Scarlet Falls

Chapter 228 The White Ghost Leaving the City (2-in-1)

Is it true that the only way to save Scrap Iron City is to leave the city again?

Seeing the mysterious families, giant trees of flesh and blood, and the strange diseases that began to spread in the city, everyone felt heavy in their hearts.

Things seemed really out of control.

The pressure faced by Scrap Iron City has exceeded the limit that a small city on the edge of a spiritual barrier can bear.

This terrible pressure should only be resisted by the entire fourth region gathering strength.

But having just experienced the Noah investigation incident and the Scarlet Competition, the power of the extraordinary people in the fourth area has reached its weakest point. Moreover, in such an emergency, even if you want to gather all the power of the fourth region, it will not be possible in a short time.

Relying on the strength of the Scrap Iron City's security department and city patrol teams to fight against the most terrifying forces in the wilderness is tantamount to holding an egg and touching the red-hot stone...

The Church of Order seems to be right.

Captain Ouyang, only by taking the initiative to leave Scrap Iron City can he save the city.

"Ouyang, you..."

As Captain Ouyang's old friend, the security guard Guang's lips trembled: "You have to think clearly..."

He has always maintained a good relationship with Captain Ouyang and has enough understanding of mysterious events.

I know that with Scrap Iron City's manpower, it is completely impossible to fight against those guys.

We also know what the consequences will be once the impact begins.

But until now, although he was worried, instead of supporting Captain Ouyang to go out, he was trying to persuade him.

"Can't bear to leave me?"

Captain Ouyang smiled, his expression seemed to be more relaxed than before, and said: "I don't want to go out either, but staying in the city is of no use."

"Scrap Iron City can't fight these monsters."


The captain of the patrol team looked extremely pale: "They, they really dare to attack?"

"Could it be that these lunatics in the wilderness really dare to wipe out our Scrap Iron City? Isn't this... not a declaration of war?"


"If those people outside are not sure, it is possible for the guy who is hiding in the city to do anything..."

Captain Ouyang glanced at the stacked buildings in Scrap Iron City, and his smile seemed to have a touch of bitterness: "Speaking of which, this is also our family matter. Since he has found me, he must want to solve some problems with me. Trouble left over from the past.”

"Now he has started taking action without even saying hello, which is in line with his style of doing things."

"Only when I leave here can I ask him to go to the wilderness with me to solve the problem."

The person in charge of the city patrol team had already begun to panic and couldn't help but said: "They are..."

Captain Ouyang smiled and said: "The Banshee Knights..."

A layer of cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the leader of the patrol team. As a person whose main job is to face those madmen and monsters in the wilderness, he has obviously heard of the name of this knighthood.

If the White Ghost Knights were once famous in the wilderness for their brutal and terrifying reputation, then the Banshee Knights that replaced them now are famous for their perverted killing and enjoyment. It is said that whether they rob a caravan or invade a certain gathering point, they always leave only one person alive. Whether there are dozens or hundreds of people on the other side, they must kill them until only one person is left. give up.

This person is left to help them spread their reputation.

This is also the reason why they have become famous in just a few years, even reaching the reputation of the White Ghost Knights.

"It is dangerous to leave this dangerous guy in Scrap Iron City. Besides, Scrap Iron City cannot withstand such great pressure, so we really should go out."

Captain Ouyang smiled as if he was very relaxed and said: "White Ghost Knights, there is no need to let Scrap Iron City help us fight against danger."

After listening to his words, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they felt relieved that they had finally made a decision.

"I'll make arrangements."

Uncle Gun immediately spoke and strode out: "Give us each a motorcycle, fully fueled, the strongest kind."

Sister Lucky added lightly: "Bullets, daggers, armed uniforms, body armor..."

"There is no need to prepare a body armor for me. It will make my figure look bloated."


In the silence, Brother Xiao Lin suddenly laughed and said, "I'm quite curious about what he has experienced in the past few years..."

On the other hand, Brother Piggy next to him looked worried and glanced at the others.

Captain Ouyang understood and immediately said: "Me, Lao Qiang, Lucky, Xiao Lin, and Piggy will go out together, while Feifei and Lao Dong Sensen will stay."


Ye Feifei was shocked when he heard this: "That won't work, I want to go out too."

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked at Captain Ouyang anxiously: "You have already signed it for me, and I am now also an official team member."

"But after we get out, we will no longer be the Sheriff of Scrap Iron City."

Captain Ouyang looked at Ye Feifei with a smile, his tone was relaxed, but his attitude was firm, and he seemed a little proud:

"When we reach the wilderness, we are white ghosts."


Seeing Captain Ouyang's firm attitude, Ye Feifei didn't know what to say.

When Captain Ouyang gets serious and gives orders, the team members always obey subconsciously.

On the other hand, Sensen suddenly raised his head and said, "I'm not your team member, so I will definitely follow you out."

The war demon obviously ignored Captain Ouyang's leadership style, and Captain Ouyang didn't seem surprised.

