Scarlet Falls

Chapter 103 This is a good captain

"Captain Ouyang?"

Wei Wei was also surprised and stared blankly at the tall figure wearing a silver trench coat in front of him.

Although he jumped down from the sky so suddenly, which caught people off guard, and although he was too particular about his posture when he landed, and he probably hurt his knees a lot, the fact that he would suddenly appear at this time is really surprising. …

...Not surprising at all!

A smile appeared on Wei Wei's face involuntarily: I've known for a long time that this is a good captain.

Of course, while I am happy, I am also a little disappointed.

What a waste of a good opportunity to see the happy expression on the other person's face...

"Hey, Xiao Wei, how are you now?"

Just as I was feeling extremely surprised, there was already a voice behind me.

When I turned around, I saw that Uncle Gun, Sister Lucky and Brother Xiao Lin were also walking side by side. Further away, Brother Piggy stuck out his head, quietly waved to Wei Wei, and then made a gesture of eating. This immediately moved Wei Wei deeper. Brother Piggy still understood him. He was telling himself not to die in a hurry, he still had to eat at night...

"Hey, why are you so weak?"

The bearded Uncle Gun rushed behind Wei Wei, reached out to hold his arm, first touched his forehead, cursed in a low voice, and then immediately handed two white pills to his mouth, anxiously Said: "Quick, you eat this first..."

Wei Wei obediently took the pills, feeling a little excited and asked, "What is this?"

"Cold medicine!"

Uncle Gun said: "At least let's relax."


I was still thinking just now that Captain Ouyang, who had originally planned to leave Scrap Iron City, actually appeared at a critical moment, looking full of confidence. I wonder if some key things have been investigated during this period, so I was thinking He was full of expectations in an instant, and even the pills given by Uncle Gun were thought to be special medicines that could make him recover instantly.

It turned out to be cold medicine...

Well, that makes sense.

After taking the cold medicine, another bottle of water was handed over to me by the expressionless lucky sister.

She pointed at Wei Wei's forehead and sighed helplessly: "You..."

But he did not continue, but stood behind Captain Ouyang and in front of Wei Wei.

"Xiao Wei, the captain is very angry."

Wearing a slim-fitting blue suit, with a faint blush on his cheeks, Brother Xiao Lin, in addition to his handsome appearance, had a more endearing and sickly appearance. He sighed softly and walked over from the other direction towards Wei. Wei slowly shook his head.


Wei Wei was a little surprised and hurriedly explained: "I crashed the car, so I didn't rush over..."

"...If you don't believe me, I'll take you to see it!"


It was obviously just an explanation. Brother Xiao Lin, who had just walked half the body, suddenly took a step back and whispered: "I didn't want to say it originally, but since you have to ask, I will tell you. In fact, the captain just I really wanted to leave, but Sister Lucky was angry because she found out that he had some accounting issues that he couldn’t calculate clearly, and when I asked him, he kept mumbling..."

"...Sister Lucky was angry and decided to come back to check the accounts on the spot!"

"How long has it been and you are still checking the accounts?"

"This account is very important..."

"What account?"


"Xiao Wei..."

Brother Xiao Lin suddenly looked at Wei Wei with some sympathy and said: "The incident of summoning evil spirits when you first joined the team, the incident of memory search later, the incident of destroying the altar of life... these were all handled very well. Do you think we didn't? Did you get the bonus?"

Wei Wei was stunned for a moment: "Isn't it true that the higher-ups are slow in approving it?"


Brother Xiao Lin shook his head sympathetically: "It has been approved a long time ago and even issued..."


Wei Wei was surprised.

After I joined the team, I didn't get a penny. The basic salary was not much, so I just paid for food.

The only time I got lucky was when Sister Lucky helped me pay three months’ rent!

Can the captain still do such a thing?

Suddenly he realized: He can indeed do it...

If this is really the case, then the ones who will suffer the most are myself and Ye Feifei...

...Maybe the captain also thinks that since he and Ye Feifei are interns, it doesn't matter if he keeps it for himself?

But the key point is that the captain swallowed up the bonus alone. Just go to the Devil's Trading Ground and have to pay the parking fee?

"Xiao Wei, I've reminded you before..."

Uncle Gun also looked distressed, but there was always a comforting feeling of "you just get used to it".

Wei Wei could only nod helplessly.

Turning his head to look at Captain Ouyang, who was wearing a silver windbreaker and talking loudly to him, he felt seriously:

The captain is still very handsome...

The captain is still a good captain, just not the same as the previous captain.

In the training camp before, I always took advantage of the captain...

"Xiao Wei, are you wearing your armed uniform?"

At this time, Uncle Gun opened his mouth and asked Wei Wei in a deep voice.

"Put it on."

Wei Wei nodded. Since he was given an armed uniform last time, he hasn't handed it over yet.

I originally thought that if I didn't work for a week, I would hand it in, but it seemed that there was always work to do.

The team also kept turning a blind eye and closing one eye, not urging themselves.

"Where's the stabilizing injection?"

"I don't use this thing."

"It's better to be prepared for any emergencies. This one is for you."

"Sister lucky, are you wearing underwear?"

"Weared, two pairs."


Sister Lucky in front couldn't help but look back at them, always feeling that there seemed to be nothing wrong with her words.

But something is strange.

"Well, no wonder we came here in time..."

Uncle Gun was slightly relieved, his expression became serious, and he said: "The most important thing now is the Demon Hunting Bullet Model 1..."

