Scarlet Falls

Chapter 229 The Birth of the True God (7,000 words)

"Ouyang, come back with us. We can help you escape from these people."

As Captain Ouyang, Uncle Gun, Xiao Lin, Piggy, Sister Lucky and others drove their motorcycles quickly and broke out of the defense line of Scrap Iron City, under the distorted air in front, the four knights of the Church of Order also instantly had their eyes lit up.

In today's chaotic situation, the First Order has many followers and has borrowed the power of the totem, which is the most terrifying thing. However, because their leader is dead, the remaining people only have a strong desire for revenge and destruction. That's all, and those mysterious organizations with a large number of people and a mixture of fish and dragons are not well informed and behave in a chaotic manner. Therefore, the only ones who can accurately grasp the situation are the four of them who represent the Church of Order at this time.

So when the White Ghost Knights left the city and no one else paid attention, they hurriedly rushed forward and shouted loudly.

"Even if you return to Iron Oath City, maybe we can help you plead with the bishop."


"Haha, at this point, you are still telling me this?"

Captain Ouyang rode a motorcycle and rushed to the front, followed by four team members separated in two. Looking at the four knights from a distance, he sneered: "If I really want to join some religious order, why wait until now?"

"Compared to them, what does the treatment you receive from the Church of Order count?"


Listening to such arrogant words, the four Knights of Order involuntarily chose to remain silent for a moment.

It seemed that even they had to agree with what Captain Ouyang said.

Today's White Ghost Knights are just a little peace officer who lives in a small scrap iron town on the third city's defense line. They don't even get much respect from their peers. However, they still have a pivotal position even in the second city's defense line. The identities of the Grand Knights of the Church of Order seem to be very different, but once they talk about these serious words, even they feel in their hearts that the White Ghost Knights have a past that they cannot underestimate.

"The White Ghost Knights, the White Ghost Knights who once destroyed the Death Cult and killed the agents of death..."

The older knight from the Church of Order with an old voice couldn't help but sigh in a low voice: "No one will deny your strength. Based on our previous friendship, we don't want to embarrass you too much."

"But you shouldn't covet Noah's power."

"Since you have chosen to become Noah's agent, you have no choice but to join the Sect of Order, otherwise you will be an enemy of our Sect of Order..."



Captain Ouyang felt sad and angry, secretly cursing, "Who the hell knows how I became such a bad agent?"

But at this time, momentum was the most important thing. He laughed loudly and shouted: "I know that you are not willing to threaten the safety of Scrap Iron City, so you have made your purpose very clear..."

"It's just that you guys seem to be a little unusually greedy this time..."

"No wonder my old friend would rather hide in Scrap Iron City and guard the death knell of the gods than join in the same deeds with you..."



When Captain Ouyang mentioned their unusual greed, the eyes of the four great knights of the Order Sect obviously changed with anger.

Especially when I heard Captain Ouyang mention Sensen's grandfather, the old Iris Knight who could obviously exert a greater influence in the Church of Order, but chose to only serve as the defender of a small place like Scrap Iron City, I felt like this. The shame and anger of the people who didn't want to be exposed made their anger soar. At the same time, they rushed forward and shouted: "A person like you who has no pursuit is qualified to say that other people's ideas are filthy?"

"Ha ha……"

Captain Ouyang pulled out his pistol from under his silver windbreaker and rushed forward towards the four twisted black figures. His voice echoed through the wilderness:

"I really have no pursuit!"

"But I always know where my bottom line is!"


Listening to Captain Ouyang's words, even Uncle Gun, Sister Lucky and others who were following behind felt a surge of excitement rising from the depths of their blood.

Following Captain Ouyang, I was often angry, trying to guard against him doing something deceptive again, and guarding against whether he would embezzle my pitiful salary again.

However, there are always times when this old guy is extremely charming...

For example, when he brought up his own limits...

...Although his limit has been stretched to an extremely low level, it has always been there after all!

"I hope you won't regret today's decision..."

The voices of the great knights of the Church of Order couldn't help but weaken at this moment, as if only when Captain Ouyang said these words, they really didn't even have the confidence to deny or refute him.

But judging from the situation, they still believe that the White Ghost Knights are wrong, even stupid.

