From the side of the park, a lot of strange guys in vests walked up. These people are the heroes of the S-Class Hero Vest, and to a certain extent they can be regarded as a small force.

At this time, Venerable Vest came out from the side and rushed directly in front of the hungry wolf.


The hungry wolf was hit by a sudden attack, and the whole person backflips a few times.

"S-level, it's finally here. There was no chance last time, but this time."

Venerable Vest is very strong, outstanding in strength and physique, but for the hungry wolf, it is not enough.

"It's going to start."

Venerable Vest suddenly felt that the hungry wolf in front of him suddenly changed a lot, and his aura was completely different.

Flowing Water Crushing Rock Fist

Hungry Wolf used to be a disciple with silver fangs, the strongest disciple, naturally mastered this move, and had already incorporated it into his body.

The hungry wolf has not forgotten that he wants to become stronger, in order to become stronger, in order to fulfill his wish, he wants to become stronger.

This time, the hungry wolf did not leave casually, and even mastered the boxing technique to deal with huge monsters, and his proficiency was higher.

"Vest Vest, you are very strong, but I am stronger, you can't beat me."

After a few fights, Hungry Wolf directly knocked Venerable Vest to the ground, and Venerable Vest, who could have suppressed Hungry Wolf, was directly suppressed.

"Justice Crash!"

The unlicensed knight watching the play suddenly jumped out to attack the hungry wolf. The hungry wolf didn't need to look at it. The backhand was to catch the unlicensed knight.

Do you want to shoot?

Wushou hesitated, because if he really took the shot, he would expose himself, and then he would really face the hungry wolves, and there was no other way.

Therefore, Wushou hasn't taken any action, and has been observing everything that happened coldly.

Everyone was brought down by the hungry wolf. After this battle, the hungry wolf should have become stronger.

But it's not enough

The hungry wolf hasn't reached that level yet, and it's not worth coming out.

Wushou has been following the hungry wolf, but it is a little surprised. This guy has always wanted to fight, and has no plan to rest. Sooner or later, his body can't stand it.

No worries you need to interfere

In the middle of the night, I had just fought against Venerable Vest, and still let the hungry wolf take a few heavy blows, which still hurt me a little, and I hadn't had any supplies, so I kept looking for heroes and challenges.


A strange sound suddenly sounded, and the hungry wolf quickly focused.

"who is it?"


Boom, boom, boom

The black flame surrounded the hungry wolves. The hungry wolves who were walking on the street found that the pedestrians around had disappeared. Even the moon in the sky was covered by dark clouds.

"Who the **** is it, pretending to be a fool."

Really, have you forgotten me?

A low voice came from all around.


Not only the black flame, but also an inexplicable air permeates through it little by little

Click, click

A strange sound came, the hungry wolf has entered a state of fighting, watching the surroundings vigilantly

"Come out, don't hide anymore."

The person who walked out of the darkness was surrounded by darkness. The hungry wolf couldn't see through it. This person was in front of him.

"Are you out?"

Flowing Water Crushing Rock Fist

Preemptive strikes, not allowing the opponent to continue to pull in his own rhythm, this is the idea of ​​a hungry wolf.

"Boy, I really can't remember anything."



A red light flashed across the face of the hungry wolf, and a blood stain was drawn on the face.

That is!

The hungry wolf seemed to think of something, staring at the dark shadow with wide-eyed eyes

"Yes, you should be able to remember the memories of the past."

~The distant past~

"I will never forget what happened that day."

Even if it is not the original appearance, Hungry Wolf knows very well that that person is his always goal, the villain in the comics.

What I have always believed in is true, and there really is that, an absolute villain that threatens the world.

Hungry Wolf is very happy and hopes to tell everyone about it, but when he comes back to school, no one wants to believe in himself.

No one wants to believe it, so forget it, this is the secret of the hungry wolf himself.

The hungry wolf did know that this was true, because that voice had been reminding himself by his side.

"Hungry wolf, are you in danger?"

Once, the hungry wolf was besieged there again by those people. At this time, a black shadow appeared in front of them and knocked them all unconscious.

But Hungry Wolf knew very well that the invisible figure was that person.

Although he couldn't see that person, Hungry Wolf knew very well that he was by his side, protecting himself.

Until a certain day

Hungry wolf had a dream

"Hungry wolf, you have to grow by yourself, in order to become stronger, find someone to make you stronger, until you become strong enough, I will appear in front of you again."

That night, that person disappeared, disappeared in the world of hungry wolves.

I want to become stronger, not only for my dream, but also for that person, I want to see again, my once "hero".

"Do you remember it?"

The black shadow stood in front of the hungry wolf and said

"I remember it, so that's it, am I strong enough?"

"No, you are not strong enough, but if you continue like this, if you haven't become strong, you will fall."

The shadow disappeared again, this time the hungry wolf couldn’t see the other side again.

"Get a good rest, the next battle will be more difficult."

The hungry wolf felt dizzy and then passed out


When the hungry wolf awoke again, the time had come another day, and he was lying on the ground.


The hungry wolf thought that everything he saw yesterday was a dream, but he touched his face and the wound had not healed yet.

"Yesterday, not a dream."

The hungry wolf smiled.

"Look at it, I will soon become a representative of fear, the same as you used to be."

On the other side, Wushou, who has been observing in the dark, thought that his appearance yesterday was still very useful, after all, the hungry wolf seemed more full of fighting spirit.

"Well, then I will continue to see how far hungry wolf can go."


At this time, Wushou felt the familiar breath again, **** it, did it appear again?

Hope this time the enemy is not as troublesome as last time, after all, the Deep Sea King I met last time really almost killed him.

"It won't be so hard this time."

With no worries about thinking like this, I came directly to the place of breath.

"how so."

Wu worry looked at the guy in front of him, wondering if it was more troublesome this time, after all, this guy is more troublesome than the Deep Sea King.

"Yo, long time no see."

The person standing in front of Wushou wears a strange school uniform, holding a baseball bat in his hand, and combing a strange airplane head.

S-class hero, metal baseball

No worries do not know that all heroes can be possessed. It seems that I don't look at that thing too much.

"Come on, have a fight, half of me."

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