Scarlet Falls

Chapter 102 The Seventh Priesthood (4,500 words)

The sunlight became increasingly pale, as if everything had been evaporated and dried up.

The actions of the people around him became slower and slower.

Countless vehicles were temporarily parked on the side of the road. The people in the cars were helplessly sitting on the steering wheel, frowning in pain.

Someone became even more impatient and honked the horn hard, and the still energetic horn sound impacted the fragile heart.

The shadows of pedestrians on the roadside seem to be distorted and elongated, moving slowly like in abstract oil paintings.

Wei Wei held a silver pistol and walked slowly on the street.

He used this gun to continuously absorb the power of demons around him and alleviate the pain of everyone.

But the speed at which this gun extracts demonic power is too slow.

The streets are so long that there is no end. There are thousands of such streets in this city.

Wei Wei could only walk at such a slow speed, feeling a huge sense of powerlessness, even Scarlet's power was so powerless.

There are really very few things that I can do.

But he can only do this.

Every time he saw another little white skirt, he woke up from his sluggish state, looked at them looking up blankly, or running into the distance, he felt happy in his heart. But when he looked up, he saw countless people in white skirts in pain, so he knew that he couldn't stop, so he could only hold the silver pistol and walk forward step by step.

"You, you, you..."

The head pendant hanging on his waist was shaking non-stop, and he asked loudly: "What's the point of doing this?"

"There is danger creeping into this weakened city."

"You can't really save anyone, you will only trap yourself in it..."


"I know……"

Wei Wei replied in a low voice, but still walked slowly.

"Then you still won't leave?"


"I just don't understand..."

Under the sheep-face mask, Wei Wei seemed to show a smile: "Why does it have to be meaningful?"

"I just want to do this..."


It’s not that I don’t know that the number of people I can save is really limited.

It’s not that they don’t know that even those who have had their symptoms absorbed by the silver pistol and whose symptoms have been alleviated will be affected by the power of the plague demon again and fall into pain again. In the eyes of others, this may indeed be unintentional. Things.

However, if you do meaningful things every day, when should you do the things you want to do?

The head pendant was speechless and could only look sad and angry:



Gradually, someone discovered this strange man wearing a black raincoat and a sheep-face mask.

In their groggy perception, they even felt that this person was unreal.

Some people had already seen the media reports and connected him with the terrifying goat demon in the report.

However, when they were suffering from illness, they also instinctively discovered that when they were closer to this person, they would feel their pain lessening. So, starting from the first person who discovered this problem, they followed There are more and more people in Wei Wei.

They followed him step by step, keeping a certain distance.

Wei Wei turned his head and saw a group of little girls in white skirts. They all backed away at the same time, seeming a little frightened.


Wei Wei apologized to them, then turned his head and walked forward more firmly.

Sometimes, there is no need to retreat.

It's because there is really no room for retreat.

The pale sun seemed to be rising higher and higher.

There is a tormenting atmosphere steaming in the air.

Endless and detailed murmurs surged in like crazy, pricking every pore on his body like tiny needles. The air became wisps of distortion, like countless hanging ribbons, the whole street was filled with a blurry atmosphere, and the sweat in the body seemed to be squeezed out of a sponge.

My feet felt like walking on cotton, with uncertainty in every step.

More and more people were following Wei Wei.

They are like confused lambs, trapped in fear and not knowing where to go.

Until, in this city where the air was oppressive and distorted, they suddenly heard shouts and gunfire from ahead.

This sound happened extremely briefly, but it was very sudden, faintly breaking the dullness in my mind.

Wei Wei suddenly stopped, raised his head and looked forward.

In his field of vision, on the street full of white skirts, several strange people suddenly appeared.

The blurred colors and twisted colors hanging in this city suddenly receded to both sides like a tide. A cold and cold atmosphere came overwhelmingly. The scraps of paper and plastic bags all over the street were blown high into the sky, and a faint wave formed on the earth. The roar.

A man wearing a black priest's robe and round glasses was walking forward slowly.

Among the countless little white skirts in front of him, he looked unusually different.

Calm, firm, elegant, and possessing a strength that is incompatible with the entire city.

He walked into this street calmly, as if admiring his own work.

Behind her, three meters away, a dozen people in corseted nun uniforms stood in two rows and followed closely.

Behind them, several solid, tall and armed vehicles with obvious signs of modification followed closely.

