Scarlet Falls

Chapter 105 The sheep-faced devil is coming

This scene is really too embarrassing.

For this law-based battle nun, the changes in things were far beyond her ability to react.

She originally saw that the power of her opponent's bullets was extremely terrifying, and saw that he had just been shot twice, but nothing happened, so she tried to quickly approach and kill him using melee weapons - many regular demons used melee weapons. The hobby of cold weapons - even if you can't kill him, you can still entangle him so that he has no time to deal with his teammates...

This idea was very thorough, and she successfully rushed to two or three meters in front of Wei Wei.

But at this moment, a strange idea suddenly came to her mind.

The black short spear in Wei Wei's hand suddenly became particularly charming, like the most wonderful thing in the world.

He actually forgot everything for a moment and just stared at the muzzle of the gun.


... When her brain suddenly woke up, she felt a piece of ice in her mouth.

She was frightened and stared blankly at the sheep-faced mask that was so close at hand and looked a little funny.

He did rush over, and he even had the dagger in his hand that he had pulled out by instinct. He held it high, gathering momentum, and his posture was particularly graceful.

The only thing not beautiful is.

He rushed over from a distance and rushed directly in front of the opponent, just to grab his gun?

What the hell?

She was completely stunned and looked up stupidly.


Wei Wei was also surprised: "Is the consciousness bullet so effective?"

In my rush just now, I didn't have time to think of anything, so I naturally assembled the "bullet".

Just when I was assembling this "awareness bullet", the image of the Black Goat believers holding his pistol in his mouth with good intentions flashed across his mind unintentionally. When he was persuading the Black Goat followers to change their evil ways, the other party took his pistol in his mouth. In fact, he didn't know why he thought of this. .

Maybe it's because they are all tall?

Of course, it doesn't matter what type of consciousness bullet you think of.

During the training camp, I heard a classmate from the knowledge system say that the most important thing about awareness bullets is surprise.

The more you can get stuck in the most unexpected place in the opponent's consciousness, the easier it is for the opponent to get tricked.

For example, if you shoot a "suicide" bullet at the opponent, you will be strongly resisted by the opponent's instinct.

Unless the person is much better than the other party, it will be difficult to be effective.

But if you just make the other party cough accidentally, it can be done easily.

This bullet of consciousness of mine was probably because of this law-based demon that was rushing towards me quickly. I never thought in my life that someone would give me consciousness, so that I could suddenly catch her when I rushed towards her. The black short gun in his hand, this action or thought of behavior was completely outside the scope of her instinctive fighting consciousness...

Then both of them were suddenly stunned.

Wei Wei also had a strange thought in his mind: "Are the abilities of the Knowledge Demon System so unfair?"


Subconsciously, he pulled the trigger, and the law-based demon slowly fell down.

Until he died completely, there was still an expression of unwillingness and injustice on his face.


It was only then that a frightened voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

It was the battle nun who had just extinguished the flames on her body. She looked at the law nun who fell in front of Wei Wei in disbelief. She never expected that she, who was best at frontal confrontation and physical combat, was suddenly attacked. Killed.

Especially, judging from the wound on the back of the head, he actually died from a gun.


After being stunned for less than a second, Wei Wei and her suddenly moved at the same time. The distance was too close, and she retreated while using her abilities.

The pupils were filled with white, and the air in front of him was rapidly distorting, about to be released outwards.

The third stage ability of the knowledge demon: spiritual baptism.

The last time Wei Wei drove a jeep, he finally solved the knowledge demon who used spiritual baptism on him.

But this time, he was in the third stage of Scarlet, and he was too close to her.

Before Wei Wei's twisted mental power emerged, he had already ducked in front of her, reached out and grabbed her neck, and then directly stuffed her body into the burning car with the flames just extinguished. .

He kicked back the car door that had been opened due to the explosion, making sure that she couldn't climb out, and then quickly backed away.


After watching that there was no movement in the car, Wei Wei slowly took two steps back.

Even though I was having a severe headache at this moment, my body was always bursting with sweat, and my limbs were as weak as noodles, making it impossible for me to exert my normal strength. Whether it was alertness or reaction, it would be at an extreme level. Big discounts.

However, the huge changes brought about by Scarlet's third stage still gave him a huge advantage in front of this combat team.

And this is only when I am not very proficient in the newly acquired abilities.


Suddenly there was a sound of heavy objects hitting the ground in the distance.

A heavy-duty modified vehicle with a wilderness style was slowly walking down the street. From time to time, people on it laughed wildly, killing the residents of Scrap Iron City who were running in panic on both sides with precision like a game, with a smile on their faces. With a satisfied and excited expression.

Until they suddenly saw Wei Wei beside the burning vehicle in front, and three battle nuns whose bodies were already charred.

His face was suddenly filled with a look of horror.

