Scarlet Falls

Chapter 2 The First Type of Danger

jump! Shakalaka!

As soon as he stepped into the elevator, Wei Wei heard vaguely explosive music in his ears, forcing its way into his eardrums like a fly.

Judging from the volume, it seems that the distance is not far.

He looked sideways slightly to distinguish, and glanced at the buttons for the first to ninth floors in the old staircase. He pursed his lips and chose the third floor.

The elevator door slowly closed, a slight feeling of dizziness appeared, and the red numbers began to change.

From one to two, to three.

The moment the elevator door opened, the looming loud music suddenly disappeared, and there was an empty darkness outside the elevator.

There was a faint cool breeze blowing in, as if someone was blowing a faint cold air on the back of the neck.

Through the dim light coming from the elevator, we can see that outside the elevator is a rough space that has not been decorated. There is no one, only rough cement pillars and floors covered with dust, and broken plastic bags are rolling gently. Like a weightless human head.

Wrong one.

Wei Wei pressed the close button and returned to the first floor.

He left the elevator, walked slowly outside the building, and looked at the building again.

This is an unfinished building built on the outskirts of the city that looks a bit lonely. There are ten floors in total. From below, it looks dark and empty. The glass is not even installed. The dark space looks like a greedy mouth.

Looking in from the outside, there is no trace of anyone present in this building.

It doesn't even look like there's electricity in here.

But in fact, there is not only electricity here, but also an elevator, so there must be problems.

Wei Wei frowned and returned to the elevator, deciding to use a more direct method.

He pressed all the elevator buttons from the first to the ninth floors, then took out his pistol and pointed it at the elevator dashboard.

His pupils turned slightly red, as if bloodshot threads were swimming, and he threatened in a low voice:

"Go up."

The elevator shuddered slightly, as if shaking with fear, then the gauges changed and rose rapidly.

When I reached the third floor again, I suddenly felt a strange feeling of weightlessness coming into my mind, and the elevator seemed to be falling rapidly.

Wei Wei nodded slightly, put away the gun, and turned to look at the elevator.

There are only two possibilities for this special feeling of weightlessness.

First, there was an accident in the elevator.

Second, this folded space was found.

"Bounce! Shakalaka!"

When the elevator door opened, intense and shocking music, mixed with the smell of alcohol and dazzling colored lights, hit the face.

Wei Wei narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up at the chaotic space in front of him.

The colorful lights spin like crazy and spin out light beams of different lengths, as if they are cutting the world into pieces.

Although it is a bit earthy, the music that makes the adrenaline soaring sets off waves that hit the ceiling again and again.

The crazy man and woman in fashionable but too cool clothes was shaking her head crazily on a crowded dance floor.

From a distance, it looks like a group of earthworms swaying.

Wei Wei looked at this chaotic world with a flash of disgust on his face.

He took a deep look at the elevator and warned it to be honest.

Then he took a deep breath, suppressed the surging desire in his heart, and walked out of the elevator where no one was paying attention. As he walked, he gently rolled up his sleeves, keeping his expression and pace calm, and walked slowly. Entering this bizarre world.

On both sides, countless people are spending their lives.

Someone put a big bellyful of whiskey into his mouth and swallowed it wildly, swallowing the strong liquor as if drinking water. His face even turned purple, showing symptoms of severe alcohol poisoning, but he still grabbed another bottle without hesitation.

Someone was wearing a white hospital gown, with a sallow complexion, purple lips, and unfocused eyes. It was obvious that he was on his deathbed, lying on a movable stretcher, relying on infusion to maintain his lowest life, but he still asked the nurse to stuff a plastic tube into his mouth, and his skinny chest kept rising and falling, exhausted. With the remaining strength in his body, he inhaled the hookah.

Someone was making a bet, and the sharp dagger was quickly inserted between the spread fingers.

With a "chi" sound, he made a mistake. The sharp alloy blade cut off most of his fingers, leaving only a layer of skin and flesh.

He became excited, pulled off the half of his finger, and motioned to the person next to him.

A group of people around cheered loudly, indicating that they would cut another one to add to the fun.

Wei Wei found a deserted corner in the hustle and bustle, and found that the drinks here were free of charge, so he took a bottle of beer and drank it.

Suddenly many people around him cast disdainful glances at him.

Wei Wei knew that this group of people had a unique chain of contempt. The more they waste their lives, the more likely they are to be sought after.

I didn't want to compare with them, so I enjoyed the free beer with peace of mind.

jump! Shakalaka!

The atmosphere in the bar became more and more lively, and the volume of the music was pushed higher and higher, looping monotonously and restlessly.

The men and women in every corner were getting more and more crazy, with their colorful hair swaying around.

