Scarlet Falls

Chapter 120 The Scrap Iron City is at peace

The Blue Bird Team showed her resolute side, saying she wanted to leave and leaving immediately.

Wei Wei experienced a period of coma and was somewhat confused about the time. However, in fact, Wei Wei was only unconscious for half an hour. In other words, the Blue Bird Team almost stayed in Scrap Iron City for less than an hour. Come over, clean up the projections of those totems, punch the death knell of the god into the arms of the Eye of True Knowledge, accept the reprimand, and then set off for the next journey.

So efficient that it looks like mutiny.

As the captain of the local security team in Scrap Iron City, Captain Ouyang naturally took the team members there to see them off. Miss Jade Bird didn't like this at first glance. When they arrived, everyone was already on the scene. The fleet of modified cars that had been parked at the edge of the Scrap Iron City from the beginning was now hanging its bare legs out of the window, playing the game console.

It took them three minutes to gather and graduate, seemingly waiting for the black cat.

It can be seen that Black Cat's performance in the team is not good this time, and he doesn't know if he will be punished if he returns.

"Oh my, Captain Blue Bird is leaving now?"

Captain Ouyang waved his hand for Black Cat to quickly return to the team. He ran to the front car and greeted Miss Qingniao. At the same time, he held a paper bag in his hand and said enthusiastically: "You guys left in such a hurry. Not to mention staying and having fun..."

"Bringing this little thing with you is also a token of appreciation from our Scrap Iron City..."


The members of the Blue Bird team next to them all looked straight.

Are the folk customs in Scrap Iron City so simple?

I have been on so many missions, and this is the first time I have seen someone giving gifts like this.

Miss Jade Bird was obviously confused. She rarely looked away from the game console and looked at Captain Ouyang up and down.

There was a bit of surprise and disdain in his eyes, and the corner of his mouth turned up, ready to say something unpleasant.

"See if you like it?"

Captain Ouyang didn't wait for her to say the unpleasant things, and directly opened the bag.


Miss Jade Bird's eyes lit up, she hurriedly put down the game console, walked out of the carriage, and excitedly shook hands with Captain Ouyang.

"You're too polite, you're too polite. Brother, we have an urgent task, otherwise I would have gone over to say hello to you."


The people around were dumbfounded. Seeing Miss Jade Bird hugging the paper bag with excitement on her face, their views exploded.

what's the situation?

If someone dares to give a gift in broad daylight, he still gives a gift to a member of the Xingtian Team.

The other one actually dared to be so harmonious in public?

"What's in the bag?"

Even Wei Wei, who sent the black cat back to the convoy, was shocked and asked in a low voice.

"A pair of black retro high boots with studs."

Brother Xiao Lin next to him whispered: "Captain Ouyang picked it up from a roadside store. It didn't cost anything and it wasn't expensive."

"But he's pretty sure this will win over Miss Blue Bird.


Sister Lucky sneered and said, "He can always tell what others like at a glance and what kind of gifts they should give."

Wei Wei listened and felt his admiration for the captain deepened.

Uncle Gun next to him suddenly spoke to him leisurely: "Except for you..."

"The captain said he knows what you like, but he doesn't dare to give it to you..."

Miss Qingniao happily accepted the gift and chatted and laughed with Captain Ouyang. Their relationship quickly warmed up. In the future, when the Scrap Iron City security team goes out, they can probably tell the outside world. Even though Scrap Iron City is not big, they have always maintained a close relationship with the Xingtian team. Have a good cooperative relationship.

Wei Wei was also eye-opening and felt that he still had a lot to learn.

However, seeing the black cat return to the team, Captain Ouyang also made the Miss Blue Bird very happy. Just when he thought it was over, he suddenly saw that the Miss Blue Bird did not wait for the black cat to return to the team, and received the gift before preparing After leaving, he turned to look at himself, without starting or ending, and suddenly said to himself: "Do you want to come with me? I will promote you to be my personal assistant?"


Everyone in the Blue Bird Team was stunned, especially Captain Xu who was sitting in the second car.

The assistants of members of the Xingtian Team are often equal to their successors. This is what everyone in the reserve team dreams of...

Although he is now the captain of the Blue Bird Team, if someone sends this invitation, he will agree without hesitation.

Wei Wei was also stunned for a moment, what was going on with this sudden invitation?

It couldn't be that Captain Ouyang gave him a gift just to let Miss Jade Bird take him away, right?

He immediately shook his head and said, "I won't go."

The others were stunned again. How could they talk to Miss Jade Bird?

"Very good, with character. I like you."

The Miss Qingniao threw the bag into the carriage and did not get on the carriage immediately. Instead, she turned around and walked towards Wei Wei and said:

"I have been waiting for you just now. I don't know if Black Cat told you or not. In fact, after all, I am your senior sister. I am a student who graduated from the sixth class of Dongshan training camp. The instructor who taught you, Teng She, was In fact, he was also the instructor who taught me.”


Wei Wei was a little surprised when he heard this, and looked at Miss Jade Bird up and down: "How old were you then?"

Miss Jade Bird puffed out her unconfident chest and said, "Is it too much to enter a training camp at the age of seven?"

