Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 975: Monster (in)

"Saber, why didn't you just answer the responder directly? It's also good for us."

On the way out of the base, Wuxian really didn't understand Nero's behavior just now, because it would be fine to agree on the spot just now.

"Player, what do you think of the strength of the layer master just now?"

"Very strong, the king's aura, since it can become the master of the level, the strength is naturally not weak."

"So, do the players find it easy to deal with monsters that make the master of the layer feel distressed?"

Naturally impossible.

"Saber, are you worried, the master just wants us to die?"

"We don't rule out this possibility, so we have to determine the level of those monsters."

Following the broken walls of the building, Wushou and Nero slowly penetrated into this heavily damaged city.

"Players, wait."

The two stopped and began to pay attention to the surrounding environment.

"Saber, what's the matter?"

"Hush, listen."

Although they didn't see anything, both of them seemed to hear some strange sounds.

"The wind?"

No, it should be said, what is moving in the air, that's why these sounds are made.

"What is it?"

"I don't know, but keep it quiet, I think it's weird."

The two of them sneaked through the cracks in the stone wall, and finally saw the outside of the stone wall through a little light.

"what is that?"

Blocks of strange blue squares are floating in the air. Not only that, these things seem to have a red origin in the center, and I don't know what flashes are happening.

"These monsters, wrong, should I say, robots?"

Although I don't know what they are doing, it doesn't seem to be doing a good thing.

Moreover, the red dot in the center constantly emits strange red light, as if scanning something.

"Looking for new creatures?"

It seems to be used to find someone, or a creature with magical power, it seems to be a special tool.

Wushou and Nero watched carefully, thinking about whether to go up and try to attack those things.

However, it seems that there is no need to wait for them to take the initiative to attack.

Dididi, dididi

The blue square, as if already knowing that Wuxian they are here, suddenly came around them.

"Oh no."

"No, the player, it should be said, perfect!"

After Nero finished speaking, he immediately picked up his long sword to prepare for an attack.


The red light instantly covered Nero's body, and suddenly Nero knelt on the ground.

"Saber, what's the matter with you?"

"Body, can't move!"

The feet are as if they have been filled with very heavy lead, they can't move at all.

"what happened?"

At this time, the blue square did not give Nero any time to buffer, and suddenly a strange wriggle in the air, turning into a spear.


Wu worry rushed to Nero's side, picked up Nero, and left.

Dididi, dididi

Seeing Wushou taking Nero away, the spear instantly turned into many tiny spikes and attacked Wushou directly.


All the wreckage of buildings along the way, as soon as they touched these spikes, they were all penetrated instantly, and there was no ability to resist them.

"Damn it, what the **** is it?"

No worries about running and running, intending to get out of the attack range of these attacks, but they seem to have something to track, they can't get rid of them at all, and the speed is extremely fast.

At this time, a small winged TV flew to Wushou's side, and the characters inside were naturally familiar guys Wushou was familiar with.


"Yo, senior, long time no see, how is your health?"

"BB, I have no time to talk to you now, what are these things, are you making things wrong?"

BB looked like he had been wronged, squatting on the ground and crying.

"No, this is not my thing, you have to believe me, senior."

"Believe you to blame, tell me, what is this?"

BB suddenly changed his face, looking happy and worry-free.

"Want to know, no problem, as long as you promise me to come in your dreams again tonight, I will tell you the truth."

Seeing that the things behind him are getting closer and closer, Wu worry can only quickly answer to the side.

"I promise you, tell me, what are those?"

"Hehehe, actually."


Before BB could say anything, the blue spike suddenly pierced the small TV next to Wushou.


Was tricked again.

No worries I believe that this thing must be controlled by the BB, otherwise it will not suddenly accelerate the attack on myself at this important juncture.

"Players, let the rest, and the rest can fight."

"Idiot, don't move, we will have a way to leave soon."

Wushou was still looking around, thinking about what might be useful.

At this time, Wushou stopped when he heard the voice behind him, and turned his head to look, only to see that the blue spikes came to a certain place and finally stopped and did not move on.


At this time, Wucao noticed that the original red ball seemed not to be nearby.

"It turns out that the sphere may be their core. These things can't be too far away from the core, or they may fail."

Knowing this, Wushou finally let go and put Nero down.

"Indeed, the original sense of gravity has also disappeared."

Nero couldn't feel the strange feeling just now.

"But why doesn't that ball move together? If that's the case, we definitely can't go away."

I don't understand, there must be some reason why they can't leave that area, they can only stay there.

Seeing that the blue team spikes finally returned, Wushou and Nero also decided to go to the base camp of the rebels first, and then learn about other things.

"How about, Saber, still don't decide to take this task?"

"Player, it seems that those monsters cannot be solved by the two of us. There is no way, but we can only destroy them with the master. I think the master himself will also be willing to fight with us."


After the two returned to the base camp, they saw that the uncle was still sitting in the place just now waiting for them.

"Oh, I'm back, how is it, you have seen those things amazing, right?"

No sorrow nodded, and continued.

"It's really amazing, but can the layer master tell us why they can't leave that area? If they can, we can't come back just now."

The layer master thought for a while, and finally said.

"Actually, the reason they can't leave is caused by someone."


The master nodded and continued.

"Our partner, he used his own treasures to confine those things to that area. Although you can't see it, in the eyes of those monsters, that area is a strange maze. No matter how you fight, you can't leave."

"However, the power of the treasures will definitely slowly decline until then they will definitely be able to move around the whole world, so you are only needed."

"Now, tell me your answers."

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