Scarlet Falls

Chapter 119 My Team (4,000 words)


Wei Wei suddenly sat up, with a bright smile on his face, but his fists were tightly clenched.

The moment Father An left, he felt his speed drop rapidly again, as if he fell to the ground, falling to pieces, and as if he fell into the soft water all at once, almost suffocating, but with unquenched emotions, he suddenly Sitting up, he realized that everything around him was blurry and blurry. The illusions were melting like ice and snow, and the truth of the world came into his eyes.

Surrounded by a snow-white world, there are medicine tables and instruments to detect physical conditions.

A black figure stood at the door. He quickly turned around and breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw Wei Wei sitting up.

"you're awake……"

Black Cat held the gun in his arms, quickly came to the hospital bed, and whispered: "Brother Wei, are you feeling well?"

"How is this going?"

Wei Wei lifted up the snow-white quilt on his body and found that he had changed into a hospital gown.

"It's over."

The black cat whispered: "During the recovery process of the God's Death Knell, no one knew why he went crazy, and suddenly launched an attack on the people around him. As a result, you were pushed off the high building by its power. Although I caught you in time, But... I really didn't expect, Brother Wei, that you were injured so seriously. When I caught you, I could feel that almost all the bones in your body were broken."

"It's nothing. Before that, I just killed a fourth-level war demon..."

Wei Wei took a deep breath and waved his hand.

In fact, it was because of the chaos caused by Scarlet's power.

Because the god Deathstroke wanted to seize his power. Although in the end, he actually took his power, at that time, his whole body was sewn together by the scarlet power. The chaos of the scarlet power caused the bones to reappear. Break apart.


The expression on Black Cat's face was originally a bit sympathetic.

He didn't want to see the person he admired most in the training camp fall into a coma during the mission.

But upon hearing this, his expression instantly changed from sympathy to shock. After a long time, he sighed: "Wei Wei, you are still so fierce..."

"Our whole team took action..."

Wei Wei shook his head and said, "By the way, what's the result now?"

Hearing Wei Wei's inquiry, Black Cat sighed softly: "Miss Qingniao should be doing a serious review now."

He whispered: "Originally, Miss Jade Bird's mission was to recover the Divine Death Knell. As a result, after she released the Divine Death Knell, the thing suddenly attacked the people around her. Miss Jade Bird was affected at the time and had no time to stop it, so Her temper suddenly got angry, and she raised her hand to hammer the God's Death Bell. This hammer was a good one, as she directly knocked the God's Death Bell away..."

"At that time, the upper totem of the knowledge demon system, the Eye of True Knowledge, had not been destroyed by the Cross of Destruction. It had been hiding in the life cage. Taking this opportunity to show up to fight for the death knell of the god, Miss Blue Bird's punch not only almost killed the god The death knell was beaten to pieces, and it was even beaten directly into its arms, so the Eye of True Knowledge immediately took the divine death knell and fled..."



Wei Wei was stunned for a moment: "We have been making trouble together for such a long time and were taken away by the Holy Court?"


Black Cat nodded with a heavy expression: "She was punched by Miss Blue Bird, so she will definitely be punished."

At this time, in another temporary base, Miss Jade Bird, who was wearing a pair of thick-soled flip-flops and changed into a short skirt, was indeed humbly accepting the criticism from her superiors. She was holding an ice cream in her hand and eating it. While rolling his eyes, facing the scolding coming from the other end of the computer, he said unconvinced: "Yes, it was the one I punched, and it attacked my person first."

"I came here with good intentions to help it lift the seal, but it attacked my people. It doesn't comply with my principles if I don't beat it!"


The middle-aged man on the computer screen looked angry: "Don't you realize your mistake by now?"

"I understand."

The blue bird licked the ice cream and said, "I haven't raked it up today. What else do you want?"

"In the worst case, just remove me from my position. Anyway, you have so many candidates to choose from."


The middle-aged man on the other side of the computer was furious.

