Savior! Redemption in Another World!

Chapter 9 - Listening To Ego

Opening my eyes, my head hurts, my neck is stiff, but otherwise, I'm fine?

Well, fine isn't the right word.

In all honesty, there's a deep pit of anxiety in my stomach.

I was knocked out before I even knew what happened or got a chance to explain myself, now I wake up and it feels like I'm being watched. Why was I knocked out? Is being able to use magic at my age that rare?

Sitting up, I look around to find my room about how I expected it as well as nothing like it.

The wall is still blown apart so it's covered with a huge sheet, and my room looks as if a bomb went off due to the wind blast and pressure.

However, sitting in my room, looking at my previously sleeping self with a stern expression are two people. First and most frighteningly is my father, sitting with his arms crossed, wearing the same expression that he had when I was knocked out in an instant.

The second person looks to be a brand new maid in the house. She's younger than Young Maid but better looking than Hot Maid. Let's call her Best Maid for now until I learn her name. I mean, I don't know the names of any of the servants here but I can assume I'll learn this one based on the fact she's here.

"Good morning, Antonio," Damien says, his expression softening as he meets my eyes. "Sorry about that, your father fights monsters so I just reacted and thought there was a monster controlling you. I'm glad you're okay."

Yeah, right. I may be young but I'm not that young!

Well, I am, but that's not relevant right now!

"It's okay! I'm all better now," Is what I actually end up saying in reply.

"That's good, very good. But, do you know what you did wrong?" He asks in a now friendly fatherly tone.

"I read the book in the room? I don't know what happened after that really." I say, putting my hand to my chin. I really need to act as if that's my first time casting magic.

"Yes, that book is very dangerous for someone like you. Have you read anything else in that book, or do you remember anything else from it?" He asks, maintaining his friendly tone.

"No, I only got to read that one and I don't really remember it," I reply with a simple head tilt. In all reality, I don't remember the spell incantation. I need to read it a few more times to memorize it and cast it a few more times to learn how it feels I already have a good grasp on what to do, I just want to make sure.

"Good. I'm forbidding you from even looking at that book from now on and I'm taking it from the study. That book is very dangerous, but I'm proud of you for learning to read, so I'll let you have it back when you're older." He says, nodding with a satisfied smile.

Thankfully I'm able to keep my mask on and just nod while looking at him.

But, WHAT?!


"Who is that?" I ask, mentally freaking out.

"This is your personal servant from now on. Her name is Sierra, and she was meant to be assigned to you on your third birthday, yet because of your achievement I'm giving you this present early." He says with an easy-going smile.

Oh yeah, sure, my achievements. This DEFINITELY not a person you hired to make sure I don't cast or practice any more magic right?

God this sucks! I thought I was supposed to be given more freedom on my third birthday, not a chain directly to my father!

What if Ego is just wrong?

I mean, does he really know all that much about this world?

He didn't even tell me about it when he sent me here.

No, that's not right.

I'm not three yet, there's still a chance he's right.

For now, I have no choice but to trust him and believe that the information he has is correct. I mean, he's a god, right? He wouldn't be much of a god if he was wrong.

"Hello, as the master has stated, my name is Sierra and from now on I'll be your personal servant." Best Maid, Sierra, says with a cheerful tone. I mean, this is probably a sweet gig. Basically just babysitting but getting a free place to stay and probably a good amount of money on top of it.

I would take this job too.

"Ah! Sorry! Hello, my name is Antonio Razorhog." I say, looking over and waving at Sierra.

A soft smile creeps onto her and my father's faces.

"Well, I'll leave you two to introductions, make friends okay Antonio? She'll be your servant and guide from now on." Damien says, standing up with a smile and leaving the room.


From then on, life was set into a new normal routine.

My magic practice has come to a halt, so mana grinding takes priority. In these two or so months I've nearly tripled the amount of healing mana flowing through my body at all times. At first, I had increased the output to the point I would pass out after about six hours of activity, which I think is pretty normal for a two-year-old?

I don't know I never had any kids, I was a college student, not a family man.

My family doesn't seem to notice or see anything wrong with it either. Especially since I've kept up the same rhythm. No matter how much my mana pool increased, I'd increase the output to keep it at around that time frame.

The time passed quickly, every day being about the same.

Wake up, bathe myself, Sierra would then 'teach' me how to read so I have an alibi for knowing how to read. She also 'taught' me how to do basic arithmetic, from which I learned the number system in this world.

Finally, after months and months on repeat, the fated day finally came. My birthday.

As I get up and out of bed, I get dressed and noticed that Sierra was nowhere to be seen. That's what tipped me off that today was my birthday.

Heading out of my room and downstairs, I was immediately greeted by my entire family, the second family who lives with us to whom I've yet to be introduced, and all of the staff, waiting for me.

"Happy birthday!" They all say in unison, as I'm ushered over to the table. Interesting, it seems like Ego is correct.

This never happened on my other two birthdays, and it seems like people have even prepared gifts for me.

Either way, the day passed smoothly. I got some assorted gifts, some books, some clothes, and even a nice-looking amulet from my parents. However, as the day came to an end and dusk began to settle, I was finally sat down by my father.

"Son, you're three years old now. Traditionally, this is when young men and women are able to start training or studying or trying to find something they're good at as a kid. However, we've already discovered your talents, haven't we? Tomorrow, I'm gonna introduce you to someone, so get plenty of rest okay?" He says, putting his hand on my shoulder with a gentle smile.

"Okay! Do you mind if I go play outside for the rest of the day?" I ask, already knowing he's going to answer yes.

"Of course buddy, it's your birthday and you've never really gone outside. Have fun and come back before dark okay?" He says, his smile broadening as he rubs my head and stands up to go about his business.

Finally, I get dressed in some plain clothes and head out into the backyard, venturing into the forest.

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