Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 974: First contact (table)

Wu worry looked at the unfamiliar surroundings, and really couldn't find the direction for a while.

Although I was completely deceived by Gilgamesh to come out, the other party didn't even arrange for me to give me any guides. It was too difficult to find someone who might be taken away in this unfamiliar place. Got it.

The point is not this, and the map they gave is really incomprehensible, Wuxian is really just walking by intuition now.

While Wushou was still at a loss, he vaguely heard a strange sound coming from the forest.

"Is it a cry for help?"

Wushou walked in the direction of the sound, and then saw something strange.

A weird loli is tied to a tree, wearing a black cloak. The long dark red hair is almost above her knees. The point is not here. What kind of chain is used to tie this little loli On the tree.

If it is a normal situation, he would go straight to save the person without worry, but now he has no ability. If he walks past, he may be killed when encountering an enemy, so No worry has not rushed closer.

After waiting for a while, after deciding that there is no danger around, she slowly approached the **** Lolita without worry.

"Are you OK?"

Little Lori raised her head and looked at Wushou's purple eyes with tears shining, and she looked extremely pitiful.

"Big brother, save me, I am tied here to sacrifice to the gods here."

"You wait for me for a while."

Wushou reached out and grabbed the iron chains that tied Loli, but no matter how hard Wushou tried, he couldn't open these chains, just like using magic to lock people.

"Big brother, use magic power, and magic power can be injected into these chains."


Wushou scratched his head in embarrassment and continued.

"Sorry, I don't know how to use magic, it seems I can't open this chain."


Seeing little Lori looking at herself with suspicion, she felt like she had encountered some exotic animal.

"Yeah, I really don't know how to use magic, so I can't help it either."

To make sure that Wushou did not lie, Little Lolita could only sigh and went on.

"Brother, you are not magic, but you don't know how to use magic. I can teach you a way."

"any solution?"

"Big brother, you should know that the body fluids of the human body are magical."

Having said this, Wushou already knew what little Lolita was thinking in front of her.

No worries, there is no way, ready to put some blood, come to think of a way to rescue this little loli.

At this time, there were rapid footsteps behind Wushou.


Turning his head, he saw a man in ragged clothes, grabbing his arm and rushing over, obviously seeing many wounds of different sizes on his body.

"What's wrong?"

Following the man, Wushou also saw a burst of rapid footsteps, and there seemed to be a lot of noise.

"help me!"


Before he finished shouting, a few huge lion-shaped monsters suddenly appeared behind the man, and they ate the man who was still running away just now.

"It's not good, I've said it all, don't leave, it's okay."

Immediately behind these monsters, a young man with long green hair, uh, a person of unknown gender walked over, his eyes staring.

"Oh, there are other people, are they from Uruk?"

No worries to recognize this guy, Enkidu, it's wrong, it should be said that someone looks very similar to Enkidu, but not Enkidu, because.

Enkidu is dead.

"Who are you, I remember, the two kings of Uruk, Enkidu, are dead, why are you wandering in this world under someone else's skin?"

"Oh, see through me at a glance, not bad, huh?"

The green long-haired human, squinted at Wushou, as if thinking of something.

"I remember, you are the alien from the outside world, you have been attacked by us to the root cause, and you are not dead yet. It is really fateful."

It's the enemy, it's in trouble.

There is no sorrow of any attack method. When encountering these guys, except death, it is death.

"You can't die even to the root of the injury, but looking at your expression, you should not have the ability to resist. It seems that you are just a paper tiger."

Was seen through.

Wushou wanted to leave, but she hesitated for a while when she saw the little Lolita who was still tied to the tree.

"Eat him!"

The surrounding monsters listened to the other party's orders and rushed directly to the above, who was still hesitating.

Way, way, what else!


Beast of Warcraft bit Wushou's arm, blood splashed out along the wound, all of a sudden.

By the way, blood!



The monster that had originally planned to attack stopped, but Wushou's arm suddenly turned into a huge spike, which suddenly penetrated the monster that had just bitten his arm.

"Impossible, he should not be able to use magic power, what's the matter?"

"Enqidu" looked at the wound on Wushou's arm and finally realized it.

"So that's it, blood?"

Wushou does not have no magic power, but cannot use any means to drive the magic power in the body. Then, without any means to contact the magic power in the body, directly release the blood and use the most suitable projection magic.

A handful of weapons grew out of the wound on Wushou's hand, completely covering Wushou's arm.

"Hmph, even if you can use magic in this way, you can't beat us."

The remaining monsters continued to obey the orders of "Enqidu" and attacked Wushou again.

"Then, Enkidu, let you see this weapon!"

Click, click

Zi Zi Zi


Enqi saw that Wu worry canceled all the weapons in his arm, and a golden light opened from the wound. Suddenly, several familiar chains stretched out from the golden light and penetrated all the monsters at once.

"Impossible, how can you have this thing, and that breath is not a fake, it is real!"

"Enqidu" looked at Wushou with a look close to madness. The weapon just now was impossible. How could the other party use this kind of thing.

"Hehehe, who knows, do you still want to fight, Enkidu?"


There are too many unknown factors, and it seems that even if the other party can't use the original ability, it is still very dangerous now.

"You wait for me, I will seek revenge from you soon!"

After that, "Enqidu" turned around and left directly, it seems that he still didn't plan to fight Wucao now.

"Huh, finally gone."

Disarming all the arms on the body, Wuxian feels that the blood of the body will be exhausted. It is better to use these moves more often.

"By the way, little Lolita, I will save you now."

Wuxian sprinkled his blood on the chain, and finally the chain loosened slowly just like Little Lolita said.

It's just that Wushou feels something is wrong.

"Ah, I was discovered!"

At this time, Wushou discovered that when he sprinkled blood on the chains, he silently felt that he and Xiao Lori formed a link.

"You are a follower!"

"Yes, big brother."

It seems that this little Lolita has been pitted.

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