In and out of the car, the mercenaries with submachine guns in their arms looked fierce and had half-smoked cigarettes in their mouths.

Further behind the armored vehicle, you can see a large number of cowering people with frightened eyes. They are covered with sacks or wearing dirty clothes that have not been washed in countless years. They are looking at the city in horror. , but he firmly followed the dean in front, with the enthusiasm and determination in his eyes that no matter where the dean went, he would definitely follow him.

They were the most numerous, flooding the streets like a tidal wave.

"Yes... they are refugees outside the city..."

"Oh my God, why did they get in? Where is the patrol team?"

"Is there going to be a riot?"


The people who followed Wei Wei were perhaps the most sober group in the city with their brains and energy.

When they saw these people coming towards them, they felt a sudden shock in their hearts. When they saw the mercenaries wearing tight-fitting nun uniforms and their bodies full of bullets, they were so frightened that their legs weakened. The panic spread instantly.

Within the spiritual barrier, it stands to reason that only priests and nuns from the Church of the Faceless Men would appear.

There is nothing elegant about their robes.

Those who have any brilliant seals or strange patterns on their priestly robes belong to the former Twelve Gods Church.

Now, they are equated with madness.

For the residents inside the spiritual barrier, the sudden appearance of them in front of them was like seeing a group of lunatics.

"Is this the Seventh Priesthood that Captain Ouyang mentioned before?"

Wei Wei was slightly surprised when he saw the bookmark with white silk ribbon held in his hand.

Captain Ouyang mentioned it more than once, either hinting or making it clear, that this religious group would definitely attack Scrap Iron City.

As the extraordinary police officers of Scrap Iron City, they had imagined countless times how these people would attack.

But I didn’t expect it.

The Demon of Knowledge is known for his weird abilities and unpredictable abilities.

In addition, when the Wandering Order retreated into the wilderness, they took away a large number of forbidden demonic objects and mysterious codes that were restricted by the Twelve Gods Church, which made their methods even more difficult to guard against. Therefore, various All intrusion methods are possible.

But no one expected that they would really come.

But they were actually so aboveboard and walked into the scrap iron city.

Similarly, the leader of the Seventh Religion who was walking at the front also slowly stopped. The city patrol team, which was being taken care of by the plague demon, did not have much impact on their entry. However, they did not expect that they suddenly entered the city. , was stopped by so many people.

However, with a slight frown, he noticed the panic and suspicion of those behind Wei Wei.

He no longer took it to heart, but frowned, cast his gaze on Wei Wei's face, and whispered, "Who are you?"

When he confirmed that this was the Seventh Priest Regiment outside the city, Wei Wei became more alert.

When he saw the group of battle nuns behind him, he became more energetic. When he saw the mercenaries behind him, they were still following the mercenaries. Those wilderness refugees looked timid, but soon became greedy and crazy. , he took a deep breath.

After a moment of silence, he raised his head, took off his mask, and covered his face with the human-head mask.

Then he smiled, nodded, and said: "My name is Wei Wei, and I am the trainee police officer of Scrap Iron City."

"Did you release this plague that affected the whole city?"


Hearing Wei Wei reveal his identity so openly, the leader of the Seventh Religion frowned and said directly:

"I need to go into the city to find something, don't stop me."

"When I take away that thing, I will naturally take back the plague. If it's quick, maybe not too many people will die."



Wei Wei's pupils shrank slightly when he heard his calm and even elegant answer.

Suddenly, a bright smile appeared on his face: "You admit it?"

The leader of the Seventh Religion frowned tightly, as if he didn't want to talk nonsense here at all, and walked forward.

But at this moment, Wei Wei suddenly took out the black pistol from behind.

The two guns were pointed at him.

The leader of the Seventh Priest stepped forward, with an impatient look on his face.

Behind him, the two rows of battle nuns and mercenaries suddenly raised their guns and pointed them at them.

The citizens following Wei Wei had gray faces and frightened expressions.

Suddenly, I don't know who started, shouted, and immediately dispersed quickly.

Such a scene made even the battle nuns and mercenaries burst into laughter.

And Wei Wei's smile became even brighter amid this laughter.

He looked at the leader of the Seventh Order in front of him, and at the battle nuns and mercenaries behind him, and said with a smile: "Everyone, you have admitted to planning the attack on Scrap Iron City, and are good at it without permission from the Administration Office. Crimes such as breaking into the spiritual barrier of Scrap Iron City.”