Around them, the believers of the First Order of Priests have reached three miles away from Scrap Iron City. The huge flesh-and-blood monster tree has roots growing along the way, constantly getting into the heads of one person after another, and these people are all at the same time. They became dull and became followers of the giant flesh-and-blood tree. Their life force was absorbed by the flesh-and-blood monster tree, and they became taller and brighter, up to a hundred meters high. Little by little, they squirmed towards the direction of the scrap iron city.

The mysterious families from all directions, and some from nearby, saw the White Ghost Knights rushing out of the city, and whistled and surrounded them.

"It's good to have a certain limit..."

Captain Ouyang looked at the demonic shadows rushing towards him like a tide, and sighed in a low voice: "The good thing is that when others break this limit, you can do anything with confidence."

"Old gun, follow me."

When his voice reached the deepest level, he took another sharp breath and ordered loudly: "Piggy is warning around."

"Lucky Xiaolin, help me draw the summoning formation."


Even when he mentioned this close formation, he paused for a moment, and then resolutely announced: "Draw the second type."


Uncle Qiang and others were surprised and happy when they heard this.

Earlier, when they rushed to the access point between Noah and reality and drew a close formation in advance to gain an advantage, they asked the captain which one they wanted to draw. Captain Ouyang ordered them to draw the first one.

That is the secret formation of his love demon system.

At that time, these people were still a little disappointed, especially Xiao Lin, who had actually been looking forward to painting the second type.

But now, he suddenly got the order from Captain Ouyang, and he really wanted to draw the second type, and his heart couldn't help but beat.

Are we finally going to see that scene again?


At the same time when they were frightened and excited, they had already collided with the rushing knight of the Order Sect. Captain Ouyang flew up from the motorcycle, pointing the ivory-handled pistol directly at the old knight of the Order Sect, and the gun Uncle Ze followed Captain Ouyang closely, released his hands from the handlebars, held the double-barreled shotgun, and accurately helped Captain Ouyang keep an eye on every flaw that might appear around him.

On the other hand, Piggy gritted his teeth.

Suddenly, raging evil flames burst out from his eyes, as if the evil flames came from the depths of his eyes and splashed outside.

Suddenly, all around him were billowing evil flames, and his body continued to expand in the evil flames, and his body rapidly grew to a height of three to four meters.

The military motorcycle was instantly crushed by his body and burned by the evil flames.

And his body slammed into the four order knights from the front, like a demon crawling out of hell, pounced on his prey.

"Death demon clothed in hellfire..."

Even the four great knights of the Sect of Order couldn't help but sigh at this moment: "How virtuous and capable is a person like Ouyang that even such a monster is willing to follow him?"

They looked at each other and confirmed their inner thoughts.

One of the knights sighed, took out a white bone flute, put it to his mouth, and blew it.

The strange and strange sound of the flute suddenly rose up and then sank rapidly. In the end, the sound actually disappeared, but the sound of the flute was still there, but it was radiating to the surroundings at a frequency that exceeded the human ear.

Those numb and hollow members of the Life Cult, affected by this inaudibility and the sound of the flute, seemed to have something strange in their hearts.

Even more angry, they strode forward. Even the flesh-and-blood monster trees that grew out of their minds showed signs of being out of control and pounced on the White Ghost Knights.

The sound of the flute continued to spread, and more mysterious organizations were affected, and they rushed directly to the Scrap Iron City.

The entire battlefield is like a volcano that is gathering strength. Although it is about to erupt, it has not erupted yet.

And with the White Ghost Knights leaving the city, there was a faint possibility that the volcano's accumulated power would be diverted, but now, it was suddenly detonated by the sound of the bone flute.

It quickly lost control and exploded in layers.

The other three great knights of order had formed a faint triangle shape and rushed forward.

Invisible shadows of iron chains began to appear between them, and a looming shadow, entangled by iron chains, emerged in the air.

"Ouyang has guessed some truth."

It is impossible to describe their mood at this moment, only some helpless and sad voices echoed:

"Since he can guess it, others can guess it too."

"The Foundation, I'm afraid, will soon discover some truth..."

"Then there is no need to hesitate any longer. The Sect of Order's plan has advanced to this point. How can we prevent it from letting the world know about it?"

"Let this world see the true God..."

"Ouyang, we all know how scary you are, but you who deliberately left the center of the whirlpool for three years have no idea what the world has become..."

"We have created our own gods!"

"And you, as well as Scrap Iron City, which cannot avoid being affected, will be the true god's first sacrifice!"



"For the captain, I am also willing to rush into the death altar of the Wandering Church and assassinate the death agent for him."

