Scarlet Falls

Chapter 114 The Totem Appears (4,000 words)


The gunfire sounded, and the gray light was already in front of you.

No matter how high the rank of the leader of the Seventh Religion is, it is difficult for him to dodge a bullet in such a short period of time.

What's more, it's gray light that's far faster than bullets.

There are also many abilities in the knowledge system, but once he has no remaining power, and his own abilities cannot affect the power of "disease" in nature, just like other people can only endure the erosion of the disease, at this moment He could only stay close to him.

Then, gunfire rang out, and the leader of the Seventh Religion suddenly fell from the tall building.

There was only a secret formation that had just been drawn on the ground.


Also with the sound of gunshots, the flesh and blood tentacles waving in the air seemed to move much slower.

In the building where the flesh and blood rose bloomed, the will in the flesh and blood was silent for a long time, and suddenly laughed:

"Did you say before that this was a lunatic?"

"Because he is a madman, he destroyed the sacrifice that the mentor prepared for me."

"But have you ever thought that it was this madman who ruined your chance of escaping?"

"Tick" "Tick" "Tick"

The sound of the minute hand turning was endless, and suddenly a will was laughing: "Sure enough, no one can place hope on him..."


Also with this gunshot, Wei Wei's body suddenly lost all its strength.

It seemed that at this moment, the weakness and pain in the body finally had the opportunity to attack together.

But there was a smile on his face, a smile that truly came from the heart, and the corners of his mouth were grinning to both sides uncontrollably.


So cool...

Wei Wei recalled the expression on the head of the Seventh Priest Regiment when he fell from the stairs, trembling with excitement, feeling that everything was worth it.

love it.

I really, really like to see the faces of these people when they are in despair.

Probably the only fair thing in this world is that when demons are scared, they will show a desperate expression like a lamb, right?

The fear of the little white dress in his mind and the despair of these people have always been Wei Wei's biggest motivation to survive.

"It ended in such a ridiculous way?"

The moment he fell downstairs, the leader of the Seventh Sect felt a strong sense of unwillingness in his heart. He felt that his body instantly became hot, and his physical strength seemed to be being scraped off layer by layer with a knife. He was determined. His heart was floating like a feather.

He brought Pandora's Box here and opened it himself.

Therefore, he himself is a protected party. Whether it is his subordinates, mercenaries, or even the refugees in the wilderness, as long as they are paid attention to by him, they will not be affected by the plague emanating from Pandora's Box in a short period of time. But now, these plagues have been absorbed and accumulated by that gun, and have changed their nature invisibly, and they treat him equally...

Therefore, this was the first time he felt the power of high fever.

In particular, this was absorbed from countless people in Scrap Iron City and accumulated into a massive amount of power.

Having just fought against Ouyang, my frail body didn't have much resistance left.

You had planned it for so long and you were so determined in your heart, but because of someone's inexplicable behavior, you fell short in an instant?

An indescribable unwillingness and anger rose up in his heart.

With the knowledge demon system, even if you are seriously injured or falling from a building, you can think of many things.

He suddenly raised the dagger in his hand high.

It was originally intended to be a thorn on his body.

Since your own plan failed and you cannot personally welcome the death knell of the god back to the church, then create opportunities for others...

While thinking this, the pupils under his round glasses burst out with intense joy.

The next moment, he inserted the dagger straight into his heart.

But then, the joy on his face suddenly turned into shock and surprise.

The dagger was inserted into his heart, but he did not feel the beating of the heart, or even pain. It was as if what he had inserted was just a thick wooden board that had nothing to do with him. This made him suddenly realize something, and he pulled out the dagger fiercely. He even deliberately pulled out his "heart", and then he saw that the heart in his chest was just a rotten fruit.

"So, I have been sacrificed?"

He tried hard to recall, but he couldn't remember when the elders replaced his heart.

After all, modifying memory and cognition has always been the specialty of the knowledge system, and I am also very good at it.

But, why didn't the elders tell me, but instead kept it secret from themselves?