Wei Wei couldn't help but interrupt him and said: "Uncle Gun, I still have a little bit of this myself."

"We already knew this, okay..."

Uncle Gun looked at Wei Wei with a smile and said, "But you really don't know how to live."

"I worked hard to save a few bullets in the training camp, but you shot so many at once last time..."

As he spoke, he pulled Wei Wei's back away, and suddenly his eyes widened:

"Fuck, why are there so many?"


Wei Wei felt a little embarrassed: "That's really all that's left."

Uncle Qiang's expression was tangled for a moment, but he still said embarrassedly: "Then how many can you lend me?"

Wei Wei generously grabbed a handful for him from his backpack.

Uncle Gun almost cried when he saw it: "I have been recruited for three years, but I have never seen so many demon hunting bullets at one time..."

"Ouyang, I thought you had flown away..."

At the same time, Captain Ouyang and the leader of the Seventh Religion in front were staring at each other with cold eyes.

The astonishing impact of Captain Ouyang's fall to the ground caused the battle nuns and mercenaries behind him to change their expressions with horror. The wilderness refugees who followed behind were even more frightened and frightened. Less thoughts of escaping.

But the leader of the Seventh Priest Regiment remained silent, looking at Captain Ouyang with calm eyes.

"I did fly away just now and circled around in the sky to avoid being infected with more disease."

Captain Ouyang smiled and said: "Only by temporarily escaping the epidemic can we maintain a better condition to deal with you, right?"

"But as long as you come back, you can't escape."

The leader of the Seventh Religion said calmly: "If you haven't completely lost your memory of the past in the wilderness, then you should be able to see what is causing this plague that has enveloped the Scrap Iron City, and I Now that I have obtained this item, it means that I have the support of the church elders. Are you sure you want to stand up and stop me at such a critical time?"

"so what?"

Captain Ouyang said proudly: "Anyway, I have rebelled!"


This proud look made it impossible for the leader of the Seventh Religion to utter the words of reprimand he had prepared in his heart.

He just sighed suddenly,

He just narrowed his eyes slightly, suddenly turned around slightly, handed the bookmark in his hand to a battle nun behind him, and said:

"Spread out and look for that thing."

"Look for it in a place with strong life energy, and you will definitely find it."

"Anyone who may be in the way, you are allowed to let them leave this world in the name of God."


Standing behind him, more than twenty battle nuns and extraordinary beings all agreed in a deep voice at the same time.

The mercenaries with bullets wrapped around their bodies and fierce expressions also showed cold smiles at this moment.

At the same time, Captain Ouyang also quickly turned around, and then said to others, including Wei Wei: "Everyone disperse immediately. You have only one mission, which is to immediately find the demonic forbidden objects hidden in this city. 105 …”

"Pandora's Box."

"It must be somewhere in Scrap Iron City now. This is the source of the plague they released."

"Its characteristic is that a decaying swamp that swallows everything will appear around the hiding place."

"And as time goes by, the area of ​​​​this swamp becomes larger, and it should have spread to a diameter of about 30 meters."


After speaking quickly, he took a deep breath and said, "The more important task is to stay alive!"

"Remember, we are human beings, and as human beings we have to live."


Both of them handed over the specific tasks at the same time, and then turned to look at each other with mockery in their eyes.

"Ouyang, you are still so afraid of death."

The leader of the Seventh Sect sneered: "Is it because after your death, your soul will definitely be harvested?"

"Shut up."

Captain Ouyang sneered: "I only know that as long as I live for one day, my soul belongs only to me..."


While the two of them were talking, there was suddenly an invisible and sharp force that collided and exploded between them.

Everyone felt that almost real demonic figures appeared above the two people's heads at this moment.

Reality was distorted by their power at this moment, as if there were countless ferocious and terrifying tentacles, fiercely rolling towards each other, intertwined, the surrounding building glass on both sides exploded at the same time, the street lights suddenly softened, Twisted like some kind of hair...

Behind them, the battle nuns and mercenaries were still following the wilderness believers at the rear.

At the same time, it collapsed in all directions.

Like a virus, it quickly penetrated into the Scrap Iron City in a disorderly and chaotic way.

At the same time, Sister Lucky and Brother Xiao Lin also had sneers on their faces.

Staring at the people who dispersed behind the leader of the Seventh Religion, one on the left and one on the right, they entered the alleys on both sides.

There is no doubt that although they received different orders, they also wanted different things.

However, once the two sides meet in this city, it will be an unprecedented battle of extraordinary beings...

On his side, the numbers are at an absolute disadvantage.

Wei Wei couldn't help but grab Uncle Qiang who had taken the bullet and was about to leave happily: "Is it safe to spread out like this?"

This was the first time he asked such a question, but he asked it for his teammates.

Uncle Qiang looked at him in surprise, then smiled and said, "What are you talking about, Xiao Wei..."

"We are the White Ghost Knights..."


Wei Wei was stunned for a moment, then slapped himself.


He thought of some of the expansion packs he had seen before coming back. The White Ghost Knights, who were ranked among the top ten on the wilderness bounty list, were riding motorcycles and faced an army of more than 30,000 people with an adult force. When the heavily armed troops gathered in a large wilderness gathering point, they rushed towards the opponent on the frontal battlefield like a ferocious god, and within five minutes, the battle was resolved...

So, what are you worried about?

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