Savior! Redemption in Another World!

Chapter 8 - An Important Talk

--- Point of View: Damien Razorhog ---

Picking up my knocked-out son, I set him on the bed.

Strange. I've already tested him and he's not a reincarnated person. Is my son just that much of a genius? Either way, this is not good.

"Honey, we need to talk," I say, turning my head and looking at Stephaine. My sweet, sweet Stephanie. A gifted mage with absolutely zero talent or sense for battle.

"Y-yes I think we do." She says, her face flushed yet serious. Cute.

Walking downstairs, we head into the basement, dismiss the maids, and Stephaine removes the fake wall with her earth magic. Carved into the walls and hallway we've just revealed are an insane amount of intricate symbols.

After resealing it, we head down further into our private basement. It's more of a panic shelter than anything else, but in this case, it's to hide from a very few select individuals.

Sitting down on my couch, she faces me as our faces darken.

"So, is he the one you've been warning us of? The so-called dangerous child that God had warned you about?" Stephanie asks bluntly. I forgot I told her the Lord Celiba was just God. Cute.

"No. I've already tested him, he's not the one who I've been warned about. However, it's no stretch to say that he's dangerous, for both this family and himself." Placing the still open magic grimoire on the table, I slide it toward Stephanie slowly.

"He'll turn three in two months, yet he already has the magic capacity and potential to cast a Dominus tier spell, not just that, but it appears that he was able to instinctively increase its output to something powerful enough to damage our house to that level. If he continues to grow like this, it won't be a stretch to say that he'd be able to use two of those spells a day by the time he's three. That's beyond just dangerous, it's unprecedented." I say, tapping on the spell he had cast.

It was one of the stronger wind-based spells within the Dominus tier, a spell used to blow away and separate enemies, or blow apart enemies physically if they were hit head-on.

Usually, due to the slow speed of the spell, most competent fighters can dodge it, especially since the chant is three lines. However, in the cases that they don't dodge, it's no stretch to say it can damage anyone under the Dominus level in any fighting style fatally.

"I agree. Whilst I'm happy that one of my children was born with such talent in magic, it's a dangerous gift to possess. Power is a double edge sword, and he nearly killed his own sister on accident already." Stephanie said, standing up and grabbing something out of her protected strongbox.

Placing it on the table, it looks like it's a business card, but a bit bigger, and there's not just contact information on it.

"What is this?" I say, reaching for the card, yet before my hand reaches it, Stephaine stops me.

"This is a letter made of Blinktree parchment from my old master. She told me that if I ever changed my mind about the study of magic, or if any of my children decided to pursue it, to write on this paper and she would receive the message instantly. I don't know exactly how it works, but I know it's extremely rare." She says, bringing out an illustrious-looking pen and inkwell.

"Magic classes? That may help him in the future, but it doesn't change the danger he poses to our family. I don't see how this would help us in the short run." Even if he can eventually learn to control his power and ability, it doesn't help us now.

What we need are preventative measures and the ability to continue making children so we can find the reincarnator before it's too late.

"I don't think you understand my master very well. It won't be something like weekly magic classes, she'll take him with her to train. This is our only option. It will both nurture his growth and protect our family. I'm sorry, but I'm putting my foot down on this issue." With those words, she began to write on the backside of the magical paper.

After a few minutes of writing and a few minutes of waiting, the parchment began to glow with beautiful blue light.

What appeared on the parchment, just below what Stephanie had written, was more writing.

'Hello, darling! It's so great to hear from you! I was beginning to think you forgot about me after all this time, you are human after all. Anyway, I don't quite believe that your two-year-old has cast an empowered Dominus tier spell, what is more, likely is that your magical senses have dulled in your lack of real practice. Either way, a promise is a promise, and your gracious and caring master will happily help raise your son if he even has a fifth of your magical talent. I'll be there in around three months based on the address you gave me. Thankfully I was in the Nation of Larune so it won't be a far journey. - With Love, Elandria Volta'

Good lord, she sounds dreadful. Either way, this takes care of my worries for now. I'll simply forbid Antonio from casting any magic until his magic teacher arrives, that way even if he somehow remembers any of the chants he's read, he won't be able to cast anything without risk of angering me.

Yes, finally everything is working out well.

My plan was going to be just to keep the boy knocked out, tie him up, take him a few cities over, and drop him off at an orphanage. Sure, I would feel a little bad and Stephanie would probably be mad at me, but finding the reincarnator and preventing disaster takes a bit of priority over the happiness of my third child.

Good Lord, I sound just like a villain in a bad Manhwa.

Ahhh well, it just sounds like that. I'm not evil, I'm working for the cogs of good within the world! I have a revelation from God and a divine mission.

It does feel nice to have an alternative as well, instead of being forced to abandon my extremely talented son. God my with is reliable huh.

"Well, with that matter finished. Anything else we need to discuss in absolute privacy?" Stephanie asks, standing up and stretching.

"I think that should cover everything, also staying in here is pretty draining. Let's head back up and explain the situation to everyone. We can talk about it with Antonio when he wakes up." I say, walking back out of the chamber of secrets with Stephaine.

That ended better than I expected, but it still feels like I'm missing something.

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