Scarlet Falls

Chapter 52 Demon Believers (Third Update)

"How can this be?"

The one-eyed nun opposite was shocked and even staggered back.

Her eyes widened as she watched the strange blood threads on the iron chain instantly cover it. With every inch covered, the iron chain became more real, with blood threads wrapped around it and attached to the surface of the iron chain, forming a There are dark red patterns, squirming strangely.

The iron chain is illusory, it is one's own ability, but how can it be really held by the other party.

Even, the moment it was covered with blood, he lost contact with himself?

But before she could react, Wei Wei suddenly pushed forward the woman in professional attire who was using her hand as a shield.

Immediately after, the scarlet iron chain in his hand rolled towards him like a scarlet python.

The knowledge demon system is not good at strengthening the body, and she has no time to dodge regardless of her speed or agility.

The red iron chain instantly entangled her and pulled her in front of Wei Wei.


At the same moment, the nun with a wound on her neck suddenly looked frightened and stumbled back.


"You are a believer of the devil..."



Facing her extremely frightened tone, half of Wei Wei's face poked out from behind the head of the one-eyed nun who was being treated.

With a gentle smile on his face, but his eyes were bloodshot, he slowly pointed at her temple.

His voice was even gentle: "So you are the ones looking for me?"


"Devil, you are a devil..."

The remaining nun suddenly screamed crazily, her eyes filled with anger and fear.

The Twelve Demons is the name of the Foundation.

The fanatical believers wandering in the wilderness never do. They always firmly believe that they worship the twelve main gods.

Therefore, in this world where demons are everywhere, the word "devil" rarely appears in their mouths.

But at this moment, the nun shouted these two words with a horrified expression.

And the next moment, she suddenly saw the red monster, no, the devil, suddenly shoot with a "pop" sound.

The one-eyed nun slowly fell to the ground with a desperate expression on her face.

The demon pushed her into the hail of bullets coming from a distance, and then jumped out with a strange figure.

"Chi chi chi..."

His feet directly stepped on the surrounding steel nails that had distorted their properties, and blood spattered.


A real painful current stimulates the brain.

But he seemed to be more excited, his speed was getting faster and faster, and the bloodshot blood on his body was getting more and more crazy.

He may not be as sensitive and precise as the God-giver of the law system, but he has a kind of swiftness full of murderous intent and madness.

The scarlet chain swung out in an instant, cutting off a mercenary who was holding a submachine gun and sweeping away.

It wrapped around him fiercely and strangled another mercenary's neck.

Scarlet Demon.

Living by killing, everything is just for killing.

Therefore, they are said to be able to turn anything into a killing weapon. Even if the iron chain just now was just imagined by their companion through their abilities, as long as it is stained with his blood, it will become real and become what it is used for. weapons of massacre...

He has killed more and more people, and the more he kills, the more excited he becomes.

This is not confrontation, this is simply massacre.

That monster is treating its companions as prey...

In her anger, she suddenly rushed over desperately, not even caring about the wound on her neck. She opened her hands fiercely, and towards the bloody monster flying in the air, she displayed her third state as the knowledge devil. A powerful ability:

Spiritual baptism.

Huge mental turbulence surged toward Wei Wei in the air like a wave.

Detailed and weird language is mixed in, and every syllable seems to have its own mission and consciousness.

Spiritual baptism, the most powerful ability in the mentor stage of the knowledge demon system.

Every demon system, the first three states, will have a maximum ability.

They do not recognize the foundation's simple and crude status classification. Instead, they continue the rigorous and regular title of "Blessed One of God" from the Twelve Gods Church, naming the first three states of extraordinary beings as: Believer, deacon, teacher.

Among them, only those who have mastered the most powerful abilities in the first three stages can be called true mentors.

The knowledge demon system, this ability is: spiritual baptism.

Through spiritual baptism, the opponent's memory, consciousness, heart, and self can all be erased and turned into an idiot.

Then you can instill your own ideas and make them your believers.

As the only mentor-level disciple in the combat group, the nun should not have used this ability.

She was seriously injured just now and her injuries haven't healed yet.

At this time, spiritual baptism was exerted, and intensive spiritual power surged out instantly, but the wound on her neck also suddenly spurted out blood.

But, she couldn't care anymore.

As he walked forward to greet them, he shouted loudly: "Go quickly, go back and report to the dean."

The others were already frightened when facing the twisted monster in the sky, and they couldn't even try to stay.

