Scarlet Falls

Chapter 117 The heaviness of life

At the moment when time around him seemed to have stopped, two questions flashed through Wei Wei's mind.

One is that it turns out that he is not the only one with scarlet power.

At least in the training camp before, the instructor said that he was the only scarlet system recruited in the training camp, so many times the targeted training for him was not so smooth. He needed to read the information and collect data on himself. Experience, need to compare the advantages and disadvantages of other systems, etc. - use this to explain that it is appropriate to charge yourself a few dollars!

But Scarlet was not alone.

During the Church of the Twelve Gods, there were many devil worshipers in the world.

There were not as many demons at that time as there are now. After all, the demons today were still gods at that time. However, after the Second Secret War thirty years ago, there were twelve more kinds of demons in the world, but the original ones were The devil mysteriously disappeared.

His appearance can be said to have filled the most vacant part of the foundation's research.

Over the years, I have experienced countless missions, and I have almost gotten used to the fact that I am the only one with Scarlet.

But he didn't expect that he would meet Scarlet again at this moment.

The death knell of the gods...

...The essence of its power actually comes from scarlet?

The second question is, is the relationship between the god Death Knell and himself an enemy or a friend?

When I returned to Scrap Iron City, or in other words, after I returned to Scrap Iron City, I would always hear all kinds of weird murmurs. It was certain that some of them did come from the death knell of the god, which kept calling me back. And after he came back, whether it was the human head pendant or the little girl's devil test questions, they all showed that he had a close relationship with the god Death Knell.

This thing even once sneaked into his trance dream, trying to remind him the key to promotion to Scarlet Mentor.

But, is he really kind?

Two questions flashed through my mind in less than a second.

In other words, for the time that has stopped now, not even one second counts.

Scarlet blood streaks had already emerged in front of him. Wei Wei saw the overwhelming blood, and even saw strange faces in the overwhelming blood. And for the first time, the scarlet in his body was uncontrollable. They became active, they roared and surged, like masses of red mist, facing the rolling sea of ​​blood.

At this moment, Wei Wei did not feel that he had the strength to resist.

He seemed to be falling from a high altitude, falling into the boundless lake of blood. He was in the air and had no choice.

"Will it succeed?"

In an empty office next to the building where the flesh rose bloomed.

The priest with a little red hat on his head sat quietly on a revolving chair in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the events happening less than a hundred meters away.

He was so close, but no one could spot him.

He saw the moment when scarlet blood rushed to Wei Wei's chest, and gently closed the red book in his hand.

The eyes showed curiosity.

"It's finally time for me to regain my wholeness..."

Scarlet bloodshots surged in, and inside the death knell of the god, there was also chaotic will, and endless desire surged: "If he hadn't stripped off part of my power and planted it in your body, how could I have been trapped here? Three years later, if my power hadn't been incomplete and I couldn't see clearly the path leading to the throne of God, how could I still be just a demon forbidden object until now..."

"But my things will always come back to me..."



"You were so high back then that you controlled almost all the glory and power in the world..."

"Then what is it that scares you so much that you end up in this mess?"

At the same time, the first city defense line was located in a certain ruins that had been blocked for thirty years. This was once the main church of the Twelve Holy Churches, and it was also a holy place in the hearts of countless believers of the Twelve Gods. However, in the three After the secret war ten years ago, this place had been completely destroyed and turned into ruins, but the Foundation had never tried to repair it or use it for other purposes.

The circuit has long been cut off, and the ruins are filled with darkness.

An old man wearing a Chinese tunic suit was sitting in the ruined grand hall of the Twelve Gods Church.

It was the time of lightning and thunder outside the temple, and the lightning struck brightly, illuminating the twelve statues of gods covered with spider silk in front of him.

"I hope the Rose Project goes smoothly and can make the world a better place..."


He whispered, slowly lowering his head with pale hair.

If any outsiders saw this scene, they would be frightened to death. The founder of the foundation actually seemed to be praying to the gods.


Wei Wei faced the incoming scarlet power and was unable to react in an instant.

But there is always a wonderful force that plays its role when it is urgent. The building under Wei Wei's feet is the building closest to the battlefield. It has experienced many battles around it, even most of them They are all spiritual confrontations carried out by the totem projections and do not affect the physical object. However, the physical changes brought about by the huge impact also affect it.

