Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 784: Blackening

Time back to two hours ago

Because of fear of the attack of hero hunting, S-class heroes are entrusted to take care of the high-level leaders of the association who go out.

And the one who took over this task today is the S-rank hero, the metal bat

"Sorry, my son said he wanted to come out to eat this civilian's sushi, so he must come out. I beg you today, metal bat."

The metal bat sitting on the side looked unlovable. After all, this guy was going to be with his sister today, and he was delayed by this high-level special task.

"Damn it, if I knew it was such a task, I wouldn't come out."

I watched these guys without knowing the rules at all. I have taught them many times, but I have not changed them. The metal bats have already wanted to give up.

At this time, a phone call came and asked the metal bat to finish the call before continuing the task.

Who knows, as soon as the call ended, there was a sudden commotion outside.

"What's the matter, hungry wolf?"

The metal bat hurried out and saw some strange weird people coming out of the ground, preparing to take away these high-level associations.

"Weirdo, although you are not hungry wolves, you never want to leave."

Cleaned up these weird people cleanly, before waiting for the metal bat to rest for a while, I didn't expect another weird person to suddenly come out, the target is these high-level personnel.

"Why are there so many weird people, and the goal is so clear, what is going to happen?"

The metal bat wanted to continue to resist. At this time, a huge centipede protruded from the ground, a dragon-level weird and centipede elder recorded by the Heroes Association.

"This monster, bad."

There is really no way for a metal bat to deal with this kind of monster, especially if the opponent is still a dragon-level weird recorded by the association.


The metal bat didn't intend to leave either, and jumped directly to attack the centipede elder, but was simply hit by the opponent and hit it directly.

"Damn it, am I to this level?"

of course not

A sound rang in the ear of the metal bat

"who is it?"

I am a passenger from another world

It felt like time had stopped, and the metal bat seemed to see a blue light flashing before his eyes.

"What the **** are you, I don't need your help."


Blue light flashed in front of the metal bat, and scenes of strange scenes appeared in front of the metal bat.


The metal bat seems to have seen it, the city is destroyed, the forest is burning, and the earth is trembling.

The crowd was knocked to the ground, and the metal bats even saw a person, someone he knew well.


The scene disappeared again, the metal bat returned to reality, the city was destroyed by the centipede elder, and he had no means to deal with the opponent.

You need strength, I can give it to you.

A blue light condensed in front of the metal bat, slowly condensing into a galaxy spark.

With this thing, you can gain powerful power, and only in this way can you protect the person you want to protect.

The metal bat remembers that this thing is the alien visitors and the enemy they reminded that they should not use this power.

Stupid, that person has been deceiving you all the time, he is the worst villain, otherwise I will show you everything he does.

The metal bat saw a lot of things, including all the bad things about that person.

"So, are we all deceived?"

The metal bat was a little emotional, and both eyes were bewildered by the blue light in front of them.

That's it, take this thing, let's deal with that guy together.

"It makes sense, I want to become stronger."

The metal bat held the spark in front of him, and the blue energy was replaced by purple light for a moment. Before the metal bat became unconscious, he vaguely heard a mysterious laugh.

~Two hours later~

Wushou looked at the metal bat in front of him, and felt a little headache. This time he faced an S-rank hero, and Wushou knew that he was a relatively powerful S-rank hero.

The metal bat, currently the fifteenth in the S-class, is a hero who relies on something called momentum to continuously strengthen, just like those passionate protagonists that appear in games and comics, similar to the explosive ability.

Although the skill is not very strong, for him who has obtained the Galaxy Spark, this is no longer the point.

"Boy, actually deceived our entire association, are you ready to die?"

"Metal bat, you are just confused by the other party, he is the villain, you can't believe what he shows you."

"Shut up, you can just kill me now."

The metal bat, who had completely forgotten his mission, directly attacked Wushou and hit it directly.

Maze composition

The special ability from the power of the earth-bound gods suddenly shut the opponent in his own special maze, temporarily delaying time.

After all, Wushou is still being contacted urgently by the Heroes’ Association. If these people are taken away, it may cause trouble.


Wucao hurried to find out where those people were. He didn't expect that from the smoke, a person directly rushed over and directly attacked Wucai.

Flowing Water Crushing Rock Fist

When Wuxian saw this action, his body instinctively reflected and immediately avoided the opponent's first attack.

"Long time no see, alien visitor."

Unexpectedly, the hungry wolf came here at this time because of the big centipede?

No worries about playing against hungry wolves. After all, it’s too time-consuming. Just complete the task first and then pack the metal bats.


Wushou smiled secretly, waited for the hungry wolf to attack again, and sold a flaw to the hungry wolf.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at Wushou, Hungry Wolf would rather grab himself after being injured, but he didn't understand.

"Sorry, hero hunting, I am not interested in you now, help me deal with a guy."

After speaking, Wushou used the maze composition again to lock the hungry wolf and the metal bat together, and then went to find the high-level personnel who had disappeared.

However, when Wushou finally found the guide of those C-rank heroes, and found that one of the children had been taken away, the adult was left behind.

"So, everything is done for hostages?"

There was not much time, and it was impossible to find the child who had disappeared without worry, so he had to send these people to the hospital first, and then prepare to deal with the big centipede.

However, the big centipede seemed to know that the task was completed, and actually left by himself.

"An organization that is fighting against the Heroes' Association is really troublesome. Maybe it's an association of weird people who took the high-level sons to threaten us. Damn it."

The other party should contact them soon. What I have to do now is to deal with the metal bat in the maze.

Maze composition

Use abilities again to release the two, and the battle situation is worse than expected.

Hungry wolves can't beat the opponent.

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