So, what's this 'advice' you're planning on giving me exactly?

"Did you just think in air quotes? I'm not even gonna bother unpacking that. Also, if you don't want any of my help just say that." Ego said, sitting back and relaxing.

God damn it, fine. I'm listening. Also, why am I back in this body? Shouldn't I be in my other body?

"That thought right there is the reason. You still consider that to be your other body or second body. I can only see the 'Ego' of each person I interact with. It's pretty obvious that you still consider yourself to be 'Vincent Decourville', you still think like him, act like him, and that's still who you are. I mean, take that little outburst as an example. The moment you stop considering yourself Vincent and start considering yourself Antonio, I'll be able to see the new you." Ego said, his usual know-it-all tone returning as a smile creeps across his face.

That makes sense at least. I mean, if I was Antonio instead of Vinny, I wouldn't be able to even talk with you like I am now. I'd be a little kid, not a fully grown human. Either way, that's only half of what I asked. What's this advice?

"So now you wanna know huh? What happened to this being a 'loaded interaction'." Ego says, adding the air quotes to the end of his smug tone.

Every interaction with you feels loaded. I mean, you told me to get strong but didn't even come close to telling me that this was a fantasy world or how to go about that. If this advice is half as vague as that order, then it sure seems loaded to me.

"Fair enough, and don't worry. My advice is very simple. When you turn three, you'll be given an increased amount of freedom, as age three in this world is significant, so is the age seven, thirteen, and sixteen. So, when you turn three, venture out of your house and head into the woods behind your house." Ego says, his signature grin and relaxed tone feeling eerie.

Aren't the forests full of danger? If I head in there as a three-year-old, alone, I'll surely die to one of those huge wolves I saw Damien kill.

"On your third birthday, head into the woods behind your house. I can't tell you much else, as just telling you this much and having this long of a conversation costs me quite a bit." He says, his tone falling a bit flat, almost as if he's annoyed.

Well, if you say so, I may try it. This isn't an order right, just advice?

"Yep. I wouldn't use one of my remaining two orders on something like this, I've only got those over you now, I think it'll be better to let them marinate as you continue to grow stronger." With that, Ego stands up and stretches. "Your connection to this universe has already grown to surpass what it was in your last, but even so that doesn't mean we can abuse it. It's time for us to part ways for now."

Wait, I still have...

Opening my eyes, the now-familiar feeling of being in a small body has returned to me.

I'm laying in my bed, and I can see the sun setting. Hmm, the rest of the day must have passed whilst I was passed out, is that the toll talking to Ego takes on my body?

Too many questions, not enough answers.

No matter what, I've wasted too much time. Immediately I start to flood my mana network with healing mana, at this point in my training it's already a bit past the mana that one cast of Restore uses, but even so, it takes at least three or four hours for me to start feeling the effects of mana drain, and after about six I pass out.

Maybe I should increase the output level?

No, if I increase it anymore I'll pass out after only four hours, and I'll sleep away most of the day. I still have my secondary goal, figuring out how to cast my first Dominus tier spell.

After flooding my body with the correct amount of constant mana, I make my way to the study and open my trusty magic guide. I truly am lucky to have found this book and have it be on the lowest shelf.

Opening it up, I skip over all of the Plebeio tier spells and land on my first Dominus tier spell. It's a wind spell, named Blowback. The effects should be simple, a strong shockwave of wind comes out of my hand or hands, blows back whatever is in front of me. I can assume it's a defensive use of wind.

Placing my palm forward, I aim at the connecting wall I've always cast Push on and begin to recite the incantation.

"I call upon those who dominate the air, blow away my enemies and clear my way, may your path be clear and unfettered, Blowback!"

I can feel an intense amount of mana drain from my system, maybe casting this whilst also using healing magic is a bad idea? Ahh, can't change it now huh. Besides, it's not as if the mana is that much in the grand scheme of things, I could probably cast this a good amount of times before I start feeling the negative effects.

As Blowback leaves my palm, my arm is knocked back from the shockwave of it leaving my hand.

That's not good. That's not good at all!

Then, it was as if the world was moving in slow motion.

I could see the violent orb of air, with a small cone at its front due to the air being pushed away by it, launch itself toward the wall.

Then, time caught back up with me, as the wall in front of me was blown apart, followed by the next, to the point I could stare into my bedroom from the study.

Books fell from the half-destroyed bookshelves, papers flew around the study, and my sister, who was now thirteen and whose room was in-between mine and the study, looked at me with eyes I've never seen her make.

Eyes of both disbelief, and anger, as it appears I've destroyed her wardrobe that was on that wall.

Uh oh.

Before I could even think of a response, I could hear a loud crash followed by a figure appearing in the hallway at a speed my eyes couldn't hope to ever follow.

"WHERE IS THE MONSTER!" Damien yelled, his voice at a deafening volume, wearing his full hunting equipment.

As if shaken from a daze, he then looks between me, my sister, and back to me. Then, his eyes finally land on the guide in my hand.

The guide to magic that, ever since the first day, I've very carefully put back every single time I've studied it.

The guide that was currently open to the Dominus tier spell, Blowback.

Instantly, Damien drops his weapons and his guard, coming up to me before I even have time to breathe. Without further notice, he snatches the guidebook out of my hands, as my mother and the servants finally make their way upstairs to witness the destruction.

"Antonio. I'm going to ask you one question, and you're going to answer me." Damien says, holding the book, his eyes darting between me, the book, and my mother whose currently making her way to us.

"Did you read the lines in this book?" He asked, his tone making it feel as if the very house itself was mere moments from freezing over.

Looking towards the ground, there's nothing else I can say.

I've been caught red-handed.

"Y-yeah. But it's-" Before I can continue, my vision blurs as I can feel a force on the back of my neck.

With a 'thud' I fall to the floor and lose consciousness.

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