It looks stable, but is particularly weak in many places.

At this time, a load-bearing piece that had been broken for a long time suddenly collapsed, and the roof of the building instantly tilted.

Time seems to have stopped around me, but this stop is a stop in people's spiritual thinking, not a real stop.

The building collapsed, and Wei Wei and others suddenly became unstable and fell down.

This seemed like a very unfortunate thing, but it happened at such a time.

The distance between Scarlet Blood Thread and Wei Wei lengthened, causing the connection speed of Scarlet Blood Thread to slow down for a few microseconds.

But also in these few microseconds, someone suddenly reacted. On the fleshy rose that seemed to have been completely restrained by Miss Bluebird, an eye opened with a cluck. That was the upper totem creature of the knowledge demon system. The eye of true knowledge.

The other totems are all projections coming, and are almost impossible to resist under the power of the Cross of Destruction.

Only it is the true body that has been summoned to come.

He did not receive a fatal blow under the Cross of Destruction. Instead, he took the opportunity to hide in the Flesh Rose, waiting for the opportunity. Now when he saw the death knell of the god suddenly appeared, it finally exposed its own will. Its eyes suddenly opened, and there were countless runes and symbols in the air. The words were intertwined, as if forming a huge cage, instantly enveloping the death knell of the god inside, and pulling it forcefully into a different space.

"Chi chi chi..."

The god Death Knell seemed to be angry too, but he didn't care about anything else.

The scarlet blood threads grew crazily at this moment, and continued to rush towards the body of Wei Wei who fell upstairs.

These blood threads have even begun to come into contact with some of the blood threads extending from Wei Wei's body, and they quickly become entangled.

Wei Wei's thoughts and memories began to cut off quickly, as if he was in front of a movie screen with rapid editing.

He saw the scenes in the orphanage when he was a child, saw the kind face of Father An, saw the children who trusted him, saw them being bullied, and tightening their lips when they were wronged, with tears in their eyes. They were spinning around in the garbage, watching them with the unique hope of children speaking out on the garbage mountain, and watching them disappear one by one.

Life becomes lighter.

If one day we start to fly, how many things in life can pull us to the ground?

The lamb is crying...

Wei Wei saw Xiao Qiqi hanging on the hook.

The devil is smiling...

Wei Wei saw the way the hunters on the periphery showed cold smiles behind the backs of ordinary people.

At this moment, Wei Wei suddenly felt particularly sober. His life had never seemed so heavy and heavy for a moment.


The blood threads in the body were entangled with the blood threads emanating from the god's death knell, but they were not pulled back.

Wei Wei's body, or life, or something heavier than life, allowed him to regain the sustenance and control of these scarlet powers in this moment. The force pulls over.

"how so?"

The will of the god's death knell seemed to suddenly awaken at this moment, creating a sense of astonishment.

"Obviously I am the master of Scarlet..."

"Obviously you are just an experimental subject who can be separated at any time..."


"You bastard, if you dare to attack my people, I will crush you!"

Miss Blue Bird suddenly realized from her thoughts where time had stopped, she cursed loudly, and actually raised her hand to hit the death knell of the god.

Her mission was to recover the god's death knell, but at this moment, she did not hesitate to smash it.

"The will is immortal and the order will last forever!"

At this same moment, a void and exploding voice appeared in Wei Wei's mind. In a daze, he seemed to see a black knight rushing out of his eyes, extremely heroic and domineering, Waving the spear in his hand, with fighting will, he fiercely rushed towards the god Death Knell, who was trying to use the scarlet power to pull him away.


The god Deathstroke was trapped by the Eye of True Knowledge, struck hard by Miss Bluebird, and then dashed by the phantom of the War Demon.

The sound of strings breaking sounded one after another.

The blood threads that emerged from it suddenly burst out one by one, and escaped from its grasp. The blood threads that emerged from Wei Wei's body were pulled back one by one, and then quickly sank into Wei Wei's body, as if they had never been there before. belongs to it...

"Finally found it?"

At the same time, in the office not far away, the priest wearing a red hat stood up.

There was a look of relief on his face: "The container that can truly carry the power of gods is actually..."

"Crazy kid?"

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