Obviously the result is the same. If he fails, he will definitely sacrifice himself. This will confirm his loyal belief. But now, he is actually sacrificed in advance. Although the purpose of both parties is completely consistent, Xu Lin still feels a little confused in his heart. Somewhat lost.


The next moment, he fell directly downstairs.

The body without a heart was instantly smashed into a shape like a graffiti painting.

These splashes of flesh and blood formed the third secret formation.

The first secret formation was carved in the building where the Flesh Rose was blooming. It was carved by the men of Xu Lin, the head of the Seventh Religion, as soon as they broke into the building. It was precisely because of the appearance of this first secret formation that the flesh and blood roses bloomed. Qiangwei felt the crisis and chose to bloom regardless of everything.

The second secret formation was carved on the roof of the building by Xu Linqin, the leader of the Seventh Religion.

The third secret formation was engraved in Xu Lin's spiritual world in advance by the elders of the church, and was revealed through his death.

At this moment, three secret formations intertwined with each other to form a huge triangle. Invisible forces intertwined and penetrated, and a triangular twisted space appeared. In this twisted space, the layers of space emitted light like flowing water, as if reflecting Out of another world, through the light, you can vaguely see a huge eye, which seems to be approaching the surface of the water quickly from the bottom of the water.

With a crash, he came out of the water, his body growing larger, and some remaining flesh and blood tissue trailing behind him.

Centered on the building where the flesh roses bloomed, the invisible spiritual power spread instantly, shattering all the glass within a radius of 300 meters. Even the flesh and blood tentacles that wrapped around the entire building were suddenly stimulated at this moment. Same huddle.

"The upper totem of the knowledge system, the eye of true knowledge?"

In the distance, Captain Ouyang, who was using his own power to comfort all the fleeing people and lead them out of the scrap iron city, suddenly turned his head.

He felt the incredible level of power and his knees almost gave out.

"The church is really crazy. In order to obtain the death knell of the god, it would not hesitate to invite the real body of a high-ranking totem to sneak into the spiritual barrier?"

"Are they willing to destroy Scrap Iron City and rather start a war with the Foundation?"



"Bless the God of Death, bless the Dark Mantra, bless the Black Goat..."

At the same time, many hidden believers who discovered something was wrong and quickly fled the city were also filled with bitterness.

For example, Yuan Guaizi just saw Flesh Rose appear. He was also moved, but because he had two broken legs, he couldn't run through it. This also made him suddenly calm down: No, so many people are rushing towards Flesh Rose. , definitely not normal.

It was the strange influence brought by the Flesh Rose that aroused the ambitions and desires of these people.

After reacting, he turned around and ran out of the city, but he couldn't run fast because his legs were broken, so he could only pray desperately.

Originally, he was a formal priest of the Death Sect, and he only believed in the God of Death. A totem similar to the black goat was a type that he would respect but not believe in. But now, considering that the God of Death has not officially responded for a long time. , so he also included the black goat in the scope of prayer. No matter who it is, it is true that he can bless himself to survive this catastrophe.


Then he suddenly saw that the surrounding space was becoming like running water, peeling off layers.

The black goat with blazing eyes and ferocious horns appeared from the deep night, glanced at him quietly, seemed to nod his head to express his approval, and then stepped on the air with all four hooves, flying very fast Rushing towards the flesh and blood rose.


Yuan Guaizi was completely frightened.

what happened?

I didn't draw the summoning circle, nor prepared any sacrifices, I even just said something casually...

...The projection of the Black Goat came directly?

Not just him, various strange creatures suddenly appeared in the scrap iron city at this time.

The earth was cracked, and huge flesh-like trees climbed up from the ground, with lush branches and leaves, and human heads hanging on them.

The sound of scales rubbing and cutting sounded, and a strange silver snake swam through the pupils of countless people.

The clatter of hooves.

A headless horseman holding his head in his arms, riding a horse covered in black armor, appeared at the end of the street.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a face with no eyes, no nose, and only one mouth looked down at the scrap iron city...