The members of the Jade Bird team guarding outside the tent all sighed with emotion: "Miss Jade Bird has given in very much today..."

"I usually put the blame on other people..."



"Actually, Miss Qingniao is taking the blame, right?"

At this time, Wei Wei in the ward was also thinking: "The first time the God's Death Knell appeared, it did not attack everyone, but attacked itself. This is its natural decision. It will do this no matter what the situation is when it escapes. It's just that While it was attacking, it also suspended other people's consciousness and thinking, and inadvertently covered up a lot of details. I'm afraid many people don't know what happened."

In addition, he thought about it carefully and remembered seeing a figure of a knight rushing towards the death knell of the god, and having a conversation with Father An that seemed real and fake.

I'm afraid other people don't know this either.

My head was also a little messy, and it was difficult to consider these issues for the time being. After calming down for a while, I asked the black cat:

"Where are my team members?"


"Team member?"

The black cat was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "They're all outside."

After saying that, he walked towards the ward and said, "You can come in."

Not long after, Captain Ouyang, Sister Lucky, Uncle Gun, Brother Xiao Lin, Brother Piggy, and Ye Feifei all walked in cautiously, especially Ye Feifei, who still had a "close attention" look on his face when he saw the black cat. It wasn't like they didn't want to come in and see Wei Wei just now, but the black cat was holding a gun and guarding the door, saying that no one could get close to him until Brother Wei woke up.

Black Cat stood by the wall holding the gun, turning a blind eye to everyone's gaze.

Especially Ye Feifei's. She still remembered that when she fell from upstairs, the black cat did not hesitate to pull her out of Wei Wei's arms and throw her aside. Fortunately, Wei Wei finally reacted and followed up. He pulled himself back into his arms.

Otherwise, he might have fallen to death by now.

And Black Cat didn't intend to explain anything, he would do it again if it happened again.

At that time, his hang glider could only guarantee the safety of Wei Wei from a rapid fall. If there were two people, it would bring unnecessary risks. Anyway, he didn't know Ye Feifei, so he would fall to death. Later, seeing that Wei Wei was determined to hug Ye Feifei, he took the risk and pushed both of them into the next floor at the same time, changing the force of the fall and surviving.

If it weren't for this, Wei Wei wouldn't have passed out.

"Xiao Wei, are you okay?"

Captain Ouyang and others all gathered in front of the hospital bed, and they all sighed: "What happened this time is too big."

"I'm fine."

Wei Wei stood up with a smile.

He didn't know how long he had been unconscious, but he could clearly feel that the life energy in his body had partially recovered, and his "cell activity" ability had been triggered, which made the invisible injuries in his body improve. A lot.

"Come on, let me introduce you to him. This is my brother from the training camp."

It can be seen that these team members seemed to be a little wary of Black Cat. They did not want their relationship to be so distant, so they introduced with a smile: "Black Cat, these are my current team members. This is our Captain Ouyang, who is particularly reliable. A captain is also the captain I trust most. This is the young and beautiful Sister Lucky, this is Uncle Gun, this is Brother Xiao Lin, and this is Brother Piggy..."

"That pouting girl is Feifei, you must not offend her..."


Originally, the black cat always looked away from everyone it saw, especially after wearing a black mask, which gave people the feeling of not being near strangers. But now after hearing Wei Wei's introduction, his face became brighter. A bright smile appeared all of a sudden and they shook hands one by one.

Especially when shaking hands with Captain Ouyang, he was particularly enthusiastic.

I just don’t know why, but I always feel a little pity in his eyes...

Although this look made Captain Ouyang feel a little guilty, he still couldn't hide his good mood no matter how hard he tried.

"Although this matter is not small, the result is very good..."

"Okay? The gods' death knell has been snatched away..."

"What does that have to do with us?"

After confirming that the black cat was one of his own, Captain Ouyang couldn't help but expressed his attitude excitedly: "That's Miss Qingniao of the Xingtian team who punched the Wandering Church in the arms. It's the same as our Scrap Iron City." What does the security squad have to do with it?”

