Scarlet Falls

Chapter 22 The Evil Spirit Comes

For a moment, Ye Feifei's brain went completely blank.

That body had obviously been dead for a long time.

The wedding dress she was wearing had large areas of corpse fluid smeared out from some places.

The pale and stiff face even had abnormal swelling caused by decay.

But at this moment, she didn't know when she opened her eyes.

Those dull and empty eyes were looking at Wei Wei and Ye Feifei, and they made a hoarse voice:

"Human desire is a twisted seed, you never know what kind of flowers it will bloom."

As she spoke, she supported her body.

It's just that my hands and feet were not coordinated. When I stood up to the left, I used my right arm to support the floor. When I pushed up, it seemed that the strength was too much, causing the upper body of my body to twist. Put your legs on the ground and push yourself up, but your face is looking at the ceiling.

Then her neck suddenly turned 180 degrees and slowly adjusted to the front.

Looking directly at Wei Wei and Ye Feifei, she smiled and said:

"But as long as you search patiently and listen, you can always find the one that surprises you the most..."



Ye Feifei didn't react until then. His scalp was numb and he staggered back: "The dead man has spoken..."


Wei Weiji stretched out his hand to support Ye Feifei. He also had a faint smile on his face, and seemed to have some kind of excitement that could not be concealed.

But his voice was very soft, as if he was worried about disturbing something: "This is not the resurrection of the dead..."

"It's a walking corpse."

"Some unknown spiritual body was summoned and entered her body..."


His voice was very soft, as if he was worried that Ye Feifei would panic too much and scare the other party.

"Unknown spiritual body..."

Ye Feifei's voice trembled with fear.

What kind of luck did I have that I met an unknown spiritual body that was summoned for the first time when I participated in this kind of thing?

She has read a lot of files from Captain Ouyang, and she is not a pure novice.

Mostly she also knew the taboos of this kind of behavior.

Unknown and chaotic summons are very likely to summon some kind of terrifying and unknown existence. In the files of the Scrap Iron City Police Station, the recorded consequences of such mysterious summons are simply more bloody than the last, and none of them are better. The end...

Some people wanted to summon the spirits of their relatives, but what they summoned was some kind of unknown ghost.

Someone wants to summon a specific ghost to fulfill their wish, but what they summon is an evil thing that harvests all lives...

I really shouldn’t have gone out these days!

"Don't be afraid, I'm here..."

Wei Wei noticed Ye Feifei's fear, put away his smile slightly, gently pressed his palm on her shoulder, leaned close to her ear and said:

"Just protect this little kid..."


Ye Feifei felt strangely calmer and looked up at Wei Wei's profile.

Wei Wei had already controlled his uncontrollable smile at this time, and looked at the dead body wearing a wedding dress:

The voice was gentle: "So, all this is just your inducement?"

"A mine worker should not have channels to learn the knowledge of these death systems, nor should he have the ability to predict and escape from police pursuit. It would be very difficult to dig up this body, so this should be what you taught him, including him. The so-called instructions from God that he heard, and the sacrifice of a life to help resurrect the goddess in his life, are you actually influencing him, right?"

"Honestly, this is just a matter of deception for laymen."

"I have seen many people who have been awakened from death, but I have never seen a 'person' who can truly come back from death."

"He didn't arrange the sacrificial ceremony here, right?"

"I have seen the animal specimens he made. The work was too rough and it was impossible to arrange such detailed symbols."

"So, his responsibility should just be to bring the baby here and kill him here at the exact moment?"

"Of course, we saved the baby."

"But he was killed by me. Because he died within the range of this sacrifice symbol, it is considered a sacrifice?"

"It's a pity that whether he was used or used as a sacrifice in the end, he didn't understand his position."


"Why not?"

The corpse in the wedding dress made a mocking sound.

She was still adjusting to this body, or in other words, adapting.

Just by twisting and turning, she twisted the corpse into various weird shapes, like acrobatics in a nightmare:

"There are always some people in this world who will not be noticed. When you see them, you will label them with a certain type, but you never know that they also have various desires surging in their hearts. Very strong, like a furnace desire, just like this worker, he is so ordinary, so ordinary that in the eyes of anyone, he can only exist as a background..."

