Scarlet Falls

Chapter 118 My child, go kill the gods.

The moment the bloodshot blood returned to his body, Wei Wei felt mentally trance-like.

He was still in the state of falling from a tall building. In his eyes, he saw the black cat snatching it from the sky and trying to hug him. He saw Ye Feifei was so frightened that he had no time to pretend to be unconscious and his eyes widened. As if making a praying gesture...

...Then the black cat grabbed Ye Feifei and threw him out, while holding Wei Wei with the other hand.

His hang glider couldn't hold two people.

Wei Wei was startled when he saw it, and hurriedly reached out and hugged Ye Feifei, who was praying in mid-air, into his arms again.

A deafening crash was heard across a tall building, as if a huge force was bombarding it.

After tightly hugging Ye Feifei, Wei Wei's spirit began to fall into confusion. As a large amount of blood from the death knell of the god poured into his body, he heard strange ticking sounds in his ears, the sound of the ebb and flow of the sea of ​​blood, and even the sounds of the surrounding people. Everything seemed to be slowing down rapidly. He saw the tall execution rack passing quickly by him, and countless giants opened their eyes.

It seemed as if he was not falling from a high place, but driving quickly forward on a deserted highway.

At the end of the road, Wei Wei saw a man wearing a red hat holding a book with a red cover in his hand.

The red cover is as red as blood and dazzling.

"Father An..."

When Wei Wei saw this kind-faced old man, he felt complicated emotions in his heart.

As he fell rapidly, he passed by this kind old man in a trance, and at this moment, time suddenly stopped.

He stayed in the air twenty meters above the ground. The vertical walls of high-rise buildings seemed to have turned into the ground at this moment. The sound of wind around him had stopped. Even Ye Feifei and the black cat chasing him down, their expressions and bodies, Everything became blurry, as if they had become decorations in the space. There was only an old man holding a red book in his arms, looking at Wei Wei quietly with a smile.

"You're doing great, kid."

He looked at Wei Wei with relief, his smile the same as four years ago.

"which aspect?"

Wei Wei looked at him and found that he could speak and think freely, so he answered with a smile.

"After leaving the orphanage, I did a lot of things."


"in many ways."

Father An was as gentle as before, gentle but restrained, with a smile and full of appreciation: "You successfully maintained your sanity while mastering the scarlet power. You survived the tricks of fate and passed the training. During the test of the battalion, you helped the foundation achieve several victories on the secret battlefield, and also helped them successfully build the forbidden weapon."

With a smile on his face, he casually told what Wei Wei had done: "And in the end, you were not fooled by their promises and still returned to Scrap Iron City, and determined your direction in Scrap Iron City, and Find the weight of your life..."

"The soul is weightless, the will is its weight."

"I'm very happy to see you change from a young boy who only knew how to be angry to what you are now..."


"Father An..."

Wei Wei asked with a smile: "You seem to have often mentioned the weight of your soul to me before, but what's the use of it?"

Father An also seemed to enjoy this scene.

It felt like they were back in the orphanage, discussing useless topics in the sun that had nothing to do with food, drink or safety.

"The weight of the soul can determine the carrying capacity of life."

Father An explained patiently: "Twisted desires will attract the prying eyes of the devil. A frivolous soul is always easy to fall in the face of temptation. You have found the weight of life, so you have the ability to truly control the power of the devil." potential."

"Especially, the most dangerous demonic force."



Wei Wei also listened patiently to Father An's story, with a gentle smile on his face, gentler than the priest.

"Did you arrange all this?"

He smiled and said: "I once blamed you. I blamed you for not being there when we needed you, even though you were such a good person, so we had no choice but to escape from the orphanage. So when we met the girl named Qiangwei The demon family that is the symbol can only be eaten one by one. At first, because you always stood by and watched, I felt angry with you."

"But then I discovered that you are more powerful and mysterious than I thought."

"So I don't blame you anymore. How could you, who is so powerful and mysterious, watch accidents happen around you?"

"This can only be said to be happening with your acquiescence, or even arranged by you, right?"


There was really no expression of anger or blame on Wei Wei's face, but the smile on Father An's face slowly disappeared.

"No, this is fate."

After a long time, he answered softly: "The devil of fate is the most unique devil. It never only favors one person, nor does it give answers. Everyone needs to make a choice in their destiny and give out answers." The answer, and no further changes are allowed."

"So, even though I believe in fate, I am always at a loss, not knowing what kind of person I will find in the end..."

"But luckily, I found you."

"You are not the most outstanding person I have ever seen or trained. You are on the verge of losing control and degenerating every step of the way."

"But you are the most determined, determined enough to control the power of scarlet."



Wei Wei's brows seemed to frown. There was still a smile on his face, but this smile was no longer comfortable.

"I've waited too long, kid."

Father An sighed softly: "Because I have never seen hope, I can only gamble once."

"what are you waiting for?"

"Waiting for the fulfillment of a prophecy."