Countless superior totems were projected onto Scrap Iron City at this moment.

They either relied on the prayers of believers, or passed the summoning circle that had been prepared long ago, or they had been keeping an eye on every move in Scrap Iron City, or they were just passing by and saw how busy this place was. Come say hello to an old friend.

The appearance of each totem makes the Scrap Iron City become more chaotic.

Fortunately, the people in the center of the city have been evacuated now, and they have their own purposes and have not released their power arbitrarily.

Otherwise, by this moment, Scrap Iron City would have become a dead place.

Countless totems released various but equally astonishing powers of different natures, rushing toward the Flesh Rose.

The huge tentacles of the flesh rose were cut off one by one in an instant, and it writhed on the ground like a giant python.

The ground collapsed and buildings collapsed.

Scrap Iron City seemed to have turned into hell at this moment.

In front of Flesh Rose, Wei Wei shot down the 7th Priest Regiment and was enjoying a rare moment of happiness.

Then he suddenly felt a terrible tremor in the air sweep across the city.

Especially with this position as the center, Wei Wei saw the projections in his nightmare appear in reality, both in front and behind him.

He saw a huge eyeball monster emerging from another space in mid-air to the left.

In mid-air on the right, a black goat with flaming eyes approached quickly.

On the street below, the earth and cement road blocks were lifted up piece by piece, and strange flesh-and-blood trees rose into the sky.

In the dim eyes of a dead man hanging on the wall not far away, silver snakes swam quickly from his pupils.

The dark rotting dragon flapped its wings that covered the sky and the sun.

A stiff and strange face in the sky, without eyes and nose, slowly emerged from the dark clouds...

Because of his special position, Wei Wei, who was directly caught in the middle, felt a little sluggish for a moment.

There's a totem conference, is this?

The Seventh Priesthood is not the only one eyeing the death knell of the gods.

There are many mysterious organizations, on the edge of spiritual barriers like Scrap Iron City, in small cities within small cities, the proportion of extraordinary people far exceeds other places, even some cities on the second city defense line. The reason is that even before this In three years, there was not much evidence to prove that the death knell of the gods was here, but for this one percent possibility, they still made arrangements.

For example, if you throw some believers here, you will be hit if there are no dates.

At least when the critical moment comes, there are believers here, and totems or "gods" have channels to project over.

Huge totems have descended on Scrap Iron City. They fill the surrounding space and seem to be everywhere.

Give people a feeling.

It seems that the totem that is so high above others and rarely responds to the believers is suddenly worthless.

If you guys were to respond so diligently, then there would be no foundation in this world...

Why do these normally aloof totems suddenly become model workers?

"We have captured the exact traces of the life cage and are now comparing the mental imprints..."

"It is determined that the spirit seal of the Life Cage No. 01 in Scrap Iron City is the high priest Si Baili who escaped thirty years ago with the death knell of the god."

"Captured the Eye of True Knowledge, the second-highest totem in the Demon System of Knowledge, the Black Goat, the third-highest totem in the Death Demon System, the Mother Tree of Life, the second-highest totem in the Demon System of Life, and the Mother Tree of Curse Demon System …”


At the same time, outside Scrap Iron City, in a temporary secret command post, some people quickly submitted documents, while others were staring at a complex instrument full of patterns and quickly reported the information gathered in Scrap Iron. The high-ranking totem in the city, the atmosphere in the command post had been tense to the extreme. Finally, someone sighed lowly at this moment: "The time for us to wait has arrived."

"Thirty years ago, Si Baili, one of the three chief priests of the Twelve Gods Church, escaped with the death knell of the gods. Many people thought this was an arrangement by the Foundation, but they did not know that the Foundation also did not know what his purpose was. , let alone would have thought that the once high-ranking chief priest would actually hide in this small scrap iron city and transform into a cage of flesh and blood, just to trap the death knell of the god..."

"Anyway, let Miss Bluebird take action. It's time to solve this problem."

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