Scarlet Falls

Chapter 51 The Demon of Knowledge (Second Update)

The intense firepower suddenly disappeared, and the atmosphere in the carriage became surprisingly tense.

A second later, someone suddenly reacted, and the mercenary with one of his legs broken roared in pain at the top of his lungs.

The professional woman in the cab suddenly retracted her palm.

"Pastor Chen..."

The nun who shrank to the side screamed in horror, watching his body twitching and slowly becoming motionless.

This is a mentor-level life system transcendent, and he has endured enough impact in front of that white ghost.

Although he was injured now, he escaped from the city alive. As long as he is given a little buffer time and the power of the white ghost left in his wound is expelled, he can recover with his abnormal vitality, and even return immediately. to the peak of strength.

Now, is he dead like this?

Invisible panic frightened my heart.

"kill him……"

Suddenly, the professional woman in the cab in front and the nun with the horrific wound on her neck reacted and shouted at the same time.

Their reaction was extremely fast, and they reacted the moment the opponent fired a shot.

And it wasn't until the three of them rushed out of the carriage at the same time, each looking for an attack position, that the other male mercenaries who were still intact in the carriage suddenly reacted, jumped up quickly, and picked up the guns in their arms. , roared and continued to shoot forward.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

The bullet entered the car, which was not protected by the front window, causing a cloud of flakes and debris.

The head pendant was so frightening that the hair stood on end, and it finally fell off due to the vibration in the carriage and got stuck between the seats.

But it wasn't until the bullets were bombarded that the mercenary man realized that there was no one in the carriage.

After firing that astonishing shot, Wei Wei ran out of the carriage and rolled into the grass next to him.

Half a second after this, the two battle nuns and the professional woman in the truck reacted respectively. They jumped out of the rear compartment and the cab. Their bodies that looked delicate but actually contained fierce power arched up and quickly Scan the enemy's position.

But after all, they were half a second slower.

Wei Wei first captured their figures and pointed at the head of a nun from a distance of less than five meters.


This time there was no scarlet power, and only ordinary bullets flew out.

Well, the regular Green Goblin.

Mung Bean Flies.

But at such a close distance, the bullet reached the nun's temple in an instant.

A hole was about to be drilled, but she barely had time to react.

But no one expected that at the moment the gunshot rang out, the nun who had a knife cut on her neck but not fatally, who was also the leader of their combat team, suddenly reacted, and various flashes of light flashed through her eyes. Strange and twisted symbols.

The invisible force field was instantly activated and enveloped the nun who had not yet reacted.

Irrational fantasy.

The bullet that was destined to hit the back of the opponent's head was suddenly affected by mental power, and its trajectory was deflected. The deflection was not large, only a few centimeters, but it did not penetrate her head, but grazed her. The right corner of his eye flew past.


Her eyes were scratched by bullets, and the bridge of her nose was also scratched. It was bloody and horrific.

But she survived after all.

He turned around, stared at Wei Wei with his only remaining eye, and said:



It was like a bullet was shot from the eye, hitting Wei Wei's brain.

Awareness Bullets.

People who are polluted by the demon of knowledge will suddenly become studious, curious, and question many things in the initial stage.

There are more and more weird thoughts in my head, and my perception and observation of my surroundings become extremely clear.

In the first stage of being seriously contaminated and mastering the power of demons, various abilities such as consciousness bullets, weakness peeping, memory sharing, etc. will be awakened. The details will depend on the subtle differences between the will and thinking of the contaminated person. .

But in the second stage, powerful abilities such as irrational illusions will be born.

This ability can instantly forcibly distort the properties, movement trajectories, etc. of some surrounding things.

It only works for a moment, but it's very scary.

Wei Wei's shot hit the one-eyed nun in the back of the head, and she used this power to distort the trajectory of the bullet.

But if she is powerful enough, she can even twist the properties of a bullet and turn it into a drop of water.

What this nun displayed at this moment was an irrational fantasy.

It's just that she is in a very poor condition and can only capture the trajectory of the bullet in an instant and distort its flight path.

Even so, she was not relaxed. At this moment, the blood in her neck spattered violently.

And then, the one-eyed nun’s ability was:

Awareness Bullets.

Turn a certain part of your consciousness into a bullet and instantly drive it into your opponent's mind.

If one shot failed, he would have to change his position immediately.

But at this moment, Wei Wei suddenly paused.

An inexplicable thought came to his mind: "Stand here and don't move."

It was during the fierce confrontation that he was on alert. He shouldn't have had such thoughts at all, but this thought suddenly appeared in his brain, causing him to pause subconsciously for less than half a second. There were also gaps in the continuity of his movements. A sense of dislocation.


The professional woman had suddenly stood up, her high heels swishing on the ground, her body as precise as a machine.

