Scarlet Falls

Chapter 24 Everything is under control

Scrap Iron City.

Security Division.

During the Great Recession, because information base stations were not maintained and repaired in a timely manner, mobile phone signals often became insensitive.

Phone calls are not commonly received, and the sending of text messages is often affected.

But the difference between text messages and phone calls is that as long as they are sent successfully, the text messages will always be delivered to the recipient's mobile phone.

It's just that there may be a slight deviation in time.

The text message sent by Ye Feifei went through a long period of congestion and waiting, and worked hard to reach Captain Ouyang's mobile phone.

Captain Ouyang was leisurely drinking tea in the office of the senior director of the Scrap Iron City Security Department.

Facing the director's worry, he smiled and reassured: "Don't worry, this incident has little impact. I just went out of the city and said hello to my old friends. Although they are not very friendly, I just took They brought rocket launchers and submachine guns to entertain me, but I still asked and found out that there have been no large-scale actions of demon believers and no demonic force fields recently."

"You can loosen the string, the situation is still under control..."


The director of security wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief: "That's good, that's good..."

"There has been more and more movement in the wilderness recently."

"Those wandering cults who have left the barrier are becoming more and more resentful, and their actions are becoming increasingly unclear."

"I just heard that their followers attacked a weapons market not long ago, and later found out that they actually tried to smuggle a batch of fallen human chrysalis into the city. Fortunately, they were found out. Now, they actually went to No. 098 Demon Restricted Area again... "

"When it comes to relaxing, how can I dare to relax for a moment, for fear that something will happen accidentally..."


Captain Ouyang picked up the tea cup and said with a smile: "Have you lost your black gauze hat?"


The director of security glared at him and said, "He just lost his life..."

"If they really target our Scrap Iron City, the black gauze hat is nothing. I'm afraid I won't know how I died."


"Haha, don't worry then."

Captain Ouyang laughed loudly: "Although I am not a particularly diligent person, I still have a basic sense of responsibility. It is none of our business what those wandering religious groups do outside, but if you want to come to Scrap Iron City, Do something……"

"...I will definitely know in advance."


The director listened very intensely and took the initiative to hand over a cigarette and lit it:

"Brother, I'm very pleased with what you said, but you should stay away from places you shouldn't go."

"If it doesn't work, just find a designated location. I'll ask people to check less."

"Otherwise, as a director, I would always come over to get you in the middle of the night, which would be somewhat inappropriate..."


"Ha ha ha ha……"

Captain Ouyang laughed heartily and waved the hand holding the cigarette: "If you don't have the spirit of adventure, what's the point of living?"

"But you're taking risks like that, and you're older..."

"Live and fight until you are old, even until the day you die, you must continue to maintain the spirit of adventure and enterprising spirit..."

"Don't worry, I'm aware of my physical condition."

"Everything is under control..."



At this moment, the phone suddenly rang.

Captain Ouyang held a cigarette in his mouth, holding a tea cup in one hand, and took out his mobile phone from his silver windbreaker to look at it.

Then, he suddenly put down the tea cup hard, and the force of the snap was so strong that the tea cup was shaken out with a crack.

The director of security almost jumped up in fright, his face turned pale: "What's wrong?"

"Something big happened..."

Captain Ouyang's eyes were filled with fire: "These two little bastards..."

The director of security suddenly panicked and hurriedly asked: "What happened..."

Before he could finish asking, Captain Ouyang had already stood up, spread out his windbreaker, and rushed directly to the floor-to-ceiling window.

He reached out and pressed on the half-opened window, and the slanted window flew out. The strong wind outside the window of the high-rise building roared into the office. Then Captain Ouyang took a deep breath, suddenly pressed the edge of the window with one hand, and jumped up using his strength. The figure was like a huge kite, rushing directly outside the building. The silver trench coat he was wearing was blown up by the strong wind, like outstretched wings.

"This is the thirteenth floor..."

The director of security was horrified by this scene.

He took a few steps to the window, stretched his head and looked around, and saw Captain Ouyang flying four or five meters into the sky like an eagle spreading its wings.

Then he drew a beautiful arc and fell straight to the ground.

He landed almost vertically and squatted heavily on the ground...

...After a while, he suddenly stood up again and limped towards the sidecar motorcycle parked in front of the building.

"What happened?"

