Scarlet Falls

Chapter 53 Frog Mouth Knight


The bullets were empty and the man was completely dead.

Wei Wei then leaned forward and leaned against the door of the jeep. The smile on his face disappeared and his breathing gradually became heavier.

He was not injured, and even the wound in the lower abdomen had been repaired.

But at this moment, he still looked very weak, and there was a strong feeling of emptiness in his heart.

Even the gun in his hand seemed extremely heavy at this moment.

His heart was like a drum, roaring constantly.

He could feel an unreasonable hunger, roaring from within his body like a wild beast.

"Is it so difficult to deal with a knowledge demon in the third state now?"

A gloomy voice sounded, it was a human head pendant.

It was stuck in the gap between the seats, with only one eye exposed, looking at Wei Wei sideways with a deep gaze.

"I am only in the second state, and the level division is the Scarlet Butler."

Wei Wei took a breath and then smiled: "Isn't it normal for it to be difficult to deal with a demon mentor in the third state?"

"But this is just the mentor of the knowledge demon."

The head pendant snorted coldly and said, "What if it's law, fate, or even war?"


Wei Wei hesitated and said with a smile: "Maybe it will be more difficult?"

"you will die."

The head pendant whispered: "In order to come back, you paid a high price."

"It's not a price."

Wei Wei smiled and said, "It's not my thing in the first place, I just took it back."

"But you returned to the most dangerous third city defense line in this state."

The head pendant sneered: "This is the front line facing the wilderness, full of crazy believers and depraved monsters."

"Haha, I thought you were very suitable here, because here you can hold the promotion ceremony without any scruples, but now I understand that in your current weak state, you still do things so crazily, and in the end you just It will kill you..."


"Making trouble..."

Wei Wei reached out and picked up the head pendant and hung it on the rearview mirror again with a serious expression:

"Although we are all friends, I have to warn you, don't use such words that are easily misunderstood..."

"I'm just a good law-abiding citizen..."



The head pendant sneered: "Then what are you doing now?"


Wei Wei glanced at the chaotic battlefield around him and pondered: "Do you fulfill the obligations of a citizen with a sense of justice?"

The head pendant grinned. Just when he was about to speak, he suddenly noticed something and closed his mouth instantly.

He also closed his eyes and quietly made a death head.

Wei Wei also noticed something and turned his head sharply.

In the wilderness, a dark wind blew.

Except for two jeep lights that shot straight into the sky, the surroundings seemed to be dark.

And, it’s getting darker.

There seemed to be rustling sounds all around, and endless ghostly black shadows were swimming in the air like sea fish.

Wei Wei slowly turned his head and looked in one direction.

The grass under the night cover slowly parted, revealing a tall figure standing in the grass more than ten meters away.

It was covered with a thick layer of silver armor, and it was sitting astride a vehicle that was nearly twice as tall as an ordinary motorcycle. The most important thing was that the huge and ferocious motorcycle was obviously a machine, but it had Part of the tissue is similar to flesh and blood, covering the car body.

You can even see that there is a bright red heart right next to the engine, thumping, thumping, beating powerfully.

The people in the car were very quiet, wearing round and flat frog-mouth helmets on their heads, and cold eyes shot out from the horizontal slits.

Like a strange mountain peak in the darkness, it stood there quietly.

From the cracks in the silver armor, a strong smell of blood came out, and the surrounding grass withered and curled up bit by bit.

Wei Wei felt the dangerous feeling in him that hit his soul.

He raised his head slightly, took a puff of cigarette, and then exhaled the smoke, slowly dissipating in the wilderness.

The gaze of the knight in the frog-mouthed helmet slowly swept across the corpses lying on the ground around him, and the aura on his body became increasingly colder.

He suddenly made a noise, looked up at Wei Wei, and said slowly: "A citizen with a sense of justice?"

Wei Weidao: "Yeah."

The frog-mouthed knight took a deep look at Wei Wei, suddenly let out a chuckle, and turned around to leave.

"Me too……"



After her terrifying breath disappeared behind the grass, Wei Wei spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth and looked forward blankly.


He spoke at the same time as the head hanging in the carriage, in disbelief.

The other party has left, but the oppressive aura and power still make the surrounding air much thicker.

Even in a small place like Scrap Iron City, there are so many monster-like existences?

Wei Wei narrowed his eyes.


It should be said that it is precisely because a small marginal town like Scrap Iron City is located at the junction of wilderness and spiritual barrier.

Inside are strict spiritual barriers, and outside are fanatical believers and knights wandering in the wilderness. The complex forces have created a mixed environment here. The more such a place is, the easier it is to hide some unknown things. The twisted monsters...