"Now, I will take you back to assist in the investigation as usual."

"So, please put down your weapons, hold your head and squat on the roadside. Do you hear me clearly?"


The laughter behind the leader of the Seventh Sect became even louder.

Behind the round-rimmed glasses of the leader of the Seventh Religion, his pupils seemed to have narrowed slightly.

He had no intention of participating in the ridicule or the other party's overestimation, but he just didn't want to waste time, so he just raised his hand gently:

"Step aside."


Following the word "gentle", suddenly, thin and terrifying murmurs came overwhelmingly, carrying the contempt and laughter of those behind them, mocking like a madman who was overestimating his own abilities. This sound was like a rolling tide. Swing, squeeze hard.

Countless distorted and absurd faces appeared around Wei Wei, surrounding him.

The mouths on every face were constantly opening and closing, making noises that were noisy and incomprehensible.

The expressions on every face are extremely distorted and absurd. They wink and wink, three levels inside and three outside, like walls surrounding Wei Wei in the middle, blocking all his vision and all hearing. He just desperately tries to Taunted him.

Wei Wei's strength was already being weakened, and by this time, Scarlet's strength was less than half of its usual strength.

Being instantly covered by this high-level power, both body and spirit were overloaded in an instant.

Like a squeezed empty cardboard box.

He only felt that his weak legs were like noodles, and his knees were sore and uncomfortable.

The body already has a will of its own, that is, it is weak, irritable, and does not want to do anything anymore but just lie down.

Wei Wei's eyes were filled with blood, but even the blood could not dissipate the feeling of weakness, but he still gritted his teeth, tightly clenched the black short gun in his left hand, and pursed his lips slightly. mouth, and then pull the trigger with a smile.

At this moment, I was indeed very weak, but I still had bullets.

Long before he became weak, Wei Wei had already replaced the black short gun with the Demon Hunting Bullet 3 model.

Red Angel.

Of course, if you use Red Angel at such a close distance, you may die.

After all, he was already so weak that even his abilities like "cell activity" were weakened to almost nothing.

The basic ability of the Life Demon, "Cell Activity", cannot create vitality and can only use its own vitality to heal injuries.

At this time, Wei Wei, who was suffering from high fever, lacked vitality.

But Wei Wei still decided to shoot.

After all, with such a good opportunity and such a good location, wouldn't it be a pity not to take a shot?

I really want to see him take this bullet...

That must be very pleasant...

My mind quickly flashed through the redlined sentence in the comment that the instructor actually wrote to me during the training camp:

This is a guy who is ready to die with others anytime and anywhere!

The joy in Wei Wei's eyes reached the extreme, and his finger hooked on the trigger without hesitation, and he pressed hard.


But at this moment, the sound of a helicopter's propeller suddenly sounded above his head.

The voice was so clear and powerful.

Wei Wei was surrounded by crazy faces. Covered by the sound of the helicopter, the screams and jeers were suddenly suppressed. And as these fine and noisy sounds were suppressed, these faces also moved quickly. melt and disappear.

The surrounding scenery appeared clearly in front of Wei Wei's eyes. He loosened his fingers in surprise and looked up.

At the same time, the leader of the Seventh Religion in front of him also frowned and looked into the air.

There was a black shadow of a helicopter, blocking the pale sun.

The violently rotating wind seemed to make everyone below feel the chill.

And at the next moment, someone suddenly jumped out of the helicopter, and the figure and the person below were approaching quickly.

The figure quickly became clear, and what caught everyone's eyes was an old man with pale hair and beard, but with a determined expression.

The silver trench coat was spread out, and the sunglasses on his face gave him an extremely cold look.


This human figure jumped out of the helicopter nearly a hundred meters high like a meteor, and hit the ground hard, making the ground tremble.

The huge impact made everyone on the opposite side, except the leader of the Seventh Religion, couldn't help but flinch slightly.

The man in the silver windbreaker squatted on the ground, then slowly stood up.

"Xiao Wei, please stand back a little!"

The man in the silver windbreaker turned to look at Wei Wei, his voice cold.

However, it can be noticed that the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, as if it was a little painful because he just landed on the ground.

But the people on the opposite side never had the chance to see this scene. They could only hear his proud voice:

"You are too weak now and will suffer against them."

"I don't like my own people to suffer, so let me, the captain of the security team of Scrap Iron City, take action first!"

More than half a chapter, does it count as an extra chapter?

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