In Scrap Iron City, a white-haired young man walked aimlessly in the streets. He looked at the city residents around him, all of whom were frightened by the sudden onset of albinism. Their expressions seemed to be unusually intoxicated, but this Deep in this kind of intoxication, people can always feel his vague pain and despair, like a bored child who needs to keep talking to fill the emptiness in his heart.

"But the captain abandoned me."


He looked at the not-so-busy streets of this scrap iron city, as if he was holding on to some injustice.

"I obviously didn't do anything wrong. I just wanted to be promoted quickly so that I could keep up with him and help him do more things..."

"But why, he must refuse to want me?"


In this extreme mentality, he even began to hate Scrap Iron City, because Captain Ouyang could even risk his life to protect such a shabby city.

Even these dirty and ignorant ordinary people can be recognized by Captain Ouyang.

But he was abandoned because he was not even as good as these people?

The more he thought about it, the more painful and even aggrieved he became. His strangely white and dazzling skin seemed to become transparent, his white hair flew up, and strands of demonic power seeped into the entire city.

"I want you to understand that I am the sixth member of the White Ghost Knights."

"If you don't want me, you'll never find a replacement for me!"

"Because I am the one who is truly qualified to follow you..."


Along with his anger, the power of the plague demon seeped into the streets and alleys of Scrap Iron City, blowing towards every ignorant person like a strong wind.


At this moment, Ye Feifei almost cried out of anger.

She saw patients who were panicking and rushing to the hospital, or crying in despair at crowded intersections. Those people had large white spots on their bodies, and the symptoms were getting worse.

Even though it wasn't long before she actually entered this circle, she could still tell.

The demonic power causing chaos in the city did not diminish with the captain's departure from the city, but instead became more ferocious.


If Ye Feifei didn't understand the meaning of devil well before, at this moment, she looked at the painful crowd and began to have a clear understanding of these two words.

"Plague Demon."

Dong Yaya's grandfather, Dong Anlin, with flashing eyes, made his own judgment: "There is a plague demon making trouble in the city."

"Plague demons have the ability to plant a disease in their bodies, constantly strengthen it, increase its contagiousness and severity, and use it to harm people. It is said that some powerful plague demons can even use this method to To spread the disease, develop a method of immortality. As long as the disease is spread to other people, even if the person dies, he can still be resurrected in other people's bodies with the help of this disease."

"But those who can develop this method are too terrifying. No, they are too crazy. I don't know how many people have to be killed to succeed..."

"Ouyang and the others probably came out of the city to lure this guy out. Unfortunately, Ouyang overestimated this person's lower limit."

"This person wants to destroy Scrap Iron City, and even kill everyone!"


"Then can you help them..."

Ye Feifei looked at Dong Anlin with some pleading: "I heard from Xiao Wei that you are the devil of life and can save the dead..."

"I can't save so many people..."

It seems that after passing through Star City and his party, and now seeing the appearance of the White Ghost Knights leaving the city, Old Dong was also somewhat affected, and was not as sinister as before.

Of course, this may also be because Ye Feifei's net worth gave him a natural pressure.

He said with a sad face: "Our life system can indeed help these people live longer by passing on the power of life."

"However, it is just to extend life. We life demons do not have the ability to eliminate diseases."

"These diseases are like opening a hole in a bucket. We can keep adding water in, but we can't stop the water in the bucket from flowing out of the hole..."


"How can we help them?"

Ye Feifei couldn't calm down and remembered what happened when Wei Wei helped her deal with the cursed demon: "Can we find the source?"

Old Dong shook his head gloomily: "It's also useless."

"Once the plague demon's power is released, it will be useless even if it kills the source, because the disease has already begun to spread..."


"Then I have to do something..."

Ye Feifei said anxiously: "I have become a regular employee. Sister Lucky said that from the moment I officially become a regular employee, I will have the responsibility to protect them..."

"I can't do nothing..."



At this anxious and confused moment, Dong Yaya clenched her fists and suddenly said: "Maybe I can do something..."


Ye Feifei and Lao Dong looked at her in disbelief at the same time.

Dong Yaya looked at the panic-stricken residents of Scrap Iron City around her and said, "I can feel the fate of these people. Before such a huge panic and disaster, the fate of too many people will be the same." Moving towards the abyss at all times, or ending here, this forms a large-scale cessation of fate. I... I can try to sense the direction of this cessation of fate, and find the key points that can affect this cessation of fate..."