As the clock pointed to one o'clock in the morning, and a large cloud of dry ice suddenly rose from the stage, the atmosphere reached its climax.

Everyone was shouting amidst the chaotic music, raising their hands as if expecting something.

Wei Wei also sat up straight and flicked his fingers on the table unintentionally.


On the left side of the dance floor, next to a heavy iron door, an electronic red light suddenly flashed, and after a while, it flicked open.

In the bar, everyone suddenly became a lot quieter, and it seemed that even the loud music was lowered by a few decibels.

Dozens of crazy men and women crossed their hands and caressed their chests. Under the crazy appearance, there seemed to be a bit of excitement and piety.

A man wearing a suit studded with diamonds, a jacket covered with sharp rivets, purple eye shadow and dark red lips walked out. He shaved half of his hair bald, and left the other half extremely long, fixed with hairspray. Pointing pointedly at half of the sky.

With an expression of indifference and pride, he stood in the middle of the dance floor, waving his hands to the rhythm of the music.

The crowd below became even more excited, jumping vigorously and waving their hands, as if the floor was shaking along with it.

The gothic-looking DJ was very satisfied with the atmosphere. He waved his hand. In the iron door behind him, there were two bare-chested men with bulging muscles and black masks on their faces. They lifted a dark thing up. , placed on the stage on the dance floor.

Unexpectedly, it was a black statue about one meter tall.

The main body of the statue is an image of a goddess with a beautiful and gentle face.

She has a compassionate face and lowered eyes, giving people a sense of holiness. Wearing a loose linen robe, it was gently lifted on the crotch.

The bare feet stepped on the lifelike clouds, like a Virgin standing in the sky, looking down at the world with compassion.

"We love life..."

"We enjoy life..."


When the crowd saw the statue, their expressions suddenly became more excited, and their Adam's apple rolled crazily.

But they all unanimously suppressed the shouts in their throats, and the music slowly faded away like a tide. The entire bar suddenly seemed quiet, with only the colorful lights still spinning, intertwining, and cutting wantonly. Watching the world.

A neat and deep voice sounded in the throats of everyone in the bar, like a collective murmur.

The gothic DJ had a mysterious smile on his face, with his legs crossed and his right hand touching his chest.

The movements are elegant and have a mysterious meaning.

In the audience, countless people showed pious expressions on their faces and followed him to salute the statue of the goddess.

If you ignore the flashing lights around you and the low-pitched but still loud music, this is more like a church.

The goddess's eyebrows seemed to be gentler.

Even the corner of the stone sculpture's mouth seemed to have a smile as a result.

There is something vaguely mysterious in the psychedelic lights, which lightly shines on the pious people.

As a result, the face of the man who drank like crazy quickly changed from the dead look just now to a healthy and rosy look.

The man who smoked hookah became energetic and sat up from the stretcher.

The man who had cut off a finger looked at his severed finger in surprise, where the granulation was wriggling and a new finger was growing.

They are excited, satisfied, and crazy...

When this magical scene appeared, Wei Wei, who was sitting in the corner, gradually became indifferent.

He was not surprised or excited because he saw the abundance of life, and he also ignored these believers who were ecstatic because of the strong life energy. In his eyes, he only saw rotten flowers, which was contrary to common sense. General bloom.

Like a puppet, it has been tied to the strings, but it thinks it is alive and is ecstatic.

After sighing slightly, Wei Wei silently took out his tablet and recorded: "The first type of danger was discovered."

"Nature: Life Demon"

"Grade: D"

"One high-level demon infected person, four intermediate-level infected people, and low-level infected people were found..."

After a slight silence, he glanced at the crazy crowd and continued to record: "...all of them."

"Solution plan..."

Looking at the basic items that needed to be filled in for the last electronic report, Wei Wei thought for a moment and entered carefully:

"...Strictly abide by the foundation's executive training regulations and provide friendly persuasion and guidance to kind-hearted people who have gone astray!"


Putting away the tablet, a satisfied smile appeared on his lips.

Then, he took out two guns from the gun bag behind him, checked them carefully, and then started to check the bullets.

The little yellow thing exudes a lovely halo.

The red bullet as thick as a thumb gives people a strong sense of security.

With a gentle smile, Wei Wei carefully checked the bullet, then reloaded the magazine and loaded it.

He stood up calmly, and in the atmosphere that was filled with the smell of alcohol, perfume, and some kind of rotten seafood, he squeezed through the surrounding enthusiastic crowd with a somewhat rough body, checked whether there was a back door on this floor, and then used The chain was carefully locked.

Returning to the hall, he punched the light switch next to him and tightened his grip on the gun.

I like to persuade people to do good things the best.

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