Father An answered seriously: "Our entire Rose Sect is waiting for the realization of this prophecy. In the prophecy, bright red roses will bloom on the earth, expelling all demons, and the fate of the world will return at that moment." Back to the original track!”

"But I have been waiting for too long, and I have not waited for this prophecy to come true. The former foundation made me mistakenly believe that I was about to see this prophecy come true. At that time, they were still very idealistic, so I spared no effort to help Unfortunately, they gradually let me down, so I finally decided to build a weapon before the prophecy came."

"With this weapon, no matter whether the person in the prophecy appears or not, I can realize Rose's will..."


Wei Wei raised his eyebrows: "God's death knell?"


Father An nodded: "In its heyday, the Church of the Twelve Gods only wanted to hunt down the only demon in the world, because it was the force that threatened them the most at that time, and they were indeed close to success. They captured the scarlet demon and Sealed in the death knell of the gods, even if they paid a huge price for it, they still think it is worth it, because it will become their strongest weapon."

"They are trying to use this most powerful weapon to help them permanently secure their position as world dominators."

"It's a pity that they didn't think about it. This weapon itself should be pointed at them. We helped them seal the scarlet demon. I finally confirmed the name of the god's death knell through their mouths. This is not It will not be a weapon that will help them permanently dominate the world, but a weapon that is destined to sound the death knell of their destiny..."

"However, they were also lucky, because the huge price they paid for hunting the Scarlet Demon exposed their weak side. The Foundation took action at this time, overthrew the Church of the Twelve Gods, and banished them to the wilderness... "


"But you seem to have failed, Father..."

Wei Wei couldn't help but sneer on his face: "The Foundation and the Wandering Church have already taken action."

"The death knell of the gods was taken away immediately..."


"No one can take away the death knell of the gods..."

Father An was silent for a long time, and then looked at Wei Wei gently: "The death knell of the gods is just a container, a container used to seal the scarlet power. Because it was contaminated with too much demonic power, it developed self-awareness and produced He has the illusion that he is a god, but in fact he is just a consciousness born from the power of demons, a slave of power, not a perfect weapon..."

"Only those that can be driven by will can be called weapons, so..."


He looked at Wei Wei quietly: "The real death knell of the gods has always been you."


The sudden answer suddenly made Wei Wei fall into a slightly confused state. He thought of the process of obtaining the scarlet power, and the scene where the god Deathstroke had just competed with him for the scarlet power, but failed in front of him...

"Got you……"

He suddenly thought of the little girl with the big head.

When she saw herself, she said in a very firm tone: "I found you..."

Afterwards, the head pendant believed that he was only related to the death knell of the god, and that he was not the real answer.

At that time, I thought that the little girl had guessed wrong.

Afterwards, the Seventh Order of Priests only confirmed that the death knell of the god was indeed in Scrap Iron City, so they planned the attack.

But looking at it now, maybe everyone else was wrong.

Maybe it was the little girl who gave the real answer from the beginning?

"Kid, how did you think you would encounter these things?"

"Why do you think you became the person who awakened the scarlet power and heard gibbering every day?"

"There is always something that you can't refuse that comes to your head. This is called fate..."


Father An's face seemed to become very far away at this moment, and only his gentle but endlessly cold voice could be heard: "It was my novice who planted the scarlet power in your body, and I watched it sprout. , water it with hatred, cultivate it with anger, and watch it glow with a different brilliance in your body. From the beginning, I saw the difference between you and others."

"But I still have to wait. I'm waiting for you to come back in three years."

"I want to make sure that you do not become Scarlet's slave, but its master."

"And you have proved this very well. You took the power of scarlet from the hands of the god Deathstroke."

"This means that you have completely integrated with Scarlet and become the most perfect weapon."


His face seemed to become as majestic as the sky. Underneath the majesty, there was a will that did not allow rejection:

"Go and kill the gods, child..."

"This is the fate you should face as a weapon..."



Wei Wei felt a vague headache and felt his heart beating loudly.

He knew that this conversation was almost over.

He wanted to get angry, but he couldn't help but put a smile on his face. He wanted to yell at such a person who was used to being aloof, or even shoot him, but because he couldn't do it, he turned to him instead. Laughing: "You said that everyone will face choices, so let me ask you, those lambs who just want to grow up but don't even grow up, where are their opportunities to choose?"

"You said you believe in fate, but is the fate you believe in inherently unfair?"


"Fate is never fair, kid."

Father An looked at Wei Wei calmly, as if he didn't take such childish questions to heart at all: "When you lived in the orphanage and others lived in the city, if you didn't have enough to eat, others would be picky eaters. At that time, you should understand.”

"I can't understand such a complicated issue, and I don't like arguing with others."

Wei Wei smiled at Father An, showing his white teeth. His smile was extremely bright, even a little too bright:

"But I know that if the fate you believe in is so unfair from the beginning."

"Then this fate should be one that should be feared..."


Father An looked at Wei Wei at this time, his face gradually lost all expression, and the next moment, the flow of time suddenly became normal.

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