In less than half a second, he rushed behind Wei Wei, stretched out his arms, and cut his neck with the dagger.

The moment Wei Wei woke up, he hadn't seen the knife slashing at the back of his neck.

Ordinary people would always shrink their necks subconsciously, but Wei Wei suddenly stood up straight, and the dagger immediately cut his back.

The armed protective clothing worn inside the coat immediately withstood the cutting force of the knife. However, the force used by the other party was too clever and actually cut through the extremely flexible protective clothing and cut Wei Wei's skin almost open. Deep into the spine.

The second state of the regular demon system.

Only the Demon of Law can run out four to five meters in half a second.

Only they can make the dagger in their hands display a sharpness and threat that is far beyond normal.


The pain made Wei Wei excited and his mind became extremely clear.

Even the bloodshot threads spreading from the wound had a hint of madness.

He suddenly turned around and raised his elbow, blocking the opponent's arm holding the dagger, and at the same time smashed the opponent's chin.

But the moment he turned around, the woman in a professional suit had quickly moved out of the way. Her movements were astonishingly flexible. Not only did she avoid Wei Wei's elbow strike in advance, she even turned behind Wei Wei and struck hard again. The knife was lifted up and pierced into his spine.

The feeling of the dagger just now told her that Wei Wei was wearing protective clothing.

But it doesn't matter, use the dagger as a point and insert it heavily into the spinal joints. Even if it doesn't penetrate, it can make people paralyzed instantly.

But at this moment, there was a sudden "bang" gunshot.

The woman in business attire shook her body and looked blankly at her lower abdomen, where there was already an extra gun muzzle.

Wei Wei turned around with a black short gun in hand and smiled at her.

There was also a wound on his abdomen, and smoke was still coming out of the gun.

The turning and elbow attack was just a pretense. The moment he turned around, he reversed the muzzle of the gun and shot at himself. The powerful green bean fly instantly penetrated his lower abdomen and protective clothing, hitting the regular system that circled behind him. On the belly of the extraordinary.

Because she was taller, the shot was closer to her heart.

At this moment, Wei Wei smiled brightly. No matter how you behave, devil or something else, even if you are injured, your movements will be slowed down.

And the cell activity ability of his own memory has begun to repair the wound quickly.


The woman in professional attire looked at Wei Wei's gentle smiling face and felt a sense of horror in her heart.

Before he could react from the severe pain, the other party suddenly rushed in front of him.

Whether it was the wound torn apart by the bullet in her lower abdomen or the coagulant contained in the bullet, they all had an impact on her.

The movement was slow for a moment, and Wei Wei grabbed her arm in an instant, and then hit it against the joint, breaking the entire arm. The next moment, Wei Wei turned around, put his knee on her lower abdomen, and then used her as a shield, quickly Rushing towards the one-eyed nun ahead.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

As he rushed forward, he kept pulling the trigger, and bullets entered her abdomen one by one.

"not good……"

The two nuns behind him were instantly shocked.

They didn't expect that, with two of them helping to keep an eye on the situation, and a professional suit with a second-state ability user of the Law System, they would be caught so quickly in close combat. The sound of gunshots directly caused them to lose control. They felt frightened.

Countless runes flashed in his eyes, and demonic power instantly covered them.

Wei Wei, who quickly pulled the trigger and charged forward with the woman in a professional suit, suddenly froze.

Countless translucent iron chains running horizontally and vertically appeared in front of him, blocking the way.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of fine spiritual power spread out like an electric wave.

Wei Wei was in an uncontrollable daze, and just when he was about to continue moving forward, he opened his eyes and saw rusty and sharp iron nails everywhere around him. They were growing on the ground layer by layer, in the dark. At night, there was a chilling light.

There should be no nails on the ground, only weeds here.

But the opponent's irrational fantasy ability turned all the weeds into steel nails.

Irrational fantasy.

Only this time it was more powerful, turning the grass into steel nails.

Movement was suddenly restricted, and the space for movement was also locked.

In the distance, mercenaries with guns in their arms were already roaring and charging towards Wei Wei with bullets whistling towards them.

This time is indeed different from the last time the Black Goat family was just a few stupid young people.

What we are encountering now are extraordinary people who have received professional training, even specially trained for confrontation.


With a life-and-death crisis hanging over his head, Wei Wei suddenly became excited.

The demonic system of knowledge.

The system of laws and demons.

Plus five mercenaries with fierce firepower...

All of them are flashy and weird, and you can’t be wary of their weird abilities...

Not like my own scarlet.

Apart from killing, there is no use at all...

Thinking of this, the bloodshot eyes in his eyes suddenly became fine, and he suddenly reached out and grabbed the iron chain.

The bloodshot threads began to spread crazily upward.

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