When she said this, she suddenly felt panic in her heart: "This kind of fate is extremely uncertain, and our own destiny may also be involved."

"Perhaps, we can help others and reverse the direction of their destiny. Perhaps, we will also fall into ruin."


"Then we have to do it..."

Ye Feifei immediately held Dong Yaya's little hand and said: "Sister Yaya, please help me. At worst, you can find the key point and I can go there by myself..."


Dong Yaya was still hesitating.

But at this moment, Ye Feifei finally made a decision that went against her usual principles: "Sister Yaya, I can pay you a commission..."

Dong Yaya was instantly shocked: "How much?"

This question made Ye Feifei a little confused. He was not sure for a moment: How much is too much?

"I only have about 200,000 in my card..."

Ye Feifei said with some lack of confidence: "But I..."

"Two hundred thousand!"

Dong Yaya's eyes suddenly shone, and she clenched her fists fiercely: "I have accepted this task."

Old Dong was shocked for a moment: "Can I go too?"

"I don't even need that much, 20,000 is enough..."



Ye Feifei was also surprised.

She originally wanted to say that she had spent a lot of money in her card because she received the dowry from her father, but now she was at her poorest, with only 200,000 in her card.

If they thought it was too little, I could just ask my father for a few million more. Unexpectedly...

...I felt a little touched in my heart. These grandfather and grandson are actually kind-hearted at heart, right?

Their request for money is just a pretense, and their original intention is to help themselves.

Otherwise, how could anyone take two hundred thousand dollars seriously?

"This stupid girl with a lot of money..."

Lao Dong and Dong Yaya also looked at each other in surprise: "We have to do this work even if we don't get paid, otherwise the special investigator won't know how to torment us..."

"She actually took out so much in one go?"


Soon, the transaction was completed, and the three people walked toward the intersection of destiny with some low confidence but strong will.

"so many people?"

The team led by Wei Wei and Old Crow arrived at Scrap Iron City, no, even ten minutes away from Scrap Iron City, they already saw this chaotic scene.

Ahead, a battlefield seemed to have formed.

There were dark figures and twisted monsters everywhere, gunshots rang out, and screams continued.

A huge vortex formed by crazy believers and twisted monsters has formed around the Scrap Iron City. This vortex, like a tornado with its own will, is slowly moving towards the Scrap Iron City. The frontmost part of it, It has affected the Scrap Iron City, and in the middle of the whirlpool, someone is clearly pushing outwards, trying to push this demonic tornado away from the direction of the Scrap Iron City.

But this is obviously powerless.

When chaos and disasters expand to a certain extent, they seem to have their own laws and cannot be effectively transferred and stopped.

"These people are crazy..."

Old Crow cursed angrily: "They are really attacking the spiritual barrier!"

The surrounding team members were also worried. They came here to perform a special mission, and their purpose was just to capture a certain guy.

But the scene before them made them realize that they were facing a war.

"Captain, what should we do?"

Someone said anxiously: "What we are good at is capturing and beheading, and even cleaning up the spreading demon force field by eliminating the source of the demon paradise."

"But this time it's completely different..."

"This is a man-made disaster..."

"So many people are attacking Scrap Iron City like crazy, how can we stop them?"


Another team member quickly cleaned up the supplies and said: "Whether it is ammunition or some special weapons, we are seriously short."

"With our current firepower, I'm afraid even if we use them all, we won't be able to kill even one percent of the people."


Old Crow was also silent for a moment. He never had a good way to deal with such a scene.

He had indeed made up his mind to come to support Scrap Iron City. However, they could support a high-end but small-scale confrontation, but how to support this battlefield?

"They're really crazy."

Wei Wei quietly raised his head and looked at the battlefield, feeling the chaos in front of him. However, in this chaotic area, the smell of blood kept coming out, as if something was awakened in his heart, and he spoke in a low voice. : "These crazy believers never consider the consequences of their actions. They only worship the devil. Everything is based on the devil's instructions. They know no fear, are tireless, and never care about the results..."

Old Crow glanced at him angrily: "It's not like we weren't taught in the training camp that crazy believers will always be our biggest enemies. Do you need to say more?"

"I just realized how to deal with them."

Wei Wei turned to him and smiled, without any temper at all: "Captain, do you need my advice?"

Old Crow lost his temper a lot and said, "You tell me."

"It's actually very easy to deal with these people."

