina Mikaru was finally locked in the Sos group by Haruhi Suzumiya, and was basically one of the bound personnel.

However, Wushou's only concern now is not the so-called Haruhi Suzumiya problem, but another existence that has been bothering her.

Killing House Kiara

This attracted a world to destroy its own existence, but also competed with itself for the Holy Grail, a troublesome guy.

Also, Nero, who fell into this world with herself, hasn't heard anything yet, not even the organization that has been helping her.

Dididi, dididi

At this time, the phone left to Wushou finally rang.


"We have relevant information, but I hope you can help us."

~After school~

Haruhi Suzumiya saw that Wushou had already left the classroom early. He seemed to have gone to the activity room and walked to the old school building triumphantly.

Then, as soon as Haruhi Suzumiya opened the door, he saw a strange woman standing inside.

"Oh, are you Haruhi Suzumiya? It's interesting, it looks really special."

A vigorous girl with tiger teeth, Tsuruya-senpai.

A classmate in the same class as Shijiu Liu.

"Who are you and how do you appear here?"

"I brought her here."

Wushou sat aside and finally spoke.

"Hahaha, I heard from Shijiupi that this society still needs people, and Wushou said that this is an interesting place, so I came here."

Take in Wushou's organization, hoping that Wushou can pull this girl into this place, to be precise, close to Haruhi.

Of course, Wushou itself still belongs to their focus, but for the outside world, or for most people in their organization, Wushou belongs to the outermost personnel of the organization.

After all, the other party helped herself a lot, and wanted to get close to the so-called Haruhi Suzumiya and understand her abilities. Wushou naturally felt that it didn't matter. Anyway, Wushou's goal was only the killing house.

"So, you also want to join our sos group?"

"Hehe, of course, is there any problem?"

"Naturally not."

Obviously, Haruhi Suzumiya has a lot of affection for this newly-emerged Tsuruya-senpai, and the first impression is good.

So, the sos group finally made up enough five people.

Wuxian looked at Shijiuru who was wearing a strange maid uniform, Yuki Nagato, a quiet reading line, and Tsuruya-senpai who was talking and laughing with Kasuga.

Are the future people and superpowers in it?

Although I don't know who is who, I don't want to worry about it anymore. Since Kasuga wants to live a life that is not boring anyway, just don't involve him anyway.

On the way home, Tsuruya-senpai followed Wushou back to Wushou's residence, of course she went back carefully, after all, Haruhi Suzumiya was nearby.

"Then the contracting organization will quickly give you information about the other person."

"Thank you, by the way, during this time, don't touch Asakura Ryoko. If you get close to each other, you may die."

Although I don't know why Wushou said this, since the other party said so naturally, there is reason for the other party.

"Well, I will pass the information to others."

Soon after Tsuruya-senpai left, Wushou finally received a text message from Nero.

"Strange singing?"

The information tells Wushou that in the Colosseum in Rome, a bit of strange singing has echoed here recently, and the time of the sound is the same as the time when Wushou came to this world.

Well, this source may have been said by Wushou, another alien.

However, no matter how they searched, they couldn't find anything else.

"It's worth checking out."

Under the information, there is still a time to tell us when we can prepare to go to Rome and investigate.

"The day after tomorrow?"

Then, in the past two days, Wu worry should pay attention to whether there will be any actions in the killing house.

Just as Wushou was ready to think about doing something tonight, but suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

"who is it?"

Open the door and see Kasuga standing outside the door, waiting for himself.

"Student Haruhi, what's the matter?"

"I am busy."

Haruhi Suzumiya walked directly to the living room, just like when he first came in, but the difference is that there is no strange medical equipment now.

"What's wrong, Haruhi-san, what's the matter?"

"Well, actually."

Haruhi Suzumiya looked at Wushou, as if he wanted to see Wushou through.

"I am troubled. Who are you? You are definitely not an ordinary person, but why I feel you are very different."

"You don't need to care about this kind of thing, Haruhi Suzumiya."


The light bulb suddenly burned, Haruhi Suzumiya raised his head and saw his carefree eyes, shocked and speechless.

"Just be yourself, you don't need to think too much."

One by one circle, surrounded by worry-free eyes.

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