Scarlet Falls

Chapter 23 Scarlet Sickle

Low, detailed, twisted, fearful...

As the strange whisper sounded, the surrounding air seemed to resonate. At this time, it was even unclear whether it was the corpse in a wedding dress running away at a weird speed on the ceiling that was making such a sound, or whether it was the whisper itself. Fermenting.

They rustle like bugs, almost breaking through people's eardrums and burrowing into people's brains.

And as the sound became louder, the surrounding air was spinning and twisting rapidly, and the pendants fell.

Then, the walls and roof of the house also twisted and rotated.


As the sound became louder, a strong putrid smell hit.

One by one, the stiff black shadows flew up with clattering wings, circling like flies.

They were clearly rotten crows, with dark red eyes and a foul smell.

They gathered quickly, and soon they were like a dark cloud, stretching out their sharp claws and black beaks. They soared from all directions on the farm, swarmed up and squeezed into this cramped room, like circling black tornadoes of decay. .


They gathered in a group and swooped towards Ye Feifei and Wei Wei in the middle of the room.

Dark red eyes are like sparks.


Wei Wei didn't have time to shoot, so he turned around quickly, rushed towards the crow with his back, and protected Ye Feifei under his body.

Ye Feifei protected the baby with his body.

As soon as they reached the two people, they were covered by a dark cloud, and the sound of clothes being torn was heard endlessly.

When the crows flew over them, they saw that Wei Wei's clothes on his back had been torn, and even his skin had been scratched with countless sharp cuts. A large piece of flesh had been seriously missing. , blood seeped out from the wound.

When he stood up, the wound had begun to squirm and heal.

However, the mucus from the corpse's mouth was left at the wound and adhered to the side of the wound, slowing down the healing process.

"Demon of life?"

Suddenly there was a voice next to them, it was the corpse of a woman in a wedding dress who was hanging upside down on the ceiling admiring the two of them in despair.

She looked at Wei Wei's back and showed a disdainful and mocking expression:

"No wonder just two people dared to break in and ruin my plan."

"But, don't you know that the power of the demon of life is exactly restrained by death?"



As her voice sounded, the crows in the room circled and swooped down again with a more ferocious posture.

There seems to be no end to these crows.

Around the concrete house, piles of tattered sacks were torn from the inside by sharp claws from time to time.

Piles of rot fell to the ground.

Then, there was a hoarse sound among the group of rotting creatures, and each one struggled to vibrate its wings, open its eyes, and twist its neck.

Under the whispers of demons that filled the room, they waved their rotten wings stiffly.

They continue to join the death crows, making the crows grow stronger, like heavy dark clouds.


At the same time, taking advantage of the short gap between the crows passing by, Wei Wei quickly pulled Ye Feifei, pushed her to the corner, and then turned the sofa where the dead body had been sitting upside down and covered her. A simple protective shield was made on his body, and he turned around, quickly jumped out, dodged the main force of the crows, and then raised his hand to blast away.

Boom boom boom.

After the bullets were shot down, four or five rotting crow corpses fell down, and the pieces of meat trembled gently on the ground.

But compared to the huge number of crows, it could not cause any effective damage at all. The violent and loud gunshots could not deter these dead creatures at all. They just spun in the air and turned towards Wei again. Wei rushed over.

As Wei Wei retreated, he quickly opened the barrel of the gun and glanced at the few bullets left inside.

Use it sparingly, he reminded himself.

I have always had a bad habit of using bullets indiscriminately whenever I have a lot of money.

The foundation's specially made bullets always make me fall in love with them, both in terms of their power and the privileges they contain.

But the problem is, these bullets are not easy to deal with.

In the past, when I was in the training camp, I still had the opportunity to sneak in a few more bullets, but now, the entire scrap iron city can only get a limited number of bullets every month, and I am not yet familiar with the leader and Sister Lucky who is responsible for the accounting. Not to mention.

The most miserable investigators basically have to write a report every time a bullet is used.

Wei Wei didn't want to end up like this, so he had been deliberately hiding his inventory before coming to report.

But the bar he met on the way here had already consumed a certain amount of stock.

Although I told the instructor that there were no more, I still had a few on hand.

But these few can't be wasted on these innocent crows without feeling sorry for them...

Otherwise, what if I want to kill someone in the future but I run out of bullets.