Hearing the nun's cry, they quickly rushed towards the distant wilderness without thinking. Some people even glanced at the truck with nostalgia, and then shook their heads angrily. As soon as the monster came up, it destroyed their truck first. Are you just trying to prevent them from escaping?

They could only rely on their two legs and rushed into the wilderness crazily.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

But all they heard was the twisted, strange laughter that seemed to follow their ears.

Scarlet shadows wandered among the grass.

It's harvest time.

"Devil, where are you..."

The nun cursed fiercely and chased after the scarlet devil, the wound on her neck staining her clothes red.

A shrill scream came from his mouth, the surrounding air instantly became twisted and fine, and the grass broke in the middle.

However, when she rushed over, the surroundings were quiet.

The weeds were swaying, but there was no trace of that man at all. Where had he gone?

She already felt like she couldn't hold on any longer, and she screamed unconsciously, but she only heard screams from time to time around her.

Sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right.

Sometimes, there is even a gap of forty or fifty meters between two screams.

Until the screams around her became less and less and the surrounding became quieter and quieter, a strong panic arose in her heart.

Where is that demon?

She stumbled after him, waving feebly at the surrounding weeds.

She clearly had a higher level of power than that demon, but she was unable to use it.

Is it because my worship of God is not pious enough?

Otherwise, why would I be afraid at this moment?




Her voice was hoarse and she screamed desperately: "Don't run away..."

Until then, she suddenly felt two strong lights coming towards her.

"Who is she calling crazy?"

In the jeep, Wei Wei lit a cigarette and took a slow puff. The blood around him gradually converged and seeped back into his wound bit by bit. There was no madness anywhere, only the calmest look in his eyes, death. Staring at the nun in the wilderness.

"The third state of the knowledge demon?"

He shook his head slightly: "It's really scary..."

I still dare not provoke the knowledge demon's third state ability.

Even though the Knowledge Demon is not a system good at head-on confrontation.

But the gap between ranks is there, and if you are not careful, you may fall into the pit.

So I have always been cautious.

A certain second state who had just come alone to hunt down a battle group with two third state extraordinary beings was thinking silently in his heart.

In the distance, the nun's scream was painful and desperate, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

So, he slowly threw away the cigarette butt, and then stepped on the accelerator hard.

Like a crazy beast, the modified jeep retreated with a roar, and then rushed directly into the grass.

Bloodshot seeped into the steering wheel and then into the body of the car.

This caused the modified jeep to gain even more powerful momentum, roaring and rushing towards the nun in the wilderness.

"Damn, damn..."

The nun among the grass looks like a target without obstacles.

She looked as weak as an ant in front of the jeep that was rushing towards her crazily. The contrast was extremely strong.

But she bit her lip and drew blood, and looked angrily at Wei Wei, who was holding a cigarette in the jeep with an even somewhat relaxed expression.

He stretched out his two hands in despair, and huge spiritual power surged forward.


The wheels of the jeep skidded on the ground, as if encountering invisible resistance, and lifted into the air little by little.

The nun's spiritual power was exerted to the extreme, and her eyes had turned white.

This was a critical moment between life and death, and the powerful demonic power even allowed her to exert a level of strength that she had never been able to achieve before.

She actually relied on her mental strength to lift a vehicle weighing nearly three to four thousand kilograms into the air.

But at this moment, the blood on the wound on her neck seemed to be under terrible pressure, and it spattered outward crazily.

Then she lifted her into the jeep in mid-air, and Wei Wei raised his gun expressionlessly. .

The nun's eyes suddenly turned desperate, and her bitten lips were trembling slightly at this moment.

Wei Wei looked directly into her eyes quietly and suddenly showed a gentle smile.

"Why do you even take advantage of children?"

His voice was very soft: "They just want to grow up..."

The nun's eyes suddenly became dull.


Wei Wei pulled the trigger, and the spiritual power in front of the nun became scattered.

"Bah bah bah bah bah bah..."

Wei Wei shot one after another, and the bullets hit the nun one after another as if they were free.

The jeep fell to the ground with a rumble. Wei Wei got out of the car, replaced the bullets, and continued to bombard her.

He didn't stop until the twitching in her body disappeared after beating her, there were no longer any weird murmurs around her, the grass stopped swaying, and there was no movement except for the slight tremor when the gunshot sounded. He lowered his hand to pull the trigger.

There are many ways to deal with the Demonic Extraordinary, so there is no harm in adding a few more shots.

After all, I am just a poor scarlet type, not as flashy as others.

Apart from killing, there is no use at all...

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