Wei Wei smiled gently and said, "Just let them feel fear."

"They firmly believe that the God they worship is the most powerful. In order to obtain God's recognition and blessings, they ignore all bottom lines, principles, and conscience..."

"Then we only need to make them despair and let them feel fear and despair that are stronger than their fear of gods, and we can solve all these problems..."



Old Crow suddenly turned his head and looked at the familiar gentle smile on Wei Wei's face.

In my heart, I suddenly felt a faint chill.

On the other hand, the team member next to him finally couldn't bear the way Wei Wei was talking about meaningless things: "Who wouldn't say such a thing?"

"What we need is advice, not such harsh words..."


"What I said was just a suggestion..."

Wei Wei looked at him with a smile and said: "They are so crazy that they attack the spiritual barrier, so crazy that they don't know how to advance or retreat. Then, just kill them all."

The player's body shook violently and looked at Wei Wei in disbelief: "Are you serious?"

"Are you low on ammunition?"

Wei Wei did not answer the question at all, but lifted the head pendant. Seeing that it had no expression, he pinched its cheeks.

The head pendant muttered reluctantly, then opened its mouth.


Bullets started spitting out from its mouth one after another, green monsters, green-headed ghosts, red angels, and even a few small devil pumpkins...

The bullets seemed endless and soon piled up like a hill on the ground.

The surrounding team members' eyes widened when they saw it, and Old Crow was even more frightened: "Damn it, where did you get such a large amount of arms?"

Wei Wei looked at him deeply and said, "I lent it to you, and you have to pay it back."

Old Crow immediately felt something was wrong, but Wei Wei hurriedly interrupted him and said:

"Captain, your development prospects are so good now, why don't you borrow something from an old team member and not return it, right?"


Old Crow didn't react and nodded subconsciously.


Wei Wei poured out all the bullets, not even bothering to count, so he put away the head pendant, held the handlebar of the motorcycle, and started to squirm excitedly with the bloodshot covering the entire motorcycle.

"Captain, it's time for us to pick our targets."


Old Crow looked at the pile of bullets on the ground, seemed silent for a moment, and suddenly cursed in a low voice:

"Damn it, am I no better than such a lunatic?"

As he said that, he looked at Wei Wei bitterly: "When I was in the training camp, I could do as well as you in every training session, but I always felt like I couldn't compare to you."

"But no matter what, this time, I want you to be willing to call me captain."


Wei Wei smiled and said, "Okay, captain."

"Take the word 'vice' out of your mind."

Old Crow cursed and ordered loudly: "Everyone, put away these bullets immediately. Distribute them within a minute, and then start supporting immediately."

"Remember, we start with the toughest one."


Wei Wei suddenly smiled, as if he was back to the time he entered the secret battlefield for the first time in the training camp.

Everyone was new at that time and felt scared, but I had forgotten the feeling of fear when I entered the training camp.

Therefore, in the eyes of those classmates, I am somewhat unusual, right?

Although, in the final graduation evaluation, I was only A-, others were at least A, or A+.


Without waiting for Old Crow and the others, Wei Wei, who couldn't wait any longer, drove his scarlet motorcycle, with a sad bloody shadow, and instantly cut into the chaotic battlefield.

Perhaps until this moment, Old Crow and his team members thought that his words were just a slightly exaggerated harsh word.

But Wei Wei has decided to implement this plan.

As if because of his firm belief at this moment, his vision quickly turned red.

The spiritual world was actually divided into two distinct sides at this moment. One was the swaying crowds and ferocious demon figures in front of them, and the other was the dark and gloomy world of the sea of ​​blood.

At this time, in the world of blood sea, the fifth tortured giant had opened his eyes.

The blood-colored mist surrounding him had also cleared up, and all he could see was a sword piercing straight into his heart, making his expression one of pain and fear.

The numb lips trembled slightly, and endless murmurs echoed in Wei Wei's ears:

I will eventually pierce your heart with my sword,

Just because the sound of crying day and night lingers in my ears.

The flying demon has his wings torn off,

Kneel with me on the burning cross streets and repent to the innocent lamb...

When the murmurs sounded, the blood sea suddenly began to roll into waves, and a blood-red shadow emerged from the sea.

The sheep-faced demon appeared on his own initiative, his eyes about to open.

Said seven thousand words, actually seven thousand seven hundred words, rounded to eight thousand.

I'm still very diligent, right?

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