"Not too much, not too much..."

Wei Wei smiled hurriedly and said, "I just think, senior sister, you are so amazing."


Miss Qingniao snorted, but the pride on her face could no longer be suppressed. She raised her toes and patted Wei Wei on the shoulder, saying: "If you have anything to do with me in the future, I'll look for you, senior. I'll cover the black cat now..." As she spoke, , his voice suddenly lowered, and he said: "Before you come here, the instructor asked me to remind you that the foundation's plan is not just what you see on the surface. You should be more careful in the future."

The expression on Wei Wei's face remained unchanged and he just nodded silently.

He could feel that when he said these words, there was a faint demonic power surging around him.

This young girl from Blue Bird actually used demonic power to distort the surrounding space to prevent others from hearing these words.

"Okay, let's go..."

Miss Qingniao still looked so carefree, as if she had never said what she just said.

After she got in the car, the entire convoy started and rumbled towards the wilderness.

When others enter the wilderness, they will inevitably feel a sense of awe at the boundless wilderness. However, when this convoy drove into the wilderness, everyone felt that the wilderness seemed to be shaking, and they couldn't help but have a strange feeling in their hearts. Emotions.

Although the Blue Bird Team actually carried out a failed mission just now, the consequences seemed to be serious.

But they still have a frightening and intimidating effect.

Is this the combat capability that the Foundation is most proud of?

An armed force and a well-equipped fleet are formed around one person. No matter where it goes, a mobile base can be quickly assembled with technical support personnel, logistics deployment personnel, professional medical teams, and intelligence. The team, the combatants, and almost one of the top combat forces in the world can confront Totem head-on.

Flexible and maneuverable, he cuts first and then plays second, and his power is boundless.

Even if you really get into trouble, there will be a group of professionals behind you to wipe your butt...

Look at us again...

The Scrap Iron City security team looked at each other, and gradually a relieved smile appeared on their faces: "We are much more comfortable than them!"

Now we can declare loudly: "Scrap Iron City is at peace!"

At this time, the excitement of the Scrap Iron City security team was real.

The death knell of the gods was taken away under such circumstances, which finally solved everyone's worries. More importantly, with this piece of shit finally disappearing, the number of mysterious organizations hidden in the scrap iron city will be reduced a lot. Extraordinary The ratio returned to normal.

The Seventh Priesthood was completely wiped out, and the organization that had been putting pressure on Scrap Iron City from outside also disappeared.

The only danger is that many totems have suffered losses here, and they may be a little petty and want to take revenge.

However, it was the foundation and Miss Bluebird that made them suffer, and it had nothing to do with Scrap Iron City.

The total annihilation of the Seventh Priesthood, in normal times, would have been an unbearable loss for the Wandering Church, and it would definitely not give up. But there is no need to worry now, they have successfully taken away the Death Knell of the God, and now is the time to hold on to it. When God Death Knell is bent on seeking stability and calming down the situation as soon as possible, it would be better if others don't look for them. Of course, they don't have the time to come out and cause trouble in Scrap Iron City.

So, what else is there to worry about?

At present, the only problem is the aftermath.

Many buildings and buildings in the city center were destroyed, and many citizens were injured.

But these matters are a headache for the Executive Office, which needs to appease citizens and repair damaged roads and buildings.

The Scrap Iron City Security Team only needs to issue a press release.

Brother Xiao Lin has already prepared a plan: the epidemic has made countless people in the scrap iron city dizzy and sluggish, causing a worker in the city center to improperly operate a boiler, causing an explosion. And because, to highlight the point, municipal work is not done. In place, the gas lines were severely aged, triggering a series of chain reactions that led to the collapse of large areas of foundations, leading to this disastrous disaster.

As for the monsters and crosses falling from the sky that countless people saw...

Isn't this common sense? Toxic gases spread with explosions, which can easily cause hallucinations.

...So, the most deserving of condemnation is the municipal government.

I told you last time that if we don’t make repairs and check for hidden dangers, there will definitely be big problems. Look, it’s happened now, right?

As for Captain Ouyang, he plans to write a report himself and ask for credit from his superiors.

On the surface, everything related to the battle for the death knell of the gods in Scrap Iron City will be wiped out. All that is left is the attack of the Seventh Priesthood. And this attack has been perfectly solved. Of course, all the credit goes to Scrap Iron City. From the Iron City Security Team.

As for the Blue Bird Team, have they appeared in Scrap Iron City?

Anyway, I haven't seen it.

If there is, it must be a rumor...

With this excited attitude, everyone handed over the work, and then heaved a sigh of relief and returned to the base with a vacation-like mood. As soon as they entered the door, they saw Brother Piggy in an apron, who had already put a huge The copper pot was brought out, and next to it were bowls of tripe, vegetables, fungi, beef and mutton rolls, and a large pot of sauce, all of which had been adjusted to the best taste.

Looking at Brother Piggy, who was smiling and waiting for the tired people to sit down and eat, Wei Wei's slightly envious mood just now because he saw the vigorous and resolute performance of the Blue Bird Team suddenly disappeared at this moment. He, indeed, is still suitable here!

Even if it’s just for this hot pot meal...

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