This is really... so interesting.

"Okay, whoever that guy is, he doesn't look like a match."

"We should get down to business now."


After resting for a while, Wei Wei sighed softly, then rolled up his sleeves and began to clean the battlefield.

The good thing is that we are not in a scrap iron city now, and there is no need to wipe the floor carefully. However, scattered blood stains, broken corpses and other too obvious traces still need to be cleaned up. Everyone has the responsibility to protect the environment. Responsible.

"It's so annoying..."

The head pendant had a look of disgust on its face and rolled down into the pile of corpses, but its eyes shone with excitement and even surprise.

While slowly opening his mouth, he began to devour the corpse on the ground while muttering dissatisfiedly:

"Actually, next time you can beat them half to death and give it to me before their demonic power dissipates."

"This way I can charge you less..."


"I always thought you knew everything..."

Wei Wei, who was squatting on the ground cleaning the traces, turned back to look at him and said with a smile: "But now I find that you seem to be missing something."


Wei Weidao: "There is a little missing number..."


The head pendant choked him instantly. He wanted to refute but was reluctant to open his mouth, so he could only devour the corpse on the ground.

It would not move, only the opening and closing of its lips, and the swallowing of its tongue, so Wei Wei kept picking up the stumps and broken arms around him and throwing them in front of it, watching it greedily pick up the pieces. The corpse swallowed it and then licked the blood around its mouth.

Watching it is very relaxing...

Some people like to play Xiaoxiaole and Snake. Is this the same mentality?

On the other hand, the head pendants eating next to him were all going crazy when they saw Wei Wei's satisfied and excited expression.

It's just because of dining etiquette that you can't scold the cook while eating, so it's hard to say anything to him.

I saw corpses one after another being swallowed by the human head pendant, which was no bigger than a fist. However, its body had only grown in size, and it was eager to devour the corpse of the last nun. Wei next to it Wei suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him.

"What happened again?"

The head pendant was astonished. This was the knowledge system instructor level, which was the most beneficial to him.

"I'm still useful..."

Wei Wei smiled and replied: "The matter is not over yet, leave her here and say hello to the other party."

The head pendant's eyes lit up and he laughed.

"You are really a madman..."

It sighed, noticed Wei Wei's unkind eyes, and added with a smile: "But I really like it..."

After cleaning the battlefield and carefully removing information that should not be seen by others, Wei Wei carefully placed the body of the nun with the most combat effectiveness on the truck so that the other party could see the nun's body when they came over. With a desperate face and numerous bullet holes on his body that looked very scary, he clapped his hands, returned to the jeep, and whistled all the way back to the city.

"ding" "ding" "ding"

Just after returning to the city limits and not even entering the last few miles, several messages came in one after another on the phone.

They are all records of someone trying to contact me.

There are also two words sent by Captain Ouyang: "Call back!"


Wei Wei, who looked relaxed just now, took the phone and thought about it for a while, his expression looked a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong?"

The head pendant, which had just finished eating and was sleeping on the rearview mirror, immediately opened its eyes and looked around curiously.

This thing looks less and less like a demonic taboo.

Wei Wei held the phone and frowned tightly: "How will I explain to the leader when I go back?"

The head pendant was also a little confused: "You've already killed everyone and you're talking about this?"

"I just got carried away, so I didn't think much about it."

Wei Wei took a deep breath and said: "It took a long time to come out this time. The captain must have known about it, and he must not have been able to hide it..."

Then he glared at the head pendant: "You know a lot, give me some ideas."

The head pendant looked at Wei Wei blankly, and it actually looked like a human being. He took a deep breath and let it out from the neck.

"What a great batch..."

It looked at Wei Wei with emotion and said: "For so many years, you have asked me how I gained extraordinary power, how I suppressed demonic attributes, how I made sacrifices, how I poisoned an entire city to death quietly, and everything. But Ask me how I fooled the leader..."

"...You are really the first."



"Ding Lingling..."

Before he could finish speaking, the phone suddenly rang, showing a sense of anxiety.

Captain Ouyang.

Wei Wei glanced at the head pendant, sighed helplessly, and picked up the phone: "Hello, captain..."

"Xiao Wei, where are you? Are you okay?"

Captain Ouyang came up with a series of questions: "Why don't you answer the phone?"

The face of the head pendant curled up with a smile of schadenfreude.

Wei Wei sighed helplessly and suddenly said: "Captain, I just chased a group of suspects out of the city..."


Captain Ouyang's voice suddenly rose three or four times, even a little trembling: "Then what?"

"I didn't catch up."

Wei Wei smiled and said: "Their firepower is too fierce."

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