Instead, he looked at Sensen and said, "Are you sure?"

"When we go out, we may have a fight with the Church of Order."

"Winning or losing, when you start fighting them, you become an apostate."

"They have already shown their dissatisfaction with you and your grandfather before. As long as you follow us out of the city, this statement will be confirmed."


"So what?"

Sensen said coldly: "They are the ones who rebelled."

Now, facing such a terrible charge as "apostasy", she actually didn't care. You can even see a little disdain from her expression.

"Grandpa said that we are the defenders of Scrap Iron City. The defenders are the people who protect this city. Only the order that allows everyone to survive is what we should pursue."


She took a deep look at Captain Ouyang and said, "They actually used the city's safety as an excuse to force you out of the city."

"When they start using the safety of this city as a bargaining chip, they have already betrayed the ideals of our Church of Order."

"So, I'm not apostate."

"I just went out of the city to clear out the traitors to the Church of Order."


"be surprised?"

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard Sensen's words.

It’s hard to imagine that such clear and logical words came from the mouth of a war demon...

Or is it that the war demon really doesn't hesitate to become smarter for a short time just for the sake of a justifiable war?

Similarly, these words vaguely reminded the person next to him. Shu Yaqian, a special investigator at the foundation headquarters, suddenly raised his head and said: "I felt a little strange just now. The Church of Order behaved in this incident. It’s too radical. I can understand their feelings about treating Noah as their own, but I don’t understand where their determination to take back Noah comes from…”

"I'm an investigator, so I won't accompany you out."

She said calmly: "I need to go back and sort out the information we got in Star City."

"It's just that on behalf of the foundation, I need to tell you something."

"If you don't go out, even if it really causes the other party to attack Scrap Iron City, it won't be considered a violation of the rules."

"But if you go out, no matter whether you succeed or not, you will be respected by the foundation..."

"So, I suggest that you go out of the city in the name of the Sheriff of Scrap Iron City to fight against the madmen and monsters who are preparing to attack the spiritual barrier."


Everyone was a little stunned by these words. Brother Xiao Lin couldn't help but asked curiously: "What's the difference?"

Shu Yaqian looked at him deeply and said, "If he dies, the pension will be higher."


Everyone suddenly became speechless and looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

On the side, Dong Yaya and Lao Dong's eyes lit up slightly. Dong Yaya pushed Lao Dong with her little hand and said:

"Would you like to go out and do something too?"


Uncle Gun quickly prepared enough things.

The city patrol team prepared a military motorcycle and enough bullets for each of them.

Although Shu Yaqian's suggestion was very practical, before they left the city, everyone still took out a white mask.

Before putting them on, they looked at each other and smiled.

It turns out that after staying in Scrap Iron City for so many years, no one has thrown away this thing.


In the gloomy night, five car lights suddenly came on.

Like a long sword, it penetrates the night and points to the wilderness full of mysterious organizations and twisted monsters.

Five people wearing white masks left the safe spiritual barrier and rushed into the night.

At this moment, even Sensen did not follow them, but deliberately fell behind by half a point, and then rode on his own flesh and blood chariot.

Giving them the opportunity to go ahead is a sign of respect.

Not walking with them is the pride shown by a war demon at this moment.

He is an army guarding order.

Even if you are just one person, you are still an army.

Therefore, this army cannot be together with others, but must be led by its own independent commander.

"They did come out."

In the wilderness, the eyes of the four great knights of the Sect of Order brightened slightly when they saw the five motorcycles rushing out from the sentry in Scrap Iron City.

If Ouyang Jian doesn't come out, they will indeed be a little confused about what to do.

It is obviously inconvenient for the Order Sect to rush directly into the Scrap Iron City. This will trigger a series of uncontrollable events afterwards.

But now that Captain Ouyang and the others are out, it will be much easier to handle.

It's like a psychological game.

When they were in the wilderness, Captain Ouyang and others rushed back anxiously, because they were safe only when they returned to the spiritual barrier.

What they are betting on is whether these people outside are really willing to go out and attack the spiritual barrier.

However, when the people in the wilderness showed that they would catch him even if they broke through the mental barrier, Captain Ouyang refused to hide inside the mental barrier.

Because if the other party really dares to attack, Scrap Iron City will really be in danger of being destroyed.

Everyone is using their own will and limits as bargaining chips to force the other party to make their own choices.

"The captain actually left the city?"

At the same time, in the scrap iron city where albinism was spreading, some people noticed something and raised their heads blankly, with a vague confusion in their eyes.

"He would actually go out on his own initiative to protect the people in this city?"


In this confusion, his expression quickly became angry, even vaguely painful.

"Is this still the White Ghost Knights of the past?"


"Captain, should we go out too?"

The assistant beside him noticed the fluctuation in his mood and whispered: "Once they leave the city, I'm afraid they will soon..."

"You underestimate the captain..."

The young man with white hair twisted the muscles on his face and hissed: "The captain is definitely not that kind of person to deal with."

