Scarlet Falls

Chapter 113 It’s not fair if you’re not afraid (4,000 words)

"No one in the entire Scrap Iron City can stop me now."

The leader of the Seventh Religion was walking forward slowly, facing the flesh-and-blood rose blooming from the highest building in the city.

Today, the entire scrap iron city has reached the extreme level of chaos. Everyone is panicking and fleeing in all directions. In this chaotic scene, he can see the flesh and blood rose, constantly waving its ferocious and terrifying flesh and blood tentacles. One after another, people were rolled up in the air and "fused" into the tentacles. Their limbs were struggling and their expressions were distorted, like monsters in a nightmare.

He could also feel the power contained in this flesh and blood rose that made him tremble.

But he had no fear, all he had was a certain conjecture in his heart, the happy feeling of finally being proven...

Yes, this is what you are looking for...

"Found him."

This legendary figure influenced the direction of the Second Secret War.

If you find him, you will of course also find the death knell of the god.

"Damn it, run away..."

When these thoughts came to his mind, many extraordinary beings who were not weak in strength were escaping from places close to the building.

They were as panic-stricken as bereft dogs. Most of them were members of various mysterious organizations who had been dormant in this city for a long time, waiting for the death knell of the gods to appear. When they discovered it the first time, they rushed over excitedly, and then immediately fought for their lives. Escape.

Damn it, it seems like the Deathstroke of the Gods is actually here.

But this seal is too scary. If you don’t run away quickly, you will die...

Although they are also opponents looking for the death knell of the gods, the leader of the Seventh Religion does not even have the desire to take action against them.

Just admiring their panic and despair.

The death knell of the gods is something that everyone in the world is looking for, but not everyone is qualified to look for it.

Just like Ouyang, he is actually the person most qualified to find the death knell of the god.

However, he was too timid and cherished his life. He did not have any fear of God in his heart and did not understand sacrifice. Therefore, he gave up such a good opportunity for nothing. Even if the death knell of the gods was right in front of him, this guy would probably Don't dare to reach out and take it.

Even just now, when the Flesh Rose bloomed, I had a little doubt whether Ouyang was really like me. In fact, he was lurking just to wait for the death knell of the god to appear. Everything he usually did was just a disguise. Once When the god Death Knell appears, he will immediately reveal his brutal truth and will do whatever it takes to grab the legendary thing.

but no.

The moment Ouyang saw the Flesh Rose blooming, he immediately decided to integrate the patrol team and prepare to save people.

What a coward...

When he got out of the way in front of him, the only thing he said to himself was:

"Xu Lin, I know you are strong-willed, but people who have been with you for so many years have died, don't you feel heartbroken at all?"



They are all dead.

While thinking about these questions, Xu Lin, the leader of the Seventh Religion, had just approached this building and no one was there to greet him.

He relies on the over-range induction brought by the knowledge power system and the "shared memory pool".

This would allow him to understand what his subordinates did before they died, and what horrific scenes they experienced.

But so what?

We are all people who believe in God, and our lives are always ready to be dedicated to God...

Thump thump thump thump…

It seemed like one could hear the sound of a heart beating wildly.

But if you listen carefully, you will find that among this beating sound, what is clearer is the sound of the pointer shaking.

The subtle sound is being transmitted from the flesh and blood, becoming more and more clear, as if it will break out of the ground at the next moment...

The leader of the Seventh Religion finally showed an excited expression on his face. He climbed up the building, which seemed a little short in front of the flesh and blood rose, and came to the top of the building. Standing on the top of the building, he looked at the building that seemed to be more than a hundred meters tall. High, frightening flesh and blood rose, he suddenly opened his arms, beat his heart hard, and then shouted loudly: "Xu Lin, the leader of the seventh sect of the Holy Order..."

"Leading the holy objects back to the holy pool..."


At the same time, in front of another building, Wei Wei was also quickly heading inside.

The head pendant on his waist woke up at some point and said excitedly: "Are you finally going to find me?"

"That's great, I don't know if it's too late now..."

"And it's too risky. It's too risky to come here now. We may die at any time..."


"No matter how risky you are, you have to do important things, right?"

Wei Wei gritted his teeth and told him with a smile, while speeding up his pace.


The head pendant suppressed the excitement: "Don't go south, there is a very powerful knowledge demon in the south..."


Wei Wei agreed and took a few steps around to the south.


"The road ahead is blocked."

"Oh, then you must not go to the west, let's sneak into the building directly..."


"You went to the wrong place..."

"The road to the west is smooth..."


After a few words of conversation, the head pendant suddenly reacted and said in horror: "What is the important thing you said?"

"Of course, it's a very, very important thing."

Wei Wei raised his head and looked at a short building in front of him. Suddenly he used his hands and feet to climb up the wall. The head pendant felt something was wrong. The more he thought about it, the more panicked he felt. He screamed: "Wei Wei." , Crazy Wei, please take it easy!"

"This is the most important time, brother!"

"As long as you make a contribution at this time, you can have everything you need and take the overall situation into consideration..."


Amid its wails, Wei Wei finally climbed up the short building.

Shua la la...

He looked up and saw countless tentacles of flesh and blood hanging down from the upstairs next to him.

Like huge banners, they are falling from the sky. Each tentacle is inlaid with countless faces. They are squirming ferociously, their eyelids are rolling, falling from the sky, carrying a truly huge force, and smashing towards the seventh... Head of the church.


The leader of the Seventh Religion raised one arm, and a mass of mental turmoil bloomed around him, forcing himself to hold on to the tentacles.

The capillaries on the surface of his skin oozed an astonishing amount of blood because of the huge squeezing force. He knelt down on one knee, smashing a spiderweb-like pattern on the ground on the roof of the building. His spine rattled, as if it would happen at any time. It broke, but he held on.