Sheriffs affiliated with the Foundation use special bullets to kill people with pollution factors. Even if the person has citizenship, they will not be investigated. The Security Bureau will directly transfer such cases to the relevant departments of the Foundation for verification. However, because the relevant departments of the foundation are too busy, most of the time the investigations are just pretentious and basically ignore them.

But even if a Foundation investigator kills an infected citizen with ordinary bullets, he still needs to undergo strict investigation.

In some cases, they were even kicked out of the investigation department and prosecuted.

This is a privilege, but in a way, it is also a limitation.

But the current situation seems to be no longer something that bullets can solve.

With the help of the death demon's force field, dead objects are awakened from their slumber, attack the living, and spread the power of death.

However, the huge flock of crows that seemed to have been prepared on the farm had a certain impact on Wei Wei.

The simplest ability, after making up for it in quantity, is also very terrifying. a terrible waste.

In this case, we can only...

Having made the decision, Wei Wei felt relieved.

He even said that in his heart, he had been longing for this moment.

Facing the dark crowd of crows in the room, the dark clouds seemed to have enveloped the entire room like a death spirit.

Instead, his face showed a kind of joy.

A true joy from the heart, even a little too joyful...

Just like a person's smile makes people feel comfortable, but when this smile gradually becomes exaggerated, it becomes somewhat...


"If the power of the life demon cannot solve the problem..."

Wei Wei spoke slowly, closing his eyes gently, and then slowly opened them again.

Between closing and opening, bloodshot eyes appeared faintly.

These bloodshot threads suddenly began to squirm and spread.

Then on Wei Wei's back and left cheek, there were wounds that obviously could not heal and even showed signs of decay.

Suddenly, slender blood threads stretched out from inside.

They connected and entwined with each other, sewing up the wounds on his body.

This made Wei Wei's body, in a short period of time, become like a toy full of stitch marks.

At the same time, he put the gun in his hand back into the gun pouch on his waist, and then took off a sickle from the wall next to it. This is a sickle that can be seen everywhere on the farm. It is more than one meter long and has a sharp blade. The mouth is rusty, it is an ordinary sickle used to cut wheat and weeds.

The blood threads that had sutured his wounds were quickly extending from his wounds.

Little by little, it followed his wrist and covered the sickle.

As the blood threads spread and entwined rapidly, this ordinary sickle was also rapidly elongated and deformed, forming a sword that was more than two meters long, with a sharp edge, blood all over its body, and countless blood threads squirming like a living creature. A bright and ferocious death sickle.

"What about this power?"

Wei Wei suddenly gritted his teeth and smiled, his eyes filled with blood.

Then he stepped forward, brandishing the bloody scythe in his hand, and rushed towards the black carrion crow in front of him.

"You are not a living system..."

At this moment, the twisted dead body in the wedding dress saw the blood on Wei Wei's body, suddenly looked horrified, and shouted loudly.

"You! What on earth is this?"

But before she could shout, the bloody sickle was swung down towards her head.

"Chi" "Chi" "Chi" "Chi"

The intensive cutting sounds of the blades formed a straight line.

No one knows how many death crows were flying in this narrow room, and they were cut into two neat halves in an instant.

No, not just being cut.

Wherever the bloody sickle shadow waved, the red blood threads seemed to come to life, twisted and ferocious, and spread out to the surroundings. They themselves seemed to carry that weird sound, similar to the "whisper of the devil", directly threatening the death in this room. The force field was also cut in half.

The moment the scarlet blush appeared on the corpse of the woman in the wedding dress, she had already turned around to run away.

Her livid face was filled with an expression of fear, and her twisted body increased her speed to the extreme. She rushed to the window in an instant, and threw herself out. However, she had just rushed out four or five meters, and inside the window , and suddenly a huge bloody sickle poked out. The sickle instantly hooked her waist, pulling Despair back into the room.

The upper half of the body was divided and placed flat on the sickle.

Wei Wei's eyes were bloodshot, and he slowly retracted the scythe, staring at the will that had not completely disappeared on the head.

Laughing in a low voice: "Evil spirit? Residual will? Or demon?"

"No matter what you are..."

"If it wasn't to summon you and kill you, why would I help you complete the last step of the sacrifice?"


An expression of fear appeared on the head and was frozen for the last moment.

Wei Wei's face suddenly showed a satisfied smile, the bloody sickle danced, and scarlet shadows filled the entire room.

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