"We are just the smallest garrison unit under the foundation..."

"Obviously we could have left before the attack started, but out of our sense of responsibility to guard the scrap iron city and the spiritual barrier, we still risked our lives and came back and found Pandora's Box. Before the real crisis came, He moved the citizens to a safe area and almost wiped out the 7th Priesthood that attacked Scrap Iron City. How much credit does this have?"

"The key is……"

Captain Ouyang's silver hair shone with laughter: "The death knell of the god has been snatched away."

"From today on, our Scrap Iron City will really become a small place that no one pays attention to anymore..."

"I can really retire with peace of mind..."


Wei Wei truly felt the joy in Captain Ouyang's heart and felt happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

"Is this the team that Brother Wei is in now?"

The black cat next to him watched quietly, and without realizing it, he had taken in everyone's appearance.

How should I put it? It seems a bit awkward to still be in such a jubilant atmosphere after the operation mission failed, but Brother Wei seems to be able to blend in. The only problem is that these "team members", although they can obviously see It can be seen that it is not consistent with the strength level of ordinary security teams, but it still seems a bit too unprofessional...

...I don’t even know if this captain is tough or not.

At this time, several quick instructions sounded in his earbuds.

"Brother Wei, I have to go."

He looked up at Wei Wei and said with a smile, "Fortunately, you're awake."


"Leaving so soon?"

"Would you like to stay with the team and have dinner together?"


The Scrap Iron City security team simultaneously tried to persuade him to stay, and they were all very enthusiastic about Wei Wei, their brother from the training camp.


The black cat also smiled and said: "Miss Qingniao is very angry now. She regards this mission as the biggest stain in her life. She must take revenge and go back. We know that three hundred miles away, there is a Mother Tree of the Wandering Church growing there. It was also projected during this attack, so Miss Bluebird now plans to skin it, which can be regarded as a small amount of interest."

"Did you just peel off the skin of the superior totem?"

The Scrap Iron City security team was stunned when they heard this and looked at each other.

Wei Wei knew that this was the foundation's style.

Once the Wandering Church attacks the spiritual barrier, no matter what the reason, it will inevitably lead to revenge.

As a member of the reserve legion, Black Cat must follow the members of Xingtian's team. In fact, he does not go to Miss Jade Bird now, but is guarding his unconscious self. To some extent, he has violated the legion's rules. regulations inside.

Therefore, he didn't stop him and just nodded and said: "Then be careful."

Black Cat nodded, and before leaving, he suddenly said: "Brother Wei, where are you?"

"The God's Death Knell has been snatched away, and there is no point in you staying in Scrap Iron City."

"I can help you enter the reserve force, or transfer you back to the first city defense line..."

He smiled and explained: "Of course it's not because I have any energy, but because you are so famous. As far as I know, many teams and institutions are now inquiring about the whereabouts of our group of students. I believe many people are willing to Give you a green light.”


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be surprised.

Especially Ye Feifei, who suddenly looked at Wei Wei nervously.

There are still many questions in her mind that she has not yet asked...

Didn't Brother Wei just come back from prison? How could there be such an unpleasant brother?

Could this be someone who just got out of prison?

"No need..."

Facing Black Cat's invitation, Wei Wei laughed and said, "I have my own team now!"

"They are all very nice and I feel comfortable staying here."



The people around were a little surprised, looking at each other, and even feeling a little moved in their hearts.

Although they have only met once, they understand what the black cat represents. This is a member of the reserve team who is only one step away from the Xingtian team. They are the elite of the elite, high-level professionals trained by the foundation. He said That caused the team and the organization to have conditions so good that they would make people drool, but Wei Wei would rather stay here and hang out with the pension team?

Even, in front of such elite people, show recognition for people like yourself?

This is simply too face-saving.

Only Captain Ouyang, who was still excited just now, was moved while thinking secretly:

"Xiao Wei, I can understand your feelings for the team, and I'm very touched, but in fact..."

"It's not impossible for you to go..."

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