"However, he actually left the city..."

"Haha, he actually turned into such a good old man..."


As he spoke, he clenched his teeth suddenly: "But I won't go out."

"Does the captain take this city so seriously? Would you rather face danger alone?"

"Then I want to see how he will behave when the city is completely destroyed..."


In his cold and angry eyes, more terrifying diseases were spreading in the city.

"I, I have to do something..."

At the same time, Ye Feifei was also wiping away tears and riding the tall motorcycle prepared by the city patrol team.

It’s just that I’m not used to it, and it doesn’t feel as good as my own small electric car.

Ye Feifei is an obedient person and trusts Captain Ouyang very much. If the captain does not let him go out, then he will not go out. But as a member of the scrap iron city security team, how can he watch the city fall into the demonic power zone? When he was in fear, he hid under the protection of the city patrol team?

Therefore, she decided to take the initiative to patrol the streets, even if she could only protect one or two people...

Dong Yaya and Dong Anlin, the grandfather and grandson, also looked at each other, and finally decided to follow Ye Feifei out.

Although, the situation is very chaotic and dangerous.

But in this case, following the richest one is obviously the right decision...

"Behind this Noah's competition, there must be the shadow of the Rose Sect."

When they went to the battlefield, Shu Yaqian returned to her temporary office and got the information she brought back from Star City.

She turned a blind eye to the panic and chaos in the entire city, and just analyzed the information carefully:

"Everything else is secondary. Understanding the purpose of the Rose Sect is the key to my secret mission. By grasping the role of the Rose Sect in this matter, it is possible to find their purpose."

With this idea in mind, and some doubts that had just arisen in her heart, a bold idea gradually surfaced.

"Although the Order Sect has the same origin as Noah, they actually didn't know that much about Noah before. Otherwise, they wouldn't have allowed Noah to wander around for so many years."

"But this time, they seem to be taking advantage of everything and showing strong determination..."

"Could it be..."

As she thought about this guess, her poker-like face couldn't help but show a little solemnity:

"The shadow of Rose appears behind the Sect of Order this time?"

"The Sect of Order, which has always been a middle force between the Balance Foundation and the Wandering Church, has begun to have its own ambitions?"

Surrounded by a gloomy night sky, even the stars seemed to be hidden.

Thin and sticky air permeated the wilderness, and even the random grass on the roadside seemed to have some weird and twisted smell.


But this wild plant was instantly run over by blood-red wheels.

Wei Wei rode on a ferocious and tall modified motorcycle and drove quickly towards the Scrap Iron City. The special operations team led by his former training camp classmate Lao Yaowu followed closely behind, and the two sides even had some faint rivalry. It means that you are chasing me in the wilderness. Sometimes Wei Wei's motorcycle rushes to the front, and sometimes Lao Yawu's car with its twisted shadow overtakes him.

"team leader……"

The team members next to him were a little unsure. In fact, the goal of their own combat team was becoming a little fast.

He was obviously here to arrest someone, but just because he said "Captain", he turned into support?

They couldn't help but asked nervously: "We arrived at Scrap Iron City, what on earth are we going to do?"


The galloping old crow listened to the voice coming from the headset and subconsciously looked towards Wei Wei who rushed to the front.

Wei Wei had also put on their spare headsets. Hearing this, he immediately said without hesitation: "Since the vice-captain is here, of course we must listen to the captain. The captains who came out of our training camp have always been against those There is zero tolerance for disorderly individuals.”

"that's right!"

When Old Crow heard this, his heart trembled with excitement, and he immediately said resolutely:

"If they have plans to attack Scrap Iron City, then we will show no mercy..."


“Is now the time to shout slogans?”

The feeling of uncertainty in the team members' hearts became stronger and stronger, and they couldn't help but said: "Then at least the combat plan and mission objectives should be determined in advance?"

Old Crow thought to himself, it makes sense...

"Soldiers are extremely quick..."

Wei Wei's voice sounded again:

"Combat plans and mission objectives, haha, they are all used to write reports for the instructors."

"I remember that when we were performing missions in the Devil's Paradise, those captains always wiped out all those crazy believers."


"well said."

Old Crow's voice suddenly sounded proud: "Our foundation will never make deals with these crazy guys. Anyone who dares to cross the line will just kill them all."


Wei Weidao: "In the past, those captains were never used to their problems. If there were any signs of this, they would be immediately stamped out."


Old Crow shouted loudly: "Those who do not cross the line must be killed!"

"Anyone who dares to look at us is suspected of violating the Foundation's ban!"


Seeing that a plan that could not be regarded as a plan was taking shape, these team members were simply panicking.

"Captain, he..."

"Did he realize that he seemed to be PUA?"

Happy Mid-autumn Festival.

There are less than 6,000 words today, but let’s upload these first so I can adjust them, hehe

After all, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I have to give gifts to my mother-in-law.

The five-nut mooncakes are ready.

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