This was an angel reserve who was regarded as a messenger of gods in the wilderness. Why did he suddenly die here?

Who is that sheep-faced demon standing in the middle of the street?

"Tu tu tu tu..."

Everyone stared blankly, and suddenly someone with trembling hands suddenly pulled the muzzle of the gun on the roof of the modified car and released endless bullets at Wei Wei. The vehicles and glass on both sides were all shaken and shattered. Bullets were coming like a hailstorm.

"Ha ha……"

Wei Wei, who was standing above Zhengxing, suddenly laughed, and rushed out like dragging a red line, flying on the walls on both sides.

It accurately landed behind the mercenary holding a heavy-power machine gun, then inserted one hand into his chest and pulled out a red heart, which was still connected with several purple blood vessels and was steaming. Thump thump thump.

Wei Wei held it hard in his hand, and the blood in his palm instantly spread to the man's entire heart.

The mercenary screamed in fear, but his eyes gradually turned red. He turned his head expressionlessly and fired at his teammates.

Pieces of corpses were scattered everywhere, and screams were endless.

The smile on Wei Wei's face was excited and satisfied. He didn't drop the heart until everyone was wiped out by heavy firepower.

The man fell crookedly to the ground.

His heart continued to beat twice before slowly stopping.

Wei Wei sighed with some surprise: "Finally I understand another use of the ability to touch the soul."

For ghosts or other similar spiritual beings, scarlet can be covered and controlled as if it were a physical entity.

What about living people?

Living people also have souls...

Wei Wei didn't know that he couldn't find suitable experimental materials before, but now, he figured it out.

Isn't it just a matter of finding a living person's heart and touching it?

No wonder the instructor used to praise himself as a little genius in developing new abilities...

Even though he was tortured by endless fever and weakness, Wei Wei became excited because of the performance of Scarlet's third stage ability.

He bent down and unloaded the multi-barreled revolver that was fixed on the modified car. He picked it up and started to leave. However, after a few steps, he began to gasp. He weakly threw the multi-barreled revolver down and picked it up again. I picked up a submachine gun and put it on my shoulder, but it still felt extremely heavy.

Too weak...

The disease is torturing his body, causing him to lose his physical strength rapidly.

So Wei Wei took a deep breath, threw down the submachine gun, got into the car again, picked up the multi-barreled revolver, reinstalled it on the modified car, then rushed directly into the cab and kicked the driver away. It rumbled forward.

My body is too weak, so I'd better find a means of transportation.

However, if you are responsible for driving such a powerful modified car, there seems to be a lack of someone responsible for shooting...

Wei Wei suddenly thought of the ghost lady in the bottle, and his eyes lit up slightly.

In Scrap Iron City, there are many fighting groups wandering around, and many mercenaries are treating this place as a paradise.

There are also many refugees in the wilderness, greedily plundering everything in the city.

Countless panicked people were running away helplessly, chasing a group of ragged people behind them. They were knocked down one by one and pushed to the ground by people who came out of the alley. As a result, the sound of women's voices was heard everywhere on the street. There were screams, there were also the voices of men screaming, and there was a hoarse voice shouting: "Punish these people who hide in the city and don't believe in God. They are the cursed people..."

"They are destined to hell, they are all devils..."

"...So, can we do anything to the devil?"


Some screamed, some laughed, and there was the sound of sharp things chopping bones.

This is inevitable.

Regardless of whether the Seventh Order of Priests had given them any special instructions, this was the result when these wilderness believers entered the city.

They have always hated the "cursed people" in the city.

I hate why they are so stupid and give up their beliefs for the sake of this lifetime of enjoyment.

I hate that people like them who have given up their faith are actually living a better life than themselves.

This is a hatred that goes beyond reason.

Blood feuds that are more important than ordinary people are crazy and more extreme.

Therefore, the moment they entered the city, it was destined that Scrap Iron City was turning into hell.

At this time, people in Scrap Iron City who were seriously troubled by the disease were unable to fight against it.

Even though they still had weapons in their hands, they were too dizzy and weak to take up weapons to fight.

Even when I was running away, my legs were weak.

Their groggy brains were almost dizzy, and they could hardly see clearly in their despair.

I don’t even know who to go to for help.

At this moment, they suddenly heard the rumbling of a modified car. Their confused and desperate eyes made it almost impossible for them to see the difference between this modified car and other vehicles in the city. It was just that the moment the modified car approached, they My mind was strangely clear, so my vision finally became clear, and I saw a person wearing a sheep-face mask behind the dirty windows of the modified car...

Chug tug tug...

Suddenly, endless bullets poured down from the modified car, accurately tearing into the bodies of those crazy people.

On top of the modified car was an elegant lady wearing a bloody dress, holding a multi-barreled revolver and shooting wildly.

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