Scarlet Falls

Chapter 1 Wedge

The sudden explosion occurred on a sunny and leisurely weekend morning.

Everyone in the world, no matter the country, no matter the region, no matter the age or race, suddenly felt the intense turbulence, saw the fire, heard the strong explosion, and felt the tremor of the earth and the tearing of the whole world. crack.

They saw the sun darken and the earth crack and terrifying beings crawl out of the ground.

The mountains of corpses were right in front of me, and the city seemed like fragile tissue paper easily crushed by huge hands.

The end is coming without any warning.

But just a few seconds passed, and everyone opened their eyes suddenly, only to find that nothing had changed in front of them.

The sun is still shining brightly, the building is intact, and the water spray from the fountain still maintains its graceful shape.

The violent explosion just now seemed to be just an illusion.

It’s just that people all over the world have this illusion.

As a result, the panic that swept the world spread. People discussed, quarreled, hoarded food, and clashed. Administrative agencies in various places tried their best to stabilize order. Experts and scholars from all walks of life around the world gathered together to try to give an explanation to this mysterious explosion.

In the end, after countless research and demonstrations, they gave the answer: this is a rare collective hallucination.

But obviously, this answer cannot satisfy everyone at all.

For a time, various discussions and conjectures emerged one after another on the Internet and among the people.

Some people believe that this is a signal from the universe, representing that the countdown to some kind of alien attack has begun.

Some people say that it is the explosion of sunspots that affects everyone's brain waves.

Some people say that the explosion really happened, and everyone died collectively at that moment.

Now, the whole world has become dead.

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