"But who knows the desires surging in his heart, desires that are so strong that they are twisted?"

"It's not that I'm inducing him, but that he is eagerly begging me to come before him..."

"I was actually helping him. At least, I made him have a dream that he never dared to have in his life before he died..."



As she spoke, she suddenly laughed sharply: "Of course, you can also help me find my way back..."


Wei Wei smiled and cupped his hands, then tilted his head slightly: "But I'm curious, what exactly are you?"

"Some evil spirit that wanders in nightmares?"

"Or a high-level believer who is reluctant to leave this world despite his death?"


"Ka" "Ka" "Ka"

At this moment, the body of the woman in the wedding dress made a series of crisp bones breaking sounds.

She finally adjusted herself to a comfortable position, and her head, which had been hanging helplessly, suddenly stood up.

The neck has been twisted twice, raised like a cobra, so that the face is facing Wei Wei.

In his dull and dry eyes, the pupils instantly dilated to the entire eye socket: "Why don't you come closer to me and take a look in person?"



The moment her pupils dilated, the whole room was suddenly filled with cold and twisted power.

As soon as Ye Feifei walked to the door, the two doors were suddenly closed heavily. At the same time, the surrounding windows and even some bottles that were not firmly placed were either slammed shut at the same time, or were knocked shut. Invisible force swept to the ground.

"he he he he he……"

But the twisted dead body was surprisingly fast. She flipped her arms to support herself on the ground, but her legs were stretched from the front to the back, with her lower abdomen upward and her legs bent as she landed on the ground. There was a continuous crackling sound.

The body brought out a string of shadows that were almost difficult to catch with the naked eye, and he rushed to Ye Feifei's side in an instant.

Ye Feifei was already trembling with fear, but still closed her eyes tightly, turned around fiercely, and protected the baby with her body.

Nothing can be done.

Facing that twisted monster, which rushed towards him at an unimaginable speed, Ye Feifei could only feel this way. Not to mention holding a baby in his arms, even if he was empty-handed and holding a loaded pistol, Even if you take aim in advance, you won't have time to do anything, because facing that kind of monster, even the most basic instincts will be lost instantly.

Therefore, she could only remember Wei Wei's words and protect the baby in her arms.


At this moment, gunfire suddenly rang out.

A bullet flew from the side and accurately hit the head of the corpse in the wedding dress.

Demon hunting bullet 1 model: blowfly.

Although the coagulant contained in the bullet's warhead is of little use against monsters that are already dead bodies.

But the power of the bullet still caused her head to tilt to the side, and her neck made an overwhelming tearing sound.

"I haven't finished speaking to you yet..."

Wei Wei walked over with a black short gun in his hand, his expression looking a little unhappy: "Are you still polite?"


As he spoke, the muzzle of the gun kept blasting out balls of fire.

"Bah bah bah bah..."

Explosive bullets hit the female corpse one after another.

Normally, with such powerful bullets, each one could tear the female corpse in half.

Whichever part you hit will be blown off the body.

But now the body of the woman in the wedding dress was twisted and wrapped in a delicate and weird force field, which actually weakened the power of the bullet. It only hit her body's joints at random and crookedly. She quickly rushed to the wall and crawled along. to the ceiling.

He quickly ran around on the ceiling to avoid the bullets bombarding him, and looked back at Wei Wei with cold eyes.

"Ignorant and arrogant blasphemer, you have no idea what your fate will be..."


Wei Wei listened carefully to her words, then grabbed another handful of bullets, ready to stuff them into the gun chamber at any time.

The female corpse in the wedding dress had a look of hatred on her face, and suddenly, her livid lips began to move rapidly.

There was something subtle and completely incomprehensible, like the murmur of the voice of hell that sounded rapidly.

The sound was shrill and strange, not like it could be produced by human vocal cords. It was as if it had a life of its own and would actively penetrate into the brain.

"What's this……"

Ye Feifei was instinctively afraid of this voice, as if reality suddenly turned into a familiar nightmare.

"Devil's language."

Wei Wei was also slightly startled, and glanced at the bullet in his hand with some distress.

Helplessly replied: "A language that can talk to the devil..."

As he said that, he turned to look outside the concrete house and heard the thin and weird flapping sound of wings.

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