Scarlet Falls

Chapter 104 The most efficient method

"Their purpose is only one from beginning to end."

The moment he saw the opponent's crowd disperse behind the leader of the Seventh Religion, Wei Wei understood:

"Find the knell of the god."


This sudden plague is really terrible, but the other party's purpose is actually surprisingly simple.

Scrap Iron City is a city after all. Even if it is just a small fringe city, it has an established city patrol force. The combat effectiveness of such a force is definitely not comparable to the mercenaries trained or recruited by the Seventh Priest Regiment in the wilderness. Yes, therefore, releasing the plague can effectively destroy Scrap Iron City's own military defenses in a short period of time, giving them a chance to enter the city.

And a more important reason is to find the death knell of the god.

The attack of the plague demon will inevitably lead to the weakening of the vitality of everyone in the entire city, and through this indiscriminate weakening, several special locations will be exposed, that is, the Flesh Rose Sacrifice Point where a large number of life demons still gather. .

The Life Demon will also be weakened by the Plague Demon, but at a much slower rate than the others.

As long as the people of the Seventh Wandering Priests can find these points where the power of life is obviously stronger, they will also determine the only sacrificial points left in the city. Through these sacrificial points, they can find the ultimate life. The location of the prison seal.

So efficient...

Wei Wei has long known how terrifying the wilderness fanatics are. They always have the clearest purpose in doing things and have no restrictions on means.

But now that I see it, I still have to sigh politely.

He did not try to stay to help the captain fight against the leader of the Seventh Religion. Firstly, his scarlet power was indeed severely weakened now. Secondly, after returning to Scrap Iron City, he did not have much to do to these high-ranking extraordinary beings. A method of effective harm.

If you force yourself to stay, you can only see the pride and perseverance on the other person's face, and even some contempt...

... Wei Wei prefers to see the despair and anger on the other person's face.

I have no plans to help Uncle Gun and Sister Lucky now.

It can be seen that Captain Ouyang understands the forbidden demonic object that spreads the plague. Its number and name are clear.

And he knew that there would be an obvious feature like a rotten swamp surrounding this demon forbidden object.

With such characteristics, it is most convenient to search for clues in the sky. The captain fell from the sky again...

... Therefore, Wei Wei was very sure that Captain Ouyang had already had a meeting with Uncle Gun and the others.

Maybe they had roughly determined the location of Pandora's Box from mid-air.

Now, if we take action, we are just going to the general location to check to see if Pandora's Box is really there.

Judging from this perspective, helping in this area by yourself is like a headless fly running around in the city.

The efficiency is too low.

Just because you are sick is not a reason not to understand your leader's intentions.

The leader couldn't help him, and he couldn't help him find the forbidden demon objects, so he had only one option.

Destroy the opponent's plan to enter the city.

Since the other party used such an efficient method to enter the city to find the death knell of the god.

Of course, I can only use another more effective method to stop him.

Wei Wei's eyes narrowed, feeling that the cold medicine Uncle Gun had just given him was taking effect. A layer of sweat broke out on his body, but his mind became much clearer. At this moment, his weak limbs also recovered slightly. A certain level of power…

Wei Wei used his few moments of clarity to make this decision:

"Kill all the people you sent in..."


If the other party uses this desperate tactic, you can't suffer a loss, right?

Only by not being afraid of difficulties and setting such a mission goal for yourself can we repay the kindness of the captain who jumped out of the world to save him.

While making this decision in his mind, he was already excited.

He quickly rushed into a nearby shop, then came out from near the back window on the second floor, quickly climbed to the roof, and sneaked forward quickly among the intricate wires. After dozens of meters, he suddenly lay low. He got down and his eyes were slightly bright.

With a slight jump, his legs hung on an eaves, and he slowly raised his gun and took aim.

At this time, the people on both sides had just dispersed, which was the easiest time to meet in this city.

Wei Wei discovered three battle nuns, rushing forward quickly with extremely strong skills.

The special military unit Battle Sisters trained by the Wandering Order usually consists of three people in a combat group. The Seventh Order of Priests outside Scrap Iron City originally had seven combat groups. This can be regarded as the largest number of combat groups under the leader of the Order. Basic combat power.

One of them had been killed by Wei Wei before, and now there were only six left, all of whom were the backbone of this operation.

After holding back the roar for an instant, Wei Wei even used his "breath of death" ability.

This can make you look like a dead person, hiding in a corner and not being noticed by people through body temperature and heartbeat.

A good trick of the Yin people, the silver pistol at this time is still absorbing the sick energy in the city, so it cannot be used.

