Scarlet Falls

Chapter 67 Black Collar

Wang Mo frowned and felt a very uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

But he quickly adjusted his mood, reached out and got out of the car, and headed towards his destination.

Although he owns a bar, and after finishing this job, he has the freedom to leave Scrap Iron City and go to other places to establish himself, but because so many of the drinkers are acquaintances, he still decided to go somewhere else. Take a look at the bar...

As for the man he met at the door just now, he didn't take it too seriously.

Maybe it's just an illusion?

Even if not, I haven't made a move for many years. After so many years as an ordinary person, no one can control me.

Besides, I had already prepared a lot for this day.

He took a taxi and found a newly opened bar. As soon as he entered the door, he saw all kinds of beautiful girls. He felt very happy, but he did not rush to start. Instead, he ordered a cocktail, sat at the bar, and slowly Slowly looking for prey.

From time to time, people around him cast admiring glances, but Wang Mo ignored them.

Many of them have their own favorite types, but I have to choose prey according to another standard.

What a pity...

...The girl riding a pink electric scooter I met in front of the bar today was simply the best.

If you offer her up, he will definitely be satisfied.

Maybe, I will still have a chance later?

After all, she looked at herself for a while before leaving and took away her business card.

Maybe she will contact him.

If you have prepared enough before you, then offer her up.

If it was after that, maybe he could stay?

Thinking of these wonderful fantasies, Wang Mo suddenly felt very good and became motivated for tonight's hunting.

In the drunkenness, he slowly selected the girl who suited him.

Don’t want one that is too mediocre, don’t want one that is too old, and don’t want one that is too heavily made-up, which also does not meet your own standards.

Whether it is a debauched life or a strong desire in some aspects, it is not as suitable to be a sacrifice.

It's really interesting to say that except for some special beings who are said to be "blessed" at birth, most people only get such "blessings" if their desires in certain aspects are strong enough to attract the attention of some beings in the dark. "Talent", but after becoming such a gifted person, when choosing sacrifices, he is more willing to choose clean, pure, and unpolluted ones...

He patiently searches for his goals with great patience and grace.

He didn't notice that there was a person sitting in the corner not far behind him. His whole body was hidden in the shadows. His face could not be seen. He could only see a hand reaching out and slowly picking up a piece of potato chips. , a gentle "click" sounded in the darkness.

Wang Mo found his target.

She was sitting by the window of the bar, with a confused look in her eyes.

She ordered a cup of Long Island iced tea without alcohol, and looked at the lively men and women with curious and timid eyes.


Wang Mo held up his wine glass and elegantly came to the girl's side. He smiled and greeted her in a low voice.


The girl was startled for a moment. She had never experienced such a scene before and was a little panicked.

"Can I sit down?"

Wang Mo's voice seemed very magnetic, especially suitable for the atmosphere in this quiet bar.

"This is not very good..."

The girl was a little flustered and subconsciously wanted to refuse.

At this time, Wang Mo suddenly raised his hand naturally, as if with a hint of pampering, and gently pressed it on the girl's head, and even rubbed it. The girl was about to hide in panic. , but for some reason, she suddenly felt that this action seemed very natural, especially after this hand rubbed her head, she suddenly felt that something strange was growing.


She raised her head and said to Wang Mo with a smile, feeling that he had a kind of temperament that could not be ignored.

very attractive.

Wang Mo sat down with a smile and said, "Are you alone?"

"Ah, no, I made an appointment with a friend."

"Then, can you ask your friend not to come?"


When Wang Mo said this, he gently stretched out his hand to hold the girl's hand, and traced his index finger across the back of her palm.

The girl's pupils seemed to open slightly, which was a sign of extreme pleasure.

After a moment of confusion, she suddenly said happily: "Okay, I don't want her to show up tonight."

Wang Mo smiled: You who value sex over friends, you deserve to be targeted by love...

In the far corner, there was also a person smiling, his eyes shining.

When Wang Mo stretched out his palm, he also saw the rose on Wang Mo's wrist. Really...

...It seems!

Wang Mo chatted happily with the girl. Within two minutes, they already seemed like they had known each other for a long time.

A strange feeling arose in the girl's heart. Although there was still some resistance in her heart, under Wang Mo's gentle eyes and the glass of cocktail alcohol he took the initiative to order for her, these resistances melted away as quickly as the ice and snow in summer. .

The girl had a bad drinking capacity and soon became drunk.

Wang Mo felt very happy when he saw her looking at him shyly and nervously.

It made me feel happy to see her not refusing to move the chair next to her.