He was so frightened that he couldn't even wipe away the cold sweat. Suddenly he realized what he was doing and rushed to the phone, picked it up and yelled:


"The whole city is on alert!"




In the farm, Ye Feifei, who was covered under the sofa, could only hear the crows flapping their wings and neighing, and the sound of dense blades cutting something. During this period, he also vaguely heard the desperate and fearful cries of some evil thing before it died. The screams and the strong smell of rancid blood rushed into her nose. She was frightened by the feeling of fear and dizziness...

This moment is like being in the center of a nightmare.

All around are twisted nightmares and ferocious demons.

The only thing she could do was to hold the baby in her arms with all her strength and protect him as much as possible.

Chaos, depression, madness.

Thin and cold, like a hell-like tide of murmurs, it surged up and rolled into every corner. There seemed to be another more evil and crazier murmurs, fighting against it and soon overwhelmingly tearing apart this kind of murmurs. The sound takes up all the space.

"Pa la..."

A crow that was cut in half fell next to Ye Feifei and quickly rotted into a pool of blood.

Ye Feifei didn't dare to raise his head or move. He could only hold the child tightly until all the movement around him disappeared.


Her heart trembled, and she slowly wanted to raise her head.

"do not move."

Suddenly, a hoarse voice sounded, and it was actually right next to her.

Very close, very close, as if looking at her face to face!

It's Wei Wei.

Ye Feifei immediately closed his eyes tightly again, without even asking why.

Also because of her excellent obedience, she was lucky enough not to see Wei Wei's appearance at this time.

At this time, he was squatting next to Ye Feifei, still holding the bloody sickle in his hand.

The blood threads on it were tangled and squirming, like the manifestation of a nightmare.

His eyes were intertwined with bloodshot eyes and turned bright red. They seemed to be filled with strong desire. He was staring at the overturned sofa, especially Ye Feifei under the sofa and the baby she was holding. His Adam's apple was silent. The scrolling, extremely hungry and thirsty.

But he controlled himself and remained motionless.

Until the longing in his eyes gradually calmed down, the ferocious squirming bloodshot threads also retreated from his wounds.

Finally, the blood threads at the wound were pulled away one by one and disappeared.

The wounds cleaned by the bloodshot slowly healed under the influence of life force.

He finally became completely like an ordinary person, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

He hurriedly put away a glass bottle, then lifted up the sofa, patted the shivering Ye Feifei, and said with a smile:




Ye Feifei then opened his eyes, turned around hurriedly, and saw Wei Wei with a smile on his face.

Behind him was a mess, with large swaths of dead crows falling to the ground and now melting rapidly.

On the surrounding walls, there were several extremely impactful cuts, some of which directly cut through the cement wall. Even the rusty steel bars inside the wall were neatly cut in half. It was impossible to see at all. I don’t know what kind of weapon caused it.

Her heart was filled with panic and questions, and she opened her mouth anxiously: "You..."

"You are amazing."

Before she could ask anything, Wei Wei suddenly interrupted her, with serious eyes and said in surprise.


Ye Feifei was stunned.

"Thankfully I brought you with me this time, otherwise I would not have been able to handle this matter."

Wei Wei looked sincere and sighed: "You are simply the most capable and responsible little girl I have ever seen."


The sudden and extremely sincere compliment made Ye Feifei's face turn red uncontrollably, and he subconsciously wanted to be humble.

Then a question suddenly flashed through her mind, and she said confusedly: "What did I do?"

"You protected this child..."

Wei Wei smiled and said: "Only I can't protect him in the battle, and the rescue mission will fail."

"So, most of the credit for this time will go to you!"



Ye Feifei was flattered: "So powerful?"

"Of course."

Wei Wei answered with great sincerity: "I just helped a little bit, but you didn't do all the saving?"

As he spoke, he shook his head slightly, looked at the floor and said, "It's a pity that this body has been rescued..."

Ye Feifei followed his gaze and blankly scanned the putrid feathers on the floor, the nearly half-rotted crow corpse, and finally landed on the wedding-dressed corpse lying on the floor of the room. Each part was distorted by strange forces. It was awkward, split from the middle of the body, but at this time it seemed to be spliced ​​together in a friendly manner, and suddenly a strong feeling of dizziness rushed into my mind.

Her expression suddenly changed drastically, and she turned around and vomited violently.

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