Wei Wei took hold of the black short spear, withdrew the red angel and replaced it with a green-headed ghost.

The muzzle of the gun was pointed quietly at the back of one of them.

The three people below were rushing towards a small alley at an extremely fast speed. Wei Wei was reloading and aiming without making any sound. However, unexpectedly, just when Wei Wei was about to pull the trigger, among the three people, However, someone suddenly became alert and jumped up so loudly that he woke up loudly. At the same time, his eyes quickly darted around and captured Wei Wei's position in an instant.

It was also after she jumped up that Wei Wei suddenly saw a small puddle in front of her.

The small puddle reflected the muzzle of his own gun, but almost no one would find this fleeting clue while running. But this Knowledge Demon Extraordinary is different. She should have awakened to all aspects of the Knowledge Demon System. Perceptual abilities.

For extraordinary people with this ability, everything around them will flow into their brains like a flow of information.

Any tiny flaw will be caught by her.




The moment he was discovered, Wei Wei immediately took action.

At the same time, the battle nun who reacted in time also narrowed her eyes and looked at Wei Wei.

Awareness Bullets.

Wei Wei suddenly felt numb all over his body, and his legs seemed to be unable to hook onto the eaves, and he was about to fall.

He almost dropped the gun in his hand.

The content of the other party's consciousness bullet is: relax the whole body.

Depending on the opponent's purpose, Wei Wei's muscles will relax, and not only will he be unable to hook onto the eaves, but the gun in his hand will also fall.

But unexpectedly, Wei Wei just swayed slightly, and his eyes suddenly became filled with blood.

Now he is in the third stage of Scarlet, and he has also memorized the ability of "consciousness bullet". Scarlet, whose activity level is already very high, has extremely high immunity to the ability he has memorized, not to mention that in the third stage Wei Wei, who could react in half a second in his second state, has now entered the Scarlet Knight stage, which is much higher than the second level?

At this time, he cannot be said to be immune to consciousness bullets, but he has been minimally affected.

The next moment, he suddenly pulled the trigger.

A bullet whizzed out and hit the fuel tank of a car below.

Originally he was targeting the right person, but when someone warned him, Wei Wei changed his target to avoid inaccurate shooting.


The fuel tank exploded, and the blue flame released by the Green-headed Ghost bullet instantly ignited the gasoline.

The whole car roared like a movie special effect. The battle nun closest to the car screamed repeatedly and was engulfed in flames. One of the other two battle nuns was also burned to half of his body. He backed away in fear and beat the flames. .

The other one reacted very quickly, flipping up in the air to avoid the tongues of fire, holding a pistol in each hand.

The action of aiming and shooting was completed in an instant, and the two bullets hit Wei Wei at the eaves with unusual precision.

The Seventh Order belongs to the system of the God of Knowledge, and the most subordinates are those who bestow knowledge and ability. However, due to the fact that the knowledge system is not good at close combat, each battle group is often equipped with an extraordinary person from the law or war system to make up for its shortcomings.


Wei Wei instantly released his legs and fell down, but he was still shot twice in the waist and abdomen.

"Thankfully I wore protective clothing, otherwise I would have had to use the egg beater."

Because he was a little feverish, he was thinking wildly, but his speed was not disturbed at all because of his scarlet instinct. He turned over in the air and looked towards the other party, only to see her swaying left and right, which was extremely strange, but extremely fast. Get closer to yourself.

A low-level ability that was summarized and developed by the Law Demon.

After calculating the human brain's reaction and sight, the body approaches the opponent in an unstable arc.

Obviously the opponent was attacking from the front, but even with a gun in his hand, he couldn't accurately hit her in front of him.

Some people say that law-based demons can dodge bullets within five meters of their head due to their speed.

This is actually false. Low-level law-based demons are not that fast. They rely on this weird way of movement.

"Are you planning to quickly approach me and apply frontal pressure to give your opponent a chance to save themselves?"

Scarlet's intuition allowed Scarlet to instantly understand the thoughts of the law-based battle nun, and she suddenly raised her head with a smile.

There was blood in his eyes, and some thoughts in his mind instantly gathered together, as if they were assembled into a bullet. They were compressed out through his shrinking pupils, and like a bullet, they instantly shot into the mind of the floating figure in front of him. .

Awareness Bullets.

The next moment, the combat nun from the law department rushed in front of Wei Wei. With a flick of her right hand, the gun was replaced by a dagger.

Raised high in the air, taking advantage of the momentum to accumulate strength.

Then, she suddenly stretched out her head, opened her mouth and took the black short gun that Wei Wei had raised.


Wei Wei and her were surprised at the same time.

what's the situation?

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