He felt very happy when he saw her leaning her head on his shoulder.

Then, the girl appeared in his smile and warm voice. She did not refuse his request to take her away, and even took the initiative to pay for the drink. When he called a taxi, Wang Mo's inner joy had reached the extreme. However, just as he was looking at the girl's eyes being filled with his own shadow with great satisfaction, he suddenly felt something again.

He suddenly turned his head and looked out the car window, and vaguely saw the figure of a man smoking a cigarette next to a telephone pole.

But when I calmed down, I found that there was nothing.


"Perhaps you are just an ordinary person who has been working for a long time, and you are subconsciously a little nervous?"

Wang Mo felt better when he saw the delicate face of the girl next to him, and gently pinched her nose.

He took the girl home, said he would give her a secret, and arranged for her to take a bath naturally. Although the girl was shy, she did not refuse at all. She felt that she was accepting the most wonderful thing in the world, and she could not resist the arrival of love. …

After watching the girl enter the bathroom with a smile, Wang Mo's face sank slightly.

He was still a little worried, so he quickly came to the safe and took out an oil painting covered with black cloth.

After opening it, I found an oil painting of a girl taking a bath.

In the portrait, the girl is sitting in the bathtub, holding bubbles in her hands, with a happy smile on her face.

There is a curtain next to the bathtub, but the curtain is not closed, and the bold posture of the bathing girl falls on the painting.

Wang Mo straightened her up in front of him, as if worshiping some god or a superior totem, and bowed to it three times.

Then he knelt on the ground and prayed silently.

Three seconds later, he opened his eyes and looked at the portrait, and found that the girl bathing was still there.

It's just that the posture is a little awkward, it seems a little different from before.

Then he breathed a long sigh of relief, bit his index finger, and dripped three drops of blood on it. The portrait greedily absorbed it, and quickly covered it with black cloth, then locked it in the safe and turned it around. When he arrived, his face was full of confidence.

The forbidden object of the third-level devil: the girl taking a bath.

If someone is watching her secretly, no matter in any form, the shy girl will jump out of the bathtub and run away.

If not, then keep bathing.

But there is a taboo. You must not see the girl running out of the bathtub.

Otherwise, she will come to your dreams at midnight and pull you to take a bath together until you drown in the bathtub and her tenderness.

Of course, he didn't know.

During the three seconds he closed his eyes, the girl wanted to run over...

...and sat back down again with a gun pointed at him.

When the girl got dressed and came out of the bathroom, she saw that the living room had been decorated with candles, rose petals, red wine, a heart-shaped cherry cake, some dark silk, and some kind of strong but intoxicating liquor. The aroma filled the air, and at some point, a huge black curtain was drawn up in front of the wall behind him, with a mysterious but alluring aura...

Standing in the middle of a circle of candles, Wang Mo stretched out his hand to her. The candlelight shone on him, which was both mysterious and elegant.

With the courage to pursue the greatest happiness, she rushed into the candlelight.

"Do you love me?"

Wang Mo looked at the deeply intoxicated girl in front of him and asked gently with a magnetic voice.

The girl closed her eyes and nodded slightly.

A cold smile slowly appeared on Wang Mo's face, and he whispered: "Then are you willing to dedicate yourself to me?"

The girl just nodded shyly.

"speak out!"

"I...I do!"


"very good……"

Wang Mo's voice suddenly became very pleasant, and at the same time, the girl suddenly felt a cold feeling on her neck, and there was a snapping sound.

She opened her eyes suddenly and saw that Wang Mo had quietly retreated and walked out of the candle circle. When she looked at the mirror opposite, she found that at some point, a black leather strap had been put on her neck. A collar with a ring of iron nails.

Just when he didn't know what to do, the smile on Wang Mo's face suddenly disappeared, and he turned around and pulled the huge black curtain.

It was pulled open violently, revealing a semi-transparent glass wall.

Inside, six girls without any clothes were sitting on their knees in the glass window, each wearing a black collar around their neck.


The girl was frightened by this horrifying scene and wanted to scream, but found that she could not make a sound at all.

Not only the voice, but also the body seemed to be out of control.

"Go in, there's a place for you there."

Wang Mo smiled, and the smile on his face gradually turned cold, like a complacent hunter.

This batch of sacrifices will be enough soon...

He was so happy that he wanted to lead the girl to her destination.

But the moment he turned around and came back, he suddenly felt a strong feeling of heart palpitations.

Turning my head suddenly, I saw a person clinging tightly to the French window, with a happy expression on his face.

Much happier than him.

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