The leader of the Seventh Religion's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked as if he was in a trance.

But at this moment, he had a smile on his face and calmly looked at the huge flesh and blood rose.

"As expected, all your strength is focused on maintaining the seal."

"So, even as humble as me, I can temporarily save my life in front of you..."

With a low muffled roar, he suddenly stood up with this huge strength. Step by step, using the plasma pouring out of the pores in his body, he began to quickly draw a huge and weird rune on the roof of the building.

More tentacles of flesh and blood extended out from the building, like monsters from ancient times, rolling towards him from all directions, like bright red piranha catchers...

But this power happens to be what I can hold on to.

If there is someone in this building, attack yourself with all your strength, or even be a little more serious.

He will definitely die immediately.

But the leader of the Seventh Religion was right. He would definitely not attack him with all his strength at this time, otherwise the trapped thing would be freed.

Therefore, he took this time to draw a series of bloody runes with a proud smile on his face.

Seeing that the runes were about to take shape, the leader of the Seventh Religion became proud.

Sure enough, only I can complete such a task. Only I have enough faith and courage to get close at this time.

I have enough faith and dare to face the true form of the totem, so I can do it.

Be it Ouyang, the other religious leaders in the church, or even the elders who only know how to fight for power and gain...

None of them have enough faith, so they can't.

With this full of pride, he took out a silver dagger from his arms and looked at the huge flesh and blood rose.

It was as if the gaze could penetrate this endless flesh and blood and see the death knell of the gods hidden inside.

"I'll take you back to the holy pool..."

He thought silently in his mind, with firm thoughts, and suddenly waved the dagger high.

"Hey, friend..."

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a young voice not far away.

The leader of the Seventh Religion was startled and turned his head to look, his pupils suddenly shrinking.

He saw, right next to him, on another low building, who seemed to be closer than him, there was a man wearing tattered armed uniforms, with blood stains everywhere on his body, but his smile was still warm, and even seemed... Some brilliant people were waving to me from a distance... It was the intern who dared to stand in front of him when he first entered the Scrap Iron City.

He actually dares to appear here!

For a weak being like him, even a drop of flesh and blood from the Flesh Rose could devour him directly.

So, how dare he?

In particular, why did he choose such a time to come here? Could it be that Ouyang had actually understood all his plans a long time ago, so he took action early, and that's why he had a subordinate like him who was here specifically to come. Appear when?

Countless indescribable speculations surged in his heart, and Xu Lin, the leader of the Seventh Sect, felt confused for the first time.


He asked in a hoarse voice: "Are you also here with the death knell of the gods?"


"Have you guessed my plan?"

"Don't make trouble, I don't know why you climbed upstairs..."


Feeling that the other party was unwilling to tell the truth, Xu Lin, the leader of the Seventh Sect, could not help but grit his teeth slightly.

In his weak body, the remaining spiritual power began to gather crazily, although the amount was small - Ouyang Jian was the most insidious person in the fucking world. He guessed that he had other purposes, so he did almost nothing just now. , just consumes his own strength, and wants to seal his ability - but fortunately, the person who came is too weak, maybe his remaining spiritual power is enough...

"Do you feel afraid?"

At this moment, the people upstairs suddenly stood up slowly and asked questions to the leader of the Seventh Religion with a smile.


This sudden sentence made Xu Lindu distracted.

In his eyes, Wei Wei stood up slowly, looked at him seriously, and said: "I don't know what your plans are, and I'm not interested in what you are robbing. Are your gods enshrined in the wilderness or in the mountains?" It's none of my business in the church, but I must come over and ask you why so many people were killed for this so-called plan..."

A smile slowly appeared on his face and he said, "Are you scared?"


Such a question even made the leader of the Seventh Religion feel absurd.

"Many people in this city are afraid, afraid of the Pandora's box you opened and the refugees in the wilderness you brought..."

At the same time, the person opposite tightened his grip on the gun in his hand.

"It's unfair if you're not afraid."

At this time, all the bones in his body were broken. It was all thanks to Scarlet's power to sew and fix it in his body, so that he could barely move. But after such a long period of high-intensity consumption, Scarlet's power seemed to be instantaneous for the first time. Bottomed out.

His bullets were almost completely empty.

He faced a powerful transcendent who was at least two levels higher than him.

Then he raised the silver spear in his hand.

With a happy smile, Wei Wei squatted down, raised his left arm across his face, and held the gun barrel.

Taking aim seriously at the leader of the Seventh Religion, his finger hooked on the trigger.


The leader of the Seventh Religion gritted his teeth tightly.

He didn't have much mental strength left, but he was still holding on, and could even block the swings of flesh and blood tentacles.

Therefore, it is definitely not possible for a little ant's gun to hurt him...


He suddenly sensed an unprecedented crisis and raised his head suddenly.

The next moment, Wei Wei suddenly pulled the trigger of the silver spear.

There were no bullets in the gun at this time, but because the gun had been walking around the city with Wei Wei for a long time. It has absorbed the sick energy from countless people, so this gun has accumulated unprecedented power and is constantly being compressed.

Seventy percent of the row of English signatures were already lit up.

As a result, the rich disease energy that almost turned into substance turned into a gray light that instantly passed through a distance of several hundred meters.

This gray and defeated light illuminated the pale face of the leader of the Seventh Religion.


He suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs.

Unexpected and frightened emotions instantly climbed into his heart. It was the first time that so many plans were so close to success. This made him suddenly realize the most ridiculous, absurd, and unexpected failure ending. He was horrified and Not willing to give in.

"It doesn't matter whether it's a knell or anything else."

"The most important thing to me..."

Wei Wei's face showed unprecedented happiness: "